Completion Chapter 226


My father waited inside my apartment. He and his security team had made a surprise visit to check on my new team. A man delivering a bouquet of flowers tried to enter the building at the same time as my father. Lilies. He carried a full bouquet of lilies. When my father questioned him, the man ran. A security member followed while the other remained with my father and called the police. Because he was a U.S. Senator, half the police department showed up.

They caught the man with the flowers. The lead detective in Bethany's homicide investigation had interviewed him. He wasn't my stalker and ran only because he had an outstanding warrant. He did have a vague description of Bethany's murderer or at least I hoped it was him. The man who paid him wore a dark hoodie that obscured most of his face. He was somewhere between five ten and six foot with a medium build. The flower guy hadn't looked too closely; he was more interested in fifty bucks and another fifty after he delivered the flowers. The detective told me there could be a middleman involved in the transaction, so they were not assuming they had a description of Ty. The police continued monitoring the location where the money was to change hands a few blocks away in case someone showed up.

I could read between the lines and knew there was a good chance my father saved the idiot's life. If it was Ty handing over the money, he wouldn't leave someone alive who could possibly identify him. I didn't have a chance to see the flower guy; by the time Brack and I arrived, he was on his way to jail for the warrant.

I had so many unanswered questions. Where was my security at the night club? How did Brack know I was there? My answers unfortunately had to wait. With the police and my father in the same vicinity, the press swarmed like bees.


To top things off, I stood in an indecent dress with no underwear and Brack's shirt wouldn't button. And, I don't know why my brain was going there, but if I hadn't swallowed, I'd probably have cum in my hair. We looked like a hooker and her john.

I watched Brack talk with my father completely at ease in his state of dress, or undress actually. Brack calmly answered my father's questions about the new security measures taken in the past twenty-four hours to protect me. Brack knew every detail of what was going on. Yep, the man had better have some good answers for me when I got him alone.

"Maybe you should change your clothes, Olivia," my father said with a tight politically correct smile.

Hah! I knew that tone. "I'll only be a moment," I said as I turned around on my slutty heels and left the living room. I put on panties, jeans, bra, and a t-shirt. When I walked back into the room, Brack was telling my father about the attack on Mack.

"He used a police issue Taser. After he incapacitated my partner, he beat him half to death. The police are checking leads on the Taser."

Hell, my stomach flip-flopped. This guy was a cop.

Brack glanced at me and most likely read the look on my face. "Tasers and police equipment are stolen all the time. Having a police issue Taser doesn't mean this guy is a cop. I'm sure the police aren't ruling it out, though."

I heard the clearing of a throat again and turned. The detective who led us upstairs leaned in closer to me. "We've been trying to arrange a time to speak with you, Ms. Stradmore. Would tomorrow morning in my office work?" His tone said it wasn't actually a question.

It made sense that I needed to be interviewed, but this was the first I'd heard of it. I cast a piqued look to my father and Brack.


Brack stepped away from my dad and turned to the detective. "If Ms. Stradmore is up to it, Detective Fuller, you may come by here in the morning and interview her. She will not be going downtown."

The detective pressed his lips together and gave a nod. Dealing with a senator's daughter could not be easy. And, wow, Brack didn't just handle my father with confidence, he expertly directed the detective.

I raised my eyebrows fighting a smile. "I'll have coffee ready any time after nine, detective."

"Thank you, Ms. Stradmore. I'll be here then."

Things began breaking up after that. I just wish my dad was in a hurry to leave. I yawned hoping he'd get the hint. No such luck. My father had his security team step out my front door after the detective left. "Have a seat, Olivia."

His demand had my temper elevating. Brack's gentle squeeze on my shoulder kept me from snapping back. I took a breath and silently counted to ten. "You have a seat, Daddy, while I make tea."

"I'll handle the tea," Brack said on his way to the kitchen. "Where do you keep it?"

So much for safety in numbers. Brack wasn't stepping between me and the senator. "It's in the far left cabinet. Teapot's on the burner," I volunteered because I knew I wasn't getting out of this conversation. My quest to make tea was only a delay tactic.

I sighed wearily. "Choose your words carefully, Daddy. It's late and I don't want to regret my response." The best way to handle my father was to set boundaries.

"Don't pull attitude with me, Olivia."

I didn't say this technique worked. "I'm no longer a teenager, Dad."

His face reddened. "Then don't act like a child. There is a psychopath after you. He's killed two people and he won't stop. Knowing all this, you went to a night club? Are you out of your mind?"

"So you're good if I stay home to get killed." I didn't allow my father to answer. "He waited for me outside your home and managed to break in after running me over. He came here while I was out. My being away was the safer scenario. The problem I have is that you came here. I know you're paying my security, but you can let someone else handle check-ups on my team. I'm sick of-"

"I'll be taking care of her team again, sir. I'll also be staying here with her in the apartment until we take this guy down."

I was too tired to get up and punch Brack for interfering. My father gave me a look that would have grown men quaking in their boots. Surprisingly, he pivoted on his heels and walked to my front door. He turned to Brack before making his grand exit. "Take her back to wherever you had her before if you need to. I couldn't care less about her tennis season. I want her safe and if you back down again, Brack, someone else will take your place permanently. Have I made myself clear?"

"Perfectly clear, Senator Stradmore."

After a final glare in my direction, my father threw open the door and slammed it behind him. I bit my lip against an evil smile. "He doesn't know about the pictures at the night club yet, so you're safe for a few hours."

Brack walked over and tousled my hair. "He doesn't scare me. I'm actually disappointed he didn't stay for tea. Not that I made any," he said with a grin. He placed his hand out. "Come on, sleepyhead, we're going to bed."

"I thought you'd never ask."

"To sleep."

"That's what you think."

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