Completion Chapter 223


The new team took over. Alex Brovitch introduced himself and asked if we could sit down and talk.

"What is it you're looking for in a security detail?" he asked after we settled.

He was nothing like Brack. Whereas Brack was large with an imposing presence, this guy would fit in just about anywhere. He looked to be in his early forties, but it was hard to tell. His dark brown eyes were direct. He didn't smile or look like he had any sense of humor at all. My gut twisted with regret. "I want you to stay in the background. I need to train and I need my privacy."

"Mr. Jacobs provided your file. Is there anything you wish to add?" Still no smile. This guy was all business.

I could just imagine what was in the file. I refused to ask. "No, I'm sure Mr. Jacobs' records cover everything. He's quite thorough." In bed with every inch of my body, I thought with a heavy heart. Another twist tightened my belly before I thought of something else. "Do you have any information on the condition of the man attacked by my stalker two days ago?"

"No, ma'am, but I can find out. Mr. Jacobs said to call with any questions or if issues arise."

Issues. He reduced me to an issue. I deserved it and it hurt. "Don't bother Mr. Jacobs. My father will get me the information." I wouldn't ask. I needed to cut all ties with Brack and his men. "I want to return to my apartment today."

"I have men there now. I'll suggest security measures and leave the decisions of the extent you want us to take in your hands."

I'm sure my father handed down this dictate. Dear Daddy must have heard the determination in my voice. I would run if interfered with. I needed Ty to come after me head on. I refused to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life or endanger more people.


As soon as Alex left, I nicknamed him the anti-hulk. I was back to name calling because it kept me unattached. I refused to think of my new security detail as more than a nuisance. If something bad happened to one of them, it wouldn't matter to me.

Liar, liar pants on fire.

Two hours later, I stood in my apartment looking around. I agreed to cameras on my back balcony and outside the front door. None inside the apartment. A shiver crossed my skin at the thought of what Ty witnessed on his cameras. I mentally shook myself. No thinking back, only forward. It's not like I'd be having sex in my apartment again. It wasn't the thought of someone watching, though. It was that I would never make love to Brack again.

Living on the fifth floor gave me some protection. Ty wasn't Spiderman, so he'd need to enter the front door of the building. A van would remain parked downstairs. I had three seconds to take Ty out. The guys in the van would be too late and that's how I wanted it.

Alex or one of his men would accompany me to the country club where I trained. They would also shadow me anywhere else I went when I left my apartment. I agreed to one-hour notice if I decided to take a jog or go shopping. Ty's best chance at me was my apartment. It fit my plan.

I called Jerry and heard the relief in his voice. "Olivia, baby. It's about time."

I cringed over his use of Brack's endearment. "I'm ready for you to kick my ass. Get a few practice partners lined up."

"Is this afternoon too soon?"

"Not soon enough."

I dreaded my next call, but bit the bullet anyway.


"The world must be coming to an end. What's up, bitch?" Valery said with her usual air of superiority.

I went straight to the point. "I'm not sure if you've heard about my stalker. He's killed two people. My friends, or in your case not so friendly acquaintances, could be on the list."

"Wow, Daddy must be keeping this quiet in the media."

Valery climbed the tennis ladder without the help of rich family. Secretly, I'd always admired her for what she'd accomplished. Aloud was a different story. "Dad's good at that. Keep your eyes open. I have little info on this guy, but if you have any type of security, my team will share information."

Her laugh rubbed my last nerve. "Daddy's money strikes again. Must be nice not footing any bills. My current sex partner is a black belt in Taekwondo. I think she can handle it. If you need some pointers, I'm sure she'd be up for a threesome anytime you are." More laughter followed this statement.

I disconnected the call knowing I'd done all I could. I didn't expect much from Valery. The reason I won the majority of our matches was because she didn't take me seriously. My silver spoon grated on her. I often wondered why she chose tennis. She was talented and could compete at any sport she wanted. Roller derby was more her style.

Cat fight anyone?

I took a long shower, shaved my pits, legs, and feminine bits preparing to wear my skimpiest practice outfit.

Come and get me, asshole.


It was hard not to look over my shoulder or peer into corners in the dressing room at the club. I tried being as covert as possible when I did glance around. I wasn't stupid and wanted to see him coming. I just somehow knew showing no fear would piss him off. Ty was all about fear and I refused to play his game. He was in my court now. My two current bodyguards remained unobtrusive, though everyone in the vicinity knew they were there and that's how I wanted it.

Practice was shaky at best. Jerry's yelling didn't help my frayed nerves. I ribbed him on purpose even knowing the outcome. "Let up, old man. The only practice I've had during the past month is racquetball."

"Racquetball? You played a sport designed for apes? I should quit and then where would you be? Begging that's where." His face grew redder as his tirade continued. I was only half listening. I would swear a feather rubbed against the bare skin on my back. Without thinking, I spun around. Brack stood there. I watched one of the security guys walk over. Brack flashed his identification, said a few words, and left.

What the hell was that about?

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