Completion Chapter 222


My heart rate had tripledthe large room made smaller by Brack's anger. I calmed myself just enough to hide my trepidation with a mask of stubbornness. "You knew this was coming. This guy wants me. You've done what you can by teaching me to defend myself. He'll pick off the people in my life one after the other. Your cousin is in intensive care because of me. His parents came close to losing their son." I placed my hand out when Brack came closer.

"This isn't a game, Olivia. This guy will kill you or, like I said, do worse. And that's only before he kills you. He's sick. My job is to keep you safe."

This was it. I had to get through his block head. I knew what needed to be said, what twisted words had to be spoken, "Well, that lasted as long as it took you to climb into my pants. You already told me you compromised my safety. You think my father will continue paying you if I tell him that?" My heart almost caved at the emotions that crossed Brack's face. Hurt, anger, stubbornness, and back to hurt.

This time my hand didn't stop him. "What's this about, Olly?" He grasped my nape and brought me closer so we were almost nose to nose.

I went in for the kill, needing him safethis man I loved more than life. "Did you really think this would last? You're a good fuck, but when I'm ready for a long-term relationship it won't be with a bodyguard. You can't do your job properly and keep me safe. You fucked me and ruined that, remember?" I ran my hand over his shirt all the way down to the crotch of his pants. "I enjoyed it, babe. Now I want to survive more than I want a hot fuck. You're compromised, Brack. I need the best man for the job. It isn't you and obviously it isn't Mack or he wouldn't be in the hospital." I knew it was a low blow and actually cringed at the glacial look that entered Brack's eyes. They appraised me with contempt. It hurt even though it's exactly what I deserved.


"Have your father find another team," he practically spit out. With that, he walked to the adjoining door and pounded on it. His men opened it ready to take on whatever was happening on our side. Brack said something I couldn't hear. I figured it out, though, because one of the men walked into my room, changing places with Brack.

My heart pounded so fast I thought I might be sick.

"Umm. Name's Sander."

I turned at the sound of the new voice not even realizing I'd crossed to the bed. Now what the hell do I do? "Please call me Olivia. I'm going to sleep. You can wait in the other room with Brack. This door's locked."

"No, ma'am." His deep robotic voice held not an inch of understanding. "Brack said I was to stay here until he sends Nelson in to relieve me. Your safety comes first. I'll sit over here while you sleep. Food should be here in a few minutes, though." He crossed to the table in the corner of the room and sat down.

"I'm not hungry and just need sleep," I said as I crossed to him and handed him the remote. "The TV won't bother me. You watching me will."

He turned on the television and kept the volume low.

I climbed into bed and rolled so my back was to him. I had a darkness inside of me when it came to hurting people. I'd done it to several lovers. Maybe my stalker was payback for my insensitive nature. Win at all costs, fuck when it feels good, and keep men at arm's length. I lived by those rules. Why should fucking Brack be any different? Because you love him dummy. You just don't deserve him. I had to find some way to un-love him. He didn't deserve the danger I placed him in.

I pulled the covers over my head and tried to keep my meltdown quiet. I'm sure I didn't succeed. Sander was smarter than he looked and didn't dare ask if I was all right. He left me to my misery.


I didn't realize I nodded off until Brack's angry voice startled me. "She'll fucking eat it or you'll force feed her." The door slammed and I was alone with Sander once more.

I peeked out from beneath the covers. "Don't worry, I'll eat." I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I still looked hung over at best and my hair was a mess. I just didn't care. I splashed my face with water and walked out. My meal consisted of fresh fruits and vegetables with a nice cut of steak. Brack knew what I liked and he'd ordered it for me. The food sat like a lump in my stomach, but I ate every bite.

Two seconds after setting down my napkin, my cell phone rang. A quick glance at the caller ID and I knew my father would need his blood pressure checked after today.

"You're being so uncooperative that your security team is ditching you? What the hell is going on, Olivia?" He didn't yell. Each precise word let me know this was bad.

"Brack didn't tell you?"

He huffed out an impatient breath. "The man hardly spoke at all. He told me little more than he'd recommend another security team."

I looked up and noticed Sander watching me. This would sever Brack's chance at ever working for my father again and it was the hardest step in my plan. I had no choice but to do it in front of Brack's man. Here goes nothing. "I seduced Brack and it has compromised my safety. This is all my fault."

Sander winced and turned away. My father went absolutely silent.

I waited.

"Are you okay, Olivia?" he finally asked in a low voice.

That's not what I expected and tears welled in my eyes. "I'm as good as I can be. I want my life back. I want to be back on the pro circuit and I want to see you, Daddy." What I didn't say- I love Brack. I'm terrified. I don't want to die. More importantlyI don't want another person dying because of me.

"I love you, honey."

That was all it took for my tears to spill down my cheeks. I'd just told my father how badly I screwed up and he said he loved me.

"Talk to Brack, sweetie. He's a stand up man."

What the hell? "What," was all I could get out.

"Brack comes highly recommended and handles cases like these all the time. He doesn't have a reputation for developing relationships with clients. He feels something for you or this wouldn't have happened."

This. Was not my father. I was almost too stunned to speak. "I told you it's my fault. Brack does not have feelings for me other than the sexual variety. If you want me to go into detail I will. Bottom line, I seduced him. This may be hard for you to believe but I'm damn good at it." I took a breath preparing myself to give my father another blast of reality.

He spoke before I could. "Do you feel better now? This is not a conversation we should be having, Olivia. I've remained quiet about your private life for years. Leave me with some sense of naivety."

The defeat in his voice affected me most. I sank down on the bed taking several deep breaths. "Hire another team. One that isn't at my fingertips because I'll leave them in the dust the first chance I get. I need privacy, my coach, and a semblance of normalcy. I won't live this way any longer."

The silence lasted several long minutes this time. "I'll have another team in place by tomorrow." The click on the line let me know my father was no longer there. I rolled over and closed my eyes.

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