Completion Chapter 221


Two new bodyguards met us at the airport.

"No change in condition," one of them said as soon as we approached.

They weren't introduced, so I didn't have names. Brack remained all business and didn't so much as give me a comforting squeeze. Match over, I thought to myself. I knew our relationship would end. This was for the best.

We arrived at the hospital and the two men stayed with me in the waiting room while Brack checked on Mack's condition. I had no idea Mack was his cousin; Brack got into intensive care because he was family. A man and woman showed up a short time later. They were Mack's parents. I was glad they had no idea who I was. If I could melt into the floor I would. I prayed silently that Mack would live.

Brack came out and gave Mack's parents both hugs. He thankfully didn't introduce us. They spoke quietly in the corner for a few minutes before they went back to see their son. When Brack turned to me, I could see the fury in his eyes. It was four in the morning, but he didn't look tiredhe looked deadly.

"Come on, we're getting some food from the cafeteria."

Brack walked in that direction and I followedmy two bodyguards close behind. We sat in a booth. My stomach was trashed from the flight, so I settled for hot tea. I don't remember falling asleep, and I woke up to Brack saying my name. I was slouched against the wall with my head at an awkward angle.

"I need to check on Mack and I want you close."

This wasn't the time to argue, so I didn't. I followed along and stayed in the waiting room while Brack went back to ICU again. The only good news was that Mack was still alive. Brack didn't share any additional details with me. I had no idea what happened. Again I remained quiet. Brack didn't need my questions.

At nine, my cell phone rang. I looked at the display and saw my father's name. I couldn't deal with him at the moment. I finally turned off my phone after three calls in fifteen minutes. I was a horrible daughter and I was too tired to care.


Good news finally came at noon. Mack's condition changed to critical but stable. Brack's guys drove us to a high-end hotel. They reserved the adjoining room. Brack hit the shower and I fell into bed without even brushing my teeth. I gave a split second thought to my vomit breath and it was the last thing I remember.

The bedside clock said it was after eight at night when I woke up. Brack lay passed out beside me. I stumbled out of bed, brushed my teeth, and took the hottest shower I could stand. When my body was entirely clean, I gave into tears allowing the weight of my life to break me. I sank to the tiled floor of the shower and not wanting to wake Brack. I covered my face and sobbed into my hands.

"Shh, baby, come here," he said a few moments later. Brack lifted me and pulled me against his chest.

The dam burst even harder as Brack did everything he could to comfort me. At least until he lifted my chin and kissed me. The kiss was gentlebutterfly kisses that didn't stop. I needed his taste, his comfort, him. This was goodbye and I would gladly take a pity fuck. I snaked my arms from between our bodies where they were caught, and grabbed his ass cheeks. My back hit the shower wall when Brack moved us both back. My leg came up. Brack circled his hand under the same leg and lifted higher. The kiss changed as his mouth molded to mine. At the same time it remained gentle.

I. Need. Him. Inside. Me. Was all I could think.

Brack didn't make me wait. His cock slid deep, tight, perfect. The kiss continued. I didn't want him gentle, but Brack wasn't giving me my way this time. He set a slow gliding pace. My fingers memorized every curve of every slick, defined muscle I could reach. My breasts slid against his chest, my nipples growing hard. I found his and pinched just a bit loving when Brack groaned into my mouth. He was so large all over, so strong, so perfect. My fingers ended up clenched in his hair as he drove me crazy with tongue, lips, and cock. Soft loving kisses, deep loving strokes.


He held my chin and tipped my head changing the kiss yet again as low moans burst into the other's mouth when we came. My body shook, his cock pulsed; our bodies absorbed the electrical current arcing between us. I fought more tears.

As a goodbye fuck, this rated up there with the best ever. The only problem was my revelation sometime during the hot slow glide of his cock.

I loved Brack Jacobs.


"I'll order dinner. I'm sure you're starved," Brack said after we stepped out of the bathroom.

I wasn't hungry at all. He went to the phone and called room service. He had the food sent next door. He then called the hospital for an update.

"He's holding his own," Brack said with a sigh of relief.

"I didn't know you were cousins," was all I could think to say. My mind was still caught on my "I love him" thoughts.

"Second cousins actually. I've never used the cousin card before, rarely even remember. We're friends and blood makes no difference." Brack sat down on the couch resting his head back. Weary was a better word than tired and that's how he looked. I could hear it in his voice, too.

His phone rang and I saw him grimace when he took the call.


Crap, my father. I never turned my phone back on.

"She's right here," Brack said. He removed the phone from his ear and handed it over with a pitying look. I pitied myself, too.

A faint smile crossed Brack's lips when I pulled the phone away from my ear as my father yelled. His booming voice echoed through the room. I allowed my father to rant until I couldn't take it any longer.

"I'm hanging up now, Dad. Call me back when you want to talk."

"Don't you-"

I clicked the end button. It took all of twenty seconds for him to call back. I answered with, "I'll only hang up again. This isn't the time for tantrums and I'm not listening to yours. One of Brack's men is in the hospital in critical condition. We've barely slept and I haven't eaten in twenty-four hours." I waited for the next explosion. It didn't come.

"I'm sorry. You need to stop putting me through this. My heart can't take it."

That had me smiling for the first time in hours. My dad was as strong as an ox. No, a dozen of those damned stubborn animals. "I'm okay, Dad. I'm not apologizing for missing your calls, though. If something happened to me, you'd be the first to know. You hired the best, so let them do their job."

I enjoyed the satisfied look that crossed Brack's face while I handled my father. Brack rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. I admired the line of his jaw, and his thick neck. My father rambled on in a less aggressive voice as I studied the man I loved. I no longer saw imperfection. Everything about him was perfection. And I was a stupid fool who couldn't help herself. Brack opened his eyes and the colors struck me again. He gave me a quizzical look before blowing me a kiss. It was so outside his character that I blushed. His eyebrows arched and he bit his bottom lip against a smile. I wanted nothing more than to walk over and straddle his lap.

"Olivia, are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Daddy." I was such a liar and used the word 'Daddy' because I knew it usually softened my father up a bit. I gave Brack a steady look. "I'm returning to my apartment. I no longer want protection. If you won't call off this team, I'll go into hiding myself."

Brack stood so suddenly from the couch that I stepped back. He kept coming, grabbed the phone from my fingers, and spoke to my outraged father. "Don't worry, sir, I have this covered. Your daughter is safe and will remain safe. She's not going anywhere, especially her apartment. She'll call you back tomorrow and check in daily from here on out. I give you my word." Brack hung up a few moments later. His angry voice filled the room. "What the hell was that?"

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