Completion Chapter 219


My introduction to Ray's fighting techniques wasn't at all like working with Herman's. Ray used his size to push me around and had no problem pummeling me. He took his teaching skills seriously. Ray was slower than Brack and Herman, but I still had trouble staying off the mats.

"You need to stop him from grabbing you or you'll face-plant every time," Brack said as he lifted me from my face-down position on the mat. I would scream again, but there was no air in my lungs. I wasn't sure who I hated moreBrack for the smile he tried to hide or Ray for leaving me with a body covered in bruises.

"Then fucking teach me how because nothing I'm doing works."

Brack smoothed down my shirt, which caught beneath my boobs. "Sometimes you need to run. You're doing a great job at attacking, but you also need to know when escape is in your best interest."

"That's what you think. I'm taking Snuffleupagus down if it's the last thing I do," I huffed as I walked back to the center of the mat. "Come on, Snuffy, give it to me again."

Ray's face turned a deeper shade of red. "Sure, pretty pants, whatever you want," he said a split second before he attacked.

I sidestepped, batted his beefy hand aside using Herman's knife-fighting technique and shot out with a foot to his shin. Damn it hurt. Me. When he backed up a step, I took off. I left the hangar behind with Brack calling my name and uttering a few curses that had me laughing. I ran full out needing the expansion in my lungs. I headed to the water, which was about half a mile away. I heard Brack yell once more from behind me, so I veered into the trees. They weren't dense and my thoughts were to keep the road in sight. A crashing noise came from about twenty feet to my right opposite the road. I tripped as I glanced over. I fell into low brush with a pointy stick or two poking me. I wasn't thinking of pain. Something or someone was close. I could feel them watching me. My heart raced. A shadow appeared over me and I rolled. At the same time I kicked out my legs.


"Hey, it's me," Brack said as he jumped out of my reach.

He didn't look happy. "There's someone there." Now I was afraid for Brack, who had his back toward where the noise came from.

"Just me, Olivia," Ray joined us from the trees.

I slapped Brack's hand away. Fuck. With the training, I thought I could outrun my fear. All I wanted to do at this moment was roll over and cry. My world would never be close to how it had been. Now something as simple as rustling trees had me panicking.

"Are you going to lie there all day or do you want me to join you?"

I looked around and Ray was no longer in the vicinity. "You are such an asshole."

"No, you're not thinking. That causes danger to everyone around you. Why do you think I called in extra protection? Do you still think this is a game? Two people are dead and a lunatic has his sights set on you. Taking this seriously would help my job."

"Does fucking me help your job?" I rolled and went to my feet. "You never told me why you called in backup. Is the island compromised? I have the right to know."

One blue eye and one green eye rolled.

"You bastard." I swung my fist and it connected. Not with his face. He'd put his palm up to block.

Brack twisted my arm and spun me until my back was against his chest. He spoke close to my ear, sending shivers across my skin. "They're only here because your safety is compromised with me. I told Mack I planned to fuck you and requested backup." One hand smoothed up my thigh and stopped at my hip.

I steeled myself against the flood of desire that swamped me. I needed answers. "And what exactly changed your mind? Don't give me that shit about my body or drive to win. You were so adamant about not fucking me. Just tell me the truth for once." I didn't want to beg but I really needed honesty. "Please."


Brack released my hip and turned me around. His eyes burned into mine. "I wasn't getting through your thick skull that you need to prepare yourself for all the crazies in the world. You weren't taking our drills seriously. I fought changing our relationship with everything I had. I planned on fucking you from the moment I saw you if that makes you feel any better. Even Mack thought getting into your hot little pussy was a bad move. Bottom line, I should have kept my dick in my pants and waited. I can't go back and do it again and truthfully don't want to."

I studied him closely. "I can't believe you told Mack."

"I had no choice. You don't sleep with a target. It fucks things up. I can handle you pissed off. I can't handle watching this guy take everything from you and turn you into a quivering mess. I've seen that. Seen what it does to a person. Not you. I fucked you because I wanted to. I'm selfish. And you are sexy as hell, so live with it."

His lips slammed into mine bringing all his anger into play. I kissed him back with mine.

He broke away first. "Not here. You need to work with Ray. We know nothing about your stalker. I want you prepared."

I'd thought about a long-term relationship the night before. Brack's words about being prepared had me realizing he wouldn't be around forever. Not that it really mattered. He was safer away from me. When I returned home, tennis would take over my life again.

I turned away. "Let's go. I have some Snuffy ass to kick." Brack's low laughter came from behind me. A moment later he surprised me by taking my hand. I couldn't ever remember holding a man's hand while walking. Something so small had my eyes tearing up. Brack wasn't mine to keep. While this lasted, I would enjoy the small things. Thinking about the night to comeI would also enjoy the big things. Brack's cock inside of me was one of them.

Snuffy waited. I walked over and we went back to him beating me up and me doing everything I could to stay out of his grasp.

"Tomorrow you'll work with me again," Brack huffed as we ran back to the hut.

"It's the work with you tonight that I'm looking forward to."

"I'll give you some work after you call your father."

I'd noticed Brack take a call and walk out of the hangar earlier. "Daddy checking up on me again?"

"More like him giving orders. Order number two was a phone call from you."

I laughed. "And number one."

"Catch your attacker."

I'm sure he threw in a few expletives with his demands. I would speak with my father tonight; now I just needed to cool down. "I want to swim before we go in, you up for it?" I wasn't breathing as hard as Brack was, but I was tired and my muscles needed a nice soak.

"Sure." Brack put on a surprising burst of speed. "Last one in is a rotten tomato."

"That's egg, you idiot," I said with my own burst of speed.

"I like eggs, all tomatoes are rotten."

I laughed again and beat him by twenty-five feet. His running had improved, but he still wasn't a match for me. I'd make him prove himself in bed tonight. We were both laughing as we hit the water. The Jeep veered off and headed to the hut. Okay, maybe we wouldn't wait until tonight.

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