Completion Chapter 209


Brack took a long shower before bed. I knew exactly what he was doing in there. It was extremely sad that I was so dependent on my vibrator. There had to be something seriously wrong with me because I couldn't get myself off without it. It was so damn simple for men. I thought about telling Brack to sleep on the floor if sex wasn't on the menu. It truly sucked that I wanted the comfort of having him in bed beside me. He didn't think I allowed fear to rule me, but he was wrong. I was scared to death to be alone right now.

He wore a pair of boxers when he came out of the bathroom. He climbed onto his side of the bed without a word. His breathing deepened within minutes and I knew he was asleep. I'm sure his soapy hand during his shower helped. And why did I go there? My fantasies kept me awake for hours.

Brack woke up with the sunrise. I rolled over with a grumble and closed my eyes until the scent of bacon had my stomach growling. I went into the bathroom and put on a swimsuit. I walked outside and grabbed a t-shirt from the rail. We'd hung the clean, wet clothes there the night before.

Breakfast was quiet until I had two cups of coffee in my system. I usually didn't drink the stuff this close to a major Grand Slam tournament, but it wouldn't kill me. I'd need a caffeine jolt to get through the day. My headache was completely gone. Even with lack of sleep, I felt better than I had the previous day. One way or another, I was running today.

First things first, though. "What time should our supplies be here?"

"Sometime this morning."


Okay, my libido could wait that long. "I'd like to take a swim after my food settles. Is that a problem?"

"I'll swim with you. We can't head to the hangar until after Mack drops the supplies off."

I thought he would fly in. "How does Mack get here?"

"Boat," he said between bites.

"Okay, I need a favor."

He didn't reply, just gave me his stoic gaze.

"I need to run." I went on before he could object. "Two to three miles should do it. I've got to stretch my legs."

I watched him just as intently, trying to read his mood. It didn't work.

"I'll give you a mile out and a mile back. You'll run in the surf and I'll run along the shore. I should be able to keep up that way."

I shook my head. "I don't understand why it's such a big deal. We're in the middle of nowhere."

"I'm paid to keep my eyes on you at all times. I'm aware you need to stay in shape. If you're dead, none of that matters. Take it or leave it."

I stood up and whipped the t-shirt over my head. "Fine, but I'm sitting outside in the nude until I feel like swimming."

"If Mack shows up early, he'll love that."

I wanted to scream just for the satisfaction of doing it. My goading techniques needed some work. "Fine, I'll wear my bathing suit."

"I thought you were an exhibitionist for everyone."

"No," I said over my shoulder as I walked to the door. "Just for the men I want to fuck. It makes it easier when the mood strikes."

His eyes sizzled. "I hope you don't mind if I head in and shower before we swim."


I looked down at the outline of his heavy erection. "A cold shower," I said with a smile.

"That won't work. I need to rub one out again."

I walked out the door with a laugh. He just thought he could resist me until after this job concluded. He was wrong. I'd drive him crazy before that. After the vibrator arrived, I'd be in a better frame of mind to plan an extensive seduction. And Brack would be seduced. He wouldn't admit he found me attractive, but I saw it in his eyes. He'd said he wanted to fuck me. He just needed a little extra push.

We went for our run after our food settled. The water and sand held me back and pulled against my legs making up for the shorter distance. It also allowed Brack to keep pace with me. We hit the ocean on our return. I swam laps in the deeper water to work my arm muscles. On my thirteenth pass, I saw a mid-sized boat out of my peripheral vision. Mack slowly brought the craft closer, but stayed in the deeper waters. He tossed a line to Brack like they'd done this many times before. He threw two containers overboard and jumped in after them. They floated. He swam them to Brack as I swam their way.

"You look better," Mack said when I made it out of the light surf. He looked me up and down in a very non-sexual, clinical way and put his hand out.

I gave it a brief wet shake. "I feel better."

He didn't beat around the bush. "Your father's surprised you haven't contacted him."

I just bet he was. "Phone calls go both ways. When he has time, he'll call me and you can tell him I said that." I laughed at the grimace that appeared on Mack's face. He at least had the brains to be terrified of the senator.

Mack turned toward Brack. "You want to help me get these to the house?"

I grabbed one end of the one closest to me. "I can help too."

Of all the things I expected it wasn't Brack placing his large hand over mine. "Don't get your back up, tiger. That was code for we need to talk about business matters. Stay in the same area you've been swimming and we'll come get you in a few minutes."

I reined in my temper over the tiger comment. Brack not wanting me to hear about things concerning my well-being was another story. "Think again, asshole. If it pertains to me, I need to know. This isn't national security; it's my life on the line. If you want my cooperation, then include me. If you want me running off at the first opportunity, then by all means keep your secret squirrel shit private."

Brack gave in and nodded his head. The guys carried the containers as I trailed behind them. I'd lifted one end before giving it over to Brack. It was heavy and not worth fighting over. I could probably carry it myself, but it wouldn't be easy. Pick your battles. The main one I'd won.

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