Completion Chapter 208


A slight breeze came off the ocean and even in the sun, grilling the steaks wasn't bad. No sign of Brack, though. For a few minutes it had me worried. Then I saw him walking along the shore coming toward the hut while holding his shoes in one hand and talking into his cell phone with the other.

I wore a bikini top and my only halfway clean shorts. I really needed to wash my things later and hang them up. I'd ignored his dictate about washing out my clothes that morning. Brack stuck his phone in his pocket and headed my way. If I read his scowl correctly, he wasn't happy. He glanced at the steaks before heading into the hut and going straight to the bathroom. He never said a word. Of course, neither did I. The door shut behind him and the sound of the shower running came next.

When he came out, I had everything set up on the table. I'd cut up some fruit because it was better than nothing. The steaks were big and with the fruit, it should be enough. Brack strolled over dressed in his jeans and another tight t-shirt. I gulped and breathed in slowly through my nose. It was a mistake because clean, sexy, man filled my senses. I would swear he did this to me on purpose.

I sat down and transferred one of the steaks to my plate. I'd eat it first and follow up with the fruit. I cooked the meat medium rare the way I liked it, but the thought of blood mixed with papaya salad wasn't appetizing.

"We need to talk," Brack said as he placed the other steak on his plate.

For some reason he believed he dictated when speaking was allowed. "So talk," I snapped.

He cocked his eyebrows at my clipped response. "I spoke with Mack. Your attacker has gone to ground. The police located the van that he used to run you over. Stolen and no prints. It will be at least another week for DNA."

I felt sorry for the detective working the case. "My father doesn't handle delay well."


Brack's white teeth flashed with a grin. "Oh, believe me he's throwing his weight around and the normal two to three months for DNA isn't even a possibility. That's not the problem, though." Brack took a bite of steak and I did the same.

Watching his lips move as he chewed had me squirming in my chair. I barely tasted my food. I wanted those lips on me. Everywhere.

"What's up?" Brack asked with a strange look on his face.

"Nothing," I replied. He absolutely would not want to know my problem.

After another bite of steak, Brack continued. "Chances are good there won't be a DNA match."

This surprised me. "Why do you say that?"

His eyes intensified. "He's smart and in most cases, stalkers keep a low profile until they find that special someone who activates their warped side."

I had enough guilt thinking this was entirely my fault. "Gee, thanks. That makes me feel better. Just call me Warped Activators R Us."

Now Brack's expression showed pity, which was worse than his irritating smirk. "This sicko is not your fault. If not you, it would be someone else."

I had to change the subject. "Do you find me attractive?"

He stared at me for a long moment before answering. "I like your drive to win and the fact that you don't let fear rule you. You're frustrating and spoiled, but you make your own way without your father's help. I admire you for those qualities."

As far as compliments went, his sucked. I couldn't help feeling disgruntled. "You sound like my father."

His teeth flashed again. "Your father pays me."

Did he think he put me in my place? "Nothing says you can't admire nice tits and ass."

His pity expression returned. "Is that what you think of yourself?"

For some reason Brack had a problem with me reducing myself to a sexual object. I could work with that. "Don't worry about my self-confidence. I'm secure in who I am. Wrapping my lips around your cock would pass the time. I'm bored and in need of a good fuck."


A low sound came from his throat.

I fought laughter. "I can growl while I deep throat. Most men like it."

Brack slowly removed his napkin from his lap and wiped his lips. My eyes snapped to the door wondering if I could make it outside before he picked me up and carried me to the ocean again. I glanced back at him and he didn't move, so I stayed in my chair.

His gaze traveled to my chest. My toes curled. With slow determined purpose, he lifted his eyes to mine. "You might be Mack's type. When he brings our supplies I'll get lost and the two of you can fuck like bunnies. Maybe then I can get some peace."

He never responded how I expected. I tossed my napkin across the table at him. "Mack couldn't handle me. I'm not sure you can either, but I'm willing to find out."

Brack shook his head, but I could see the smile in his eyes. "Insulting you has no effect. Please tell me, Miss Stradmore, with all the insecure women in the world, how do you manage to shake off every offending statement I make?"

Now I laughed. Sword fighting with words against this man was actually fun. "You called me a slut and that didn't work. Now you invite me to have sex with your friend and you think I'll get pissed and storm away. I didn't get where I am today in the world of tennis without obstinacy. You need to work on your insult game a little more."

"God, I love making you wet."

That received my complete attention. "I am wet," I whispered.

He stood and from the look in his eyes I realized we weren't speaking about the same type of wet. I jumped up, but he grabbed me before I reached the door. "Not again," I yelled. "I'll be good, I promise."

He had me upended over his shoulder before I could beg again. I laughed, but it didn't stop me from kicking and beating against his back. His palm landed smartly on my ass and I laughed harder. He surprised me when he waded out in the surf and took us both under. I came up waist high in the water at the same time he did. He shook his head, slinging water from his wet, too-long hair my way.

"Did you need cooling off, Mister Green and Blue Eyes?"

He wiped the water from his face. "I always need cooling off around you. Just so you know, when this assignment is over, I plan to fuck your brains out."

His words had me clenching my legs together. My entire body tingled with awareness. "I can't wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" he asked.

"The vibrator. I need some relief and maybe then I can stop acting like a dog in heat for more than five minutes."

A devious look appeared in his eyes. "Let's swim for a minute and then we can go back in and finish our dinner. My steak is good, by the way."

"If swimming will help eliminate your woody and my nymphomania, I'm all for it." I took off without waiting for his comeback. We swam for ten minutes before returning to the hut. I left my clothes on the porch and grabbed a towel out of the bathroom. It barely covered me. Brack was out of his pants with a towel around his waist when I came out. So not fair.

"Your newest punishment is washing my laundry tonight."

I looked down at his towel. "I like you better in what you're wearing right now."

He laughed. "I'll help with the wash."

"That's not much of a punishment," I said as we sat back down at the table to eat our cold steaks.

"I'll save the worst punishments for after this assignment is finished."

Oh goody. I could handle any punishment this man could dish out.

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