Completion Chapter 204


Breakfast was incredible. It was the first real food I'd had since the attack. I no longer felt nauseous and my head didn't ache at all. I needed to train.

Laying down my napkin, I looked into Brack's sexy eyes. "Will you object to me jogging on the shore after my food settles?"

"No jogging." He took a last bite of his food.

My entire body tensed in anger. "You can't be serious. I need to train. You have no idea how far back these last few days have set me. I also need something to take my mind off sex. I'm a red-blooded American female with needs." I batted my baby blues for good measure. "I don't even have a vibrator for Christ's sake. If you don't want me humping your leg, I would suggest you change your mind about the running."

I could tell he fought a smile when he bit his lip to stop it from forming. "Do you only think about sex?"

This was fun. I lowered my voice to a sexy whisper. "I think about winning. I think about what it takes to win. And, I think about sex. I like sex. No, that's not true. I love it. Sex gives me a chance to let off steam."

Now I had his complete attention. "Your father still thinks you're a virgin."

Hah, I was getting to him. "My father is blind when it comes to me, and I gave up my V card years ago." I switched gears just a bit. "He doesn't need to know that and I have no plans to throw it in his face. You on the other hand are welcome to spill the beans. Tell him anything you want because he won't talk to me about it. I know he's a terror on the senate floor, but his baby girl and sex is so far outside his comfort zone the poor guy might have a heart attack if the truth bit him in the butt."


Brack's face flushed making him appear extremely uncomfortable. My laughter bubbled over. "You started this conversation. I think your problem is that you've never had a woman who's secure in her body and goes after what she wants." I stood from my seat and walked slowly behind him. Slowly enough that he could object if he wanted to.

He didn't.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and massaged his tight muscles. Leaning close I whispered, "I'm clean and get tested between partners. I have an IUD so pregnancy isn't an issue. And, what the hell else are we going to do to pass the time? I need to train about four hours a day, which leaves twenty. I can only sleep for eight of that." I leaned in and bit his earlobe. "You know you want to."

It happened so fast, I wasn't sure exactly how I found myself pinned with my back on the floor. Brack's arms boxed me in and holy fuck was he hot. His eyes burned. I wanted to lick his lips and suck the bottom one into my mouth. I'd seen his erection and the man wasn't lacking in that department. I wanted every hot inch of him sliding inside my pussy. His next words brought me out of my sexual fantasy.

"You think this is a game, but that's how fast you die. This guy isn't playing around and neither am I. I've been paid to keep you alive-" He lowered his body so I could feel his erection against the part of me that throbbed. "Not- fuck you. I easily picked you up and threw you in the water. You can't stop me. I just tossed you to the floor and could just as quickly break your neck." He pushed his dick harder against me. "Do you think this guy wants to kill you straight up? I think he will fuck you every which way but pretty before he kills you." His hand went to my throat and pressed lightly against my wind pipe. "You, lady, are easy to kill."


His words had the desired effect. They scared the shit out of me and I started fighting. I tried lifting my knee, but his legs pinned me down. I couldn't head butt him because he had me by the throat. I squirmed and wiggled without getting anywhere.

"Let me know when you're ready to listen. You feel good against my cock even if I won't take it further."

"You son of a bitch, let me up." He pressed his shoulder against one of mine and his hand pushed my other one down easily. The strikes against his back lost all strength. Nothing I did worked. I suddenly stopped all movement and concentrated on breathing.

Brack's warm breath fanned my cheek. "Four hours of training and two of self-defense. Every second of every day you had better be on your guard. Each time I pin you there will be a consequence. Now get your ass up and clean the kitchen. Also figure out what to make for dinner. Cooking is one of those consequences."

I no longer thought his eyes beautiful. They were evil. I had no doubt he meant every word. A small part of me knew he was right. I had to be able to defend myself. No one else could die trying to help me. That was a small part, though. The larger section of my brain mass hated to lose. At anything. I'd lost this round to Brack. But the war had just begun. We would fuck.

"Fine, get off of me."

He stood. I thought he would at least put a hand out for me. Wrong. With braced legs and cocky attitude he added to the insult. "I'm taking a shower and rubbing one out. Do not leave this house. When I'm done, I'll take you to a place to train. If you disobey, I'll find you and tie you to the bed until tomorrow." He lips curved into a leer. "I'll untie you for kitchen duty." With that he turned and entered the bathroom. He didn't leave the door open.

Hell, he'd just told me he was masturbating in there. My hand went to the front of my shorts and slipped under my panties again. I dipped two fingers inside my pussy and arched upward grinding against my hand. I pulled my shorts down with the other hand and used those fingers to circle my clit.

It wasn't enough and I groaned in frustration.


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