Completion Chapter 200


The great senator from Texas huffed out a breath. I thought he would argue, but he didn't. He turned his pointed stare my way. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. If I need to lock you away for your protection, that can be arranged. You will do what he says, when he says it."

I thought this man had learned something about my stubbornness, but I guess I was wrong. "Yes, Daddy."

He shook his head. "I'm not falling for the 'yes, Daddy' routine." He turned to Brack. "That means 'fuck off' in Olivia speak. When she's cooperating and you think you've won, handcuff her to you."

Brack's quiet chuckle grated on my last nerve. I interrupted their he-man bonding moment, "I'm preparing for the French Open. I'm also over eighteen and there is no way you can bully me into being manhandled by Neanderthals. I can and will take care of myself."

After a very short silence, Brack spoke up. "How many more people do you want dead because you won't cooperate?"

I stared at him not believing he would say that to me. I expected my father to defend me, but good old, never-without-an-opinion dad remained silent. I was too angry to cry, so I turned to my father instead. "That is exactly why I cannot be around this man. His ego is bigger than yours. I promise to make both your lives a living hell if you don't fire him."

From the corner of my eye I watched Brack cross his arms over his chest. Nope, I didn't notice how the muscles bulged. I swear I didn't. He took a defensive stance and it gave me a sense of satisfaction. And a stupid flutter in my chest.

My father hadn't looked this uncomfortable since I told him I started my period for the first time. His behavior wasn't like him at all and suddenly I was on high alert. "What's going on, Daddy?" I pleaded softly.


My father looked away while he spoke, "He broke into the house last night and tore your room apart. We never even knew he was there."

Dread filled me. "The room at my apartment?"

"No, your room at home."

In my father's eyes home would always be his home, never my apartment. That's not what bothered me, though. My father's home was a fortress. Yes, I had escaped, but I knew the house like the back of my hand. The security team's job was to keep people out, not to keep me in. And now someone broke inside.

"What about the video system?"

My dad turned his eyes my way again. "Disrupted, or so the geeks who installed it informed me." He reached for my cold fingers. "I need you to do whatever it takes to stay safe. Mr. Jacobs will make sure nothing further happens to you."

I squeezed his fingers, letting him know he'd won. I just couldn't manage the words. My father pulled me in for another hug. "I have a meeting and it won't go over well if I miss it." He released me, gave a nod to Brack, and left the hospital room.

The throb in my head increased. Brack's continued stancearms crossed, legs spreaddidn't help. The man wouldn't give an inch.

"Satisfied?" I couldn't help asking.

"Not even close."

He was so frustrating. I actually looked around for something to throw. The flowers caught my eye. "Could you hand me those so I can break the vase over your thick skull?"


"That's okay then. I'll get them myself."

His infuriating chuckle filled the room.

I climbed out of bed surprised that the dizziness had lessened and reached for the flowers. They were not the type my father would send; his were a large bouquet of yellow roses he'd brought me at the other hospital. These were a mix of several types of flowers. I decided to read the card before I threw the vase at Brack.


Lilies reflect

the soul of the departed

and restore innocence after death.

You will need thousands of lilies

for there to be hope.

It took a moment to register. Daisies- carnations- and lilies. I didn't throw them at Brack. I hurled them in the opposite direction with a cry of horror.


Brack had me out of the hospital in less than ten minutes. Mack, the man who had delivered my clothing, waited in the car at the side exit.

"Mack is on my team. You can trust him with your life."

"And you," I spoke quietly, all my previous fight gone.

"If you're turning to Mack, I'm already dead. Here's a new phone for you. It has your father's and Mack's numbers. No friends, no coaches, and no practice partners. This guy is getting his information from somewhere and it ends now."

This was moving too fast for my aching head. "What about your number?"

A small grin appeared. "You won't be out of my sight, sugar. My number isn't needed."

I was in too much pain to grit my teeth at the name 'sugar.' With the new security measures taken, I should feel safe. But none had worked up until now and I was afraid to have hope. To make matters worse, a tingling awareness of the man beside me had me sitting up straighter. I realized it had been months since my last sexual encounter and having this man beside me did things. Nasty things. Things I had no business thinking about with my life in danger. And besides, I had a headache.

I mentally shoved my thoughts away from sexual need. "Is my father safe?"

"He has his security detail, though he's none too pleased with them. They'll be on high alert. He's not my problem, you are." Brack changed the subject. "Your father told me you know how to shoot."

I couldn't help a small grin. "Like most Texas women, I've spent countless hours at the range. Believe me, I can shoot."

"Do you have a preferred handgun?"

"A Sig P938."

"Good choice. Mack will pick one up for you along with a conceal holster. We'll be off the grid for a while and can't have firearms where we're headed. If this guy isn't traced quickly we'll have a backup plan that includes you being armed."

Part of what he said didn't quite register. "My gun is at my father's house. Have him pick up that one."

"We won't be connecting my men with your father. The senator is too easy to trace. You are now officially off the grid and will remain that way until we have another plan in place."

I wanted to argue. No, I wanted to stomp my feet and scream at the top of my lungs. Another bout of exhaustion set in and I could do nothing but close my eyes.

"Here," Brack pulled my head to his shoulder. "Get some rest. We have a long drive."

It wasn't like me to give in to bossy men, but I was too tired to care. I relaxed against his warmth and drifted off.

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