Completion Chapter 195


IT TAKES US ALL day to decorate the house. I remember my mom browbeating Joel and me the entire Thanksgiving weekend so everything was set up perfectly by Sunday night. Looking back, those were happy times, and someday I'll have children to do the same with.

We concentrate on the lower floor of the house. I cut a tree the day before and it rests in a bucket on the back porch. Decorating the tree is the last thing we do before I show her my surprise. I lift her up while she's laughing, wobbling a bit as she puts the star at the top of the tree. I made sure the curtains were drawn in the front windows before the sun went down. It's dark now, and I have my surprise set on a timer so the lights go on when the sun goes down. After giving Danny a lengthy kiss in front of the tree, I grab our jackets and make her put hers on while I do the same. I pull her to the front door and open it.

"Van," she says in a breathy voice as we step out onto the porch.

The entire house is lit with Christmas lights, as are the trees surrounding the front drive. I pull her down the porch and closer to her car, so she can see it all. I hold her against my chest as we both stare at the house. This is the home my mom wanted for me and Joel.

I've put a lot of thought into when and where I would ask Danny to marry me. Her ring is in my pocket, because I still haven't decided. I touch the box, and turn her around so she's facing me. The different colored lights reflect off her skin, and she's more beautiful than I've ever seen her.

"I love you, Danny girl. You've brought back Christmas for me, and given me more than you can ever imagine." I remove the box from my jacket pocket.


"Van," she says, when she sees what's in my hand.

"I took way too long to notice you. I don't want another day going by that you don't understand how much you mean to me and how much I love you. Marry me, Danny girl, and live with me in my home, and give me babies and laughter and Christmases until we're old and gray, and our children place us in a home together. I promise I'll love you past that day and each day we share for the rest of our lives."

Her tears slide down her face. I open the box, and she makes a small noise. I don't say anything; just wait for her to answer me. Her gaze travels from the large solitaire diamond ring up to my eyes. I see her answer, but I still wait.

Very slowly, she goes to her tiptoes and kisses me. Our lips are cold, as are her fingers that she grabs both sides of my jaw with. "I love you, Van Stelson."

I deepen the kiss, and it continues while the lights twinkle above and around us. I feel her shaking, and finally let her go for long enough to put the ring on her finger. "Come on," I tell her and lead her back inside the house.

We make love in my room, until hunger finally brings us up for air. I take her into the kitchen and notice the container she left on the table. "Is that something for my brother's tomorrow?" I ask her as I head to the refrigerator for the tamales that need to be heated in the microwave.

"No, that's one of your Christmas presents."

I stop and look at the container.

"Go ahead; you can open this one early," she says with a warm smile.

It's an upside-down plastic cake holder. At least that's what it looks like. I carefully remove the top and look inside: a mountain of Christmas cookies, all different types, fills the entire container.


"I made them for you. I went to see Joel last week, and asked him to write down the types of cookies he remembers your mom making. I drove a batch to Joel and Cami's a few days ago. I also gave them to all your friends, and told them they had to keep quiet. I dropped off several plates full at your neighbor's on the way here. I don't want you to ever go another year without Christmas cookies."

I pull Danny close, pick her up, and twirl her around. Then I pull her behind me, and she laughs all the way up to our room. With growling bellies, we finally make our way to the kitchen and eat a very late dinner. I eat cookies before, during, and after.

I wake up the next morning with Danny in my arms.

"It's Christmas," she whispers.

"It is."

She holds up her hand, wiggling her fingers so her ring sparkles. It's such a girlie thing to do. I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her fingers. "I have presents for you," I whisper, turning her palm over and licking it.

She laughs and pulls her hand away. "I have presents for you, too."

We wrap ourselves in the robes I purchased from the lodge and head downstairs. I'd snuck out after Danny fell asleep and placed her presents beneath the tree. When I look at where her presents should be, I see double the number. Danny must have snuck down here after I fell asleep. "Santa came while we were sleeping," I tell her.

"Yes, he did."

It's the best Christmas ever.


One year later, on Christmas Day, Jeff's good friend, a magistrate from Colt's courthouse, married us. Joel and Cami stood up for us. Cami was pregnant again, and Joel situated Lilly on his hip so she could be part of the ceremony, too. Jeff and his family made a brief appearance, along with most of my teammates. They packed the house, and I know my mother looked down and smiled. Danny went from Danielle Louise Brighton to Danielle Louise Stelson, and I became the luckiest man on earth. It may seem that I fell in love with Danny overnight. That's not at all true. Danny worked her way under my skin in a million different ways, and it all started the day she walked onto the peewee rugby field. I didn't understand what love truly was. Love is Danny, and she's the Christmas miracle my mother often spoke of.


From Danny's journal-

So much has happened since the last time I wrote here. I'm now married to Van and he's in my bed every night. You know from before that I've loved him since college. I love him even more now.

Tomorrow will be our six-month anniversary. Tomorrow will also be the day that I tell him we're having a baby. I remember working with Van and the peewee players. I knew then that he would make a wonderful father. I also knew that my years of loneliness were for a reason. Van needed to see and love the real me.

To love someone with all your heart is a scary thing. Every so often, I see a look enter Van's eyes and know he's thinking about his mother. I'm sorry that she will never hold her grandbabies. She raised a wonderful man, two actually, and her love can't be denied. Her sons love just as deeply.

Thank you for waiting so long for my story to have a happy ending.

Danny Louise Stelson

Olivia and Brack play ball next-


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