Completion Chapter 191


WHEN I CAN FINALLY move, I situate us so we're laying in the right direction on the bed, with the covers pulled over us. Danny's head is against my shoulder, and I'm playing with her hair. I'm not thinking about tomorrow or making a quick escape. I'm thinking about how to keep her.

I know she's awake. I'm afraid if I say anything, I'll entirely fuck this up. I keep it simple, "You okay, Danny girl?"

"Mmm," she whispers.

I roll. Her head slides off my shoulder, and I rise on my elbow so I'm looking down at her. "Mmm's not a good enough answer." I pick up a chunk of her hair again, and let it slide slowly through my fingers.

Just the sides of her lips tilt up. "I'm not as good at this as you are, Van."

I tighten my fingers around the strand, and use it to turn her face toward me. "If you were any better, I'd be comatose." For some reason, I want to talk. I've never fucking wanted to talk. Fuck some more, maybe, but not carry on a conversation. "Thank you for wearing a dress for me."

"You're welcome," she says with a shy smile.

I lower myself so I'm comfortable. "What's your favorite song?"

Her laughter fills the quiet room, and she turns her entire body to me. "Too many to choose from. What's yours?"

We play our game, and I get to know more about Danny. I have one more condom, which I had hoped to save it for morning, but our questions get a little out of hand after I ask her favorite place to be kissed.

"Here," she touches her neck, "and here," she touches her lips.

"They're my favorite places to kiss you, too." And I do.



I wake up with my hard-on pressing against Danny's ass. I've got her wrapped tightly within my arms, and can't believe I slept so well this way. I move her hair off her face and kiss the curve of her jaw.

"Sleepy," is her grumpy reply.

"Beautiful," I whisper back.

"It's the next day." She says this, along with a low groan.

I have no idea what this means. "Okay, I give. It's the next day."

"It'll be awkward."

This makes me laugh. "Come on." I release her and roll from the bed. I walk around to her side and take her hand, which is curled around the sheet. "Shower."

Her eyes pop open. "Van!"

"We're not doing awkward and I'm out of condoms." She looks so damn sexy, and her eyes change when she notices my erection.

"And a shower isn't awkward?" She hasn't taken her gaze from my dick.

I give her hand a tug. "No, it'll be fun, promise."

A few minutes later, I have her wet and soapy body facing the wall as I wash everything from her breasts to her toes. She is long and lean, and muscled in exactly the right places. Her breasts are so fucking soft, I turn her around and let the water rinse the soap off so I can taste. She gathers the soap and makes suds before taking me in her hands. I look up and lean in to lick the drops of water on her nose where her freckles are. Then I kiss the water from her lips. On reflex, my hips move against her hands as they stroke me. I trail my fingers down her side and curl my hand around her ass, so I can reach exactly where I want. I slip one finger inside as I bring my other hand forward and play. Her neck is too much to resist, and I lick and nibble as the water slides over her skin.


With the hand I have around her backside, I move up and lift her leg so it curls around my hip. One of her hands releases me and goes to my upper arm. Her other fingers keep stroking, and I add a bit of soap between us as I work two fingers in and out.

Her lips are all over my chest and I like the nibble-bite thing she has going. It's only a few minutes later that she clamps onto my fingers and sighs against my chest. Her fingers tighten around me, and I suck in a lungful of air. She goes back to stroking me, and I spill into her hand about thirty seconds later.

Once we are mostly breathing normally, I take a good long look at the woman in my arms. Her hair is damp on one side and completely wet on the other. What surprises me is that the damp side is curly. I lift my fingers and pull on the largest curl.

Danny groans. "I can only imagine how bad it looks."

"It's curly."

"It gets straightened every day."

I don't understand women. If there is anything I've learned about Danny these last weeks, it's that she's most definitely female. "You straighten your hair to put in a ponytail?"

"I hate my curly hair," she grumbles.

I can't help it and start laughing. Everything I thought I knew about Danny was wrong. If I had even thought about what it takes for her to get up each morning and head out the door, I'd have given her ten minutes. Thinking of her doing something as time-consuming as straightening her hair each day is comical.

Danny leans back and looks at me. "I don't see the humor."

I kiss the tip of her nose. "For a year you've been right there in front of me, and I never saw you. I must be the dumbest jock alive."

Her smile goes clear to her eyes. "I almost gave up on you."

I stop smiling, and pull her in close to whisper, "Don't give up on me, Danny girl. I need you."

Thank God the lodge had a good hot water system, because it was a long time before we got out.

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