Completion Chapter 187


THROUGH TEXT MESSAGES, I arrange my date with Danny. I plan to take her to a steakhouse out of town, because my brother and I own the one in town. I don't need to impress Danny with the knowledge that I'm a business owner, because she's fully aware of it. Hell, the only thing I think she's ever been impressed with is my accomplishments on the rugby field. Having a date where the end product is a kiss at the door is different altogether.

Neither of us work on Friday, so I'm taking her out Thursday night. As the week progresses, the weather turns nasty. It's not much better on Thursday. It heats up about ten degrees, which brings it to the low forties. This just about guarantees that the first snow of the season is moving in.

I arrive at Danny's door ten minutes early. The sun, or what there is of it, is going down, and things on the weather front aren't looking good. The forecast said the snow would hold off until tomorrow, so I'm trusting that they know what they're talking about.

Danny opens the door at my knock.

I do a double-take.

She's in a fucking dress and heels and not just any dress and heels. Saliva won't even pool in my mouth, she's so damn gorgeous.

"You can stop staring any minute and come in," she says as she opens the door a little wider.

The black dress is skin-tightsome kind of stretchy material and shortstopping at mid-thigh. I'm dumbfounded. She has curves. I had her pants down, and I didn't notice these damn curves. The heels are only about three inches high, but they make her legs look incredibly long.

"Really, Van, you're freaking me out."

My eyes snap to hers. "You're in a dress," is all I can say.


"This is a date, right?"

She's even wearing earrings. And her hair. It's in fluffy waves, falling against her shoulders. Christ, she has makeup on, too.

I step inside and close the door behind me, without taking my eyes off of her. "What did you do to the real Danny?" I ask, and wonder if I'm drooling.

She laughs and turns to grab a small purse off the corner dinette.

A purse. I look at her and know I'm way the fuck out of my league. I don't know whether to take her hand and walk her down to the Rover, or pick her up and carry her to bed. I do neither. If I touch her, the bed will win out, and I'll fuck everything up again.

"Grab your coat," I tell her instead.

"It doesn't go with the dress," she shoots back, and I wonder again what happened to the real Danny.

I open the small closet by the front door and remove the Carhartt. I hold it out and, when she tries to grab it, I shake my head and motion for her to turn around. She makes a sound of frustration, but turns so I can put the coat on her. I change my mind about touching her, only daring to take her hand. I also take the first full breath I've had since seeing her tonight.

She walks slower than usual, and I can tell she's uncomfortable in the heels. I relax a bit when I figure this out. I assist her into the Rover and take a long look at her legs.

"Van," she draws out my name, and I grin when I meet her eyes.

"I can't help it, Danny girl. Your legs are fantastic."

She blushes and slaps my arm. She also seems to relax. I think we're both better at the friendship thing than we are at the girlfriend-boyfriend thing. That needs to change.


It's a thirty-minute ride to the steakhouse. We've never had trouble talking before, but neither of us is saying anything. Of course, what we usually talk about is rugby, a few different sports, and more rugby.

I finally come up with, "What did you study in college?" I've been wondering a lot of things about her and this is a good place to start.

"Business communications," she answers. "I would ask you the same about you, but I already know the answer."

I don't remember ever talking to her about her college years or mine, outside of teasing her about the jerk I pushed away from her. "You do?"

"Rugby 101, and advanced bedroom games."

I laugh. "I would have if I knew those classes had been offered. I studied business management and minored in Phys. Ed. You could have at least given me credit and said advanced rugby."

She turns a little in her seat, and I can see she's looking at me. "Probably." Curiosity enters her voice, "Are you going to give up playing, like Joel, and take up the business end of things?"

I take a quick look at her and then pull my eyes back to the road. Heavy snow is beginning to fall. "When every bone in my body is broken and I can no longer walk," I reply. I get a slight chuckle for that comment. "If there isn't a senior league when I'm ready, I'll start one. It'll be co-ed, so you can play on my team."

"Or maybe you can play on mine," she throws back then changes the subject. "Do you have chains for the Rover?"

I do, but they're back in the garage at home. "Don't worry; I'll get you home before the spell wears off at midnight."

"Did you just use a Cinderella quote on me?"

I give her another quick glance. "I don't remember Cinderella being in a black skin-tight dress."

She ignores my statement. "I can't believe you even know who Cinderella is. Your bad boy image has taken a real dive lately."

"Tell me about it," I mutter.

Danny reaches forward and turns up the volume on the stereo. We finish the ride to the steakhouse in silence. It's a comfortable silence, because her rock 'n' roll is blaring.

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