Completion Chapter 183


IT'S NOT UNTIL MONDAY that I can put plan B in motion. It also sucks that it's a short week because of Thanksgiving. Danny will fly out to her parents' house on Wednesday afternoon. I need to make the most of the time I have.

I call Jeff's cell in the afternoon.

"Did she toss them in the trash?" I ask. These are the first words of the conversation.

"Give me a minute," Jeff says and, about two minutes later, he's back. "What's going on, Van? I told you not to hurt her."

Jeff's a nice guy and I've never heard his current tone before. "I'm trying to fix things. Did she keep the flowers?"

Jeff sighs into the phone. "They're next to her desk. She read the note and excused herself for a few minutes. Look, Van, she cried. She tried to hide it, but I've seen the signs a million times in my wife. Danny also asked me to drive her to the airport on Wednesday."

"I'm taking her to the airport," I snap.

"She told me that was the original plan, but now it would be better if I did it."

Danny isn't making this easy on me. Not that I expected her to. "I'm taking her to the airport, Jeff."

Jeff says nothing for about fifteen seconds. "Okay, bud, but I hope you know what you're doing."

"I do." I end the conversation.

That evening I receive a text from Danny, informing me that she had a ride to the airport and my assistance is no longer needed. I don't reply.


I knew Jeff was picking up Danny on Wednesday morning, and bringing her and her luggage to the office until it's time to leave for the airport. I arrive to the office early so they don't have a chance to sneak out before I show.

Danny looks up when I walk in. She huffs out a sharp breath and leans fully back against her chair. She looks tired. The flowers rest on a filing cabinet next to her desk.

"I have a ride to the airport, Van."

"I'm aware of that. I'm giving you a ride just like we planned." I walk closer and prop my hip on the side of her desk and cross my arms.


She crosses hers, too. "Jeff is taking me to the airport," she bites out.

I give her a steely gaze that matches hers. "No, Jeff is not."

She stands up. "Look." She walks around the desk so it no longer separates us. Brave girl. "I'm sorry if I've hurt your pride. Give this some time and maybe we can be friends again."

God, she looks hot. Same normal outfitjeans and a long-sleeved blue tee, brown boots, and hair in its usual ponytail. Her lanky arms cross in front of her again and I stand, moving closer until we almost touch.

"That's the best blow job I've ever had, so, believe me, Danny girl, my pride can take it."

Jeff clears his throathis face bright red. "I've moved Danny's luggage next to the Rover, and I'm taking off. Have a good weekend." Without meeting our eyes, he turns and exits the office like his ass is on fire. He has his briefcase, and is obviously leaving for the long weekend.

"You did not just fucking say that in front of my boss." Danny grinds out. Her expression matches Jeff's. Her hands drop to her sides. She is slowly clenching and unclenching her fingers, and I know she probably wants them around my throat. "His wife is the biggest gossip in town, and this will be spread everywhere by the time I'm back from my parents'. Hell, it will go like wildfire before my plane even takes off, you bastard."

I take that last step between us, grab her forearms, and kiss her. She remains stiff as I try to force my tongue between her tightly-pressed lips. She jerks her head back. "If your fucking tongue enters my mouth, you'll lose it."

With that, she turns from my hold and strides to the office door. "I'll walk to the damn airport. I wouldn't take a ride from you if you were the last man on earth."

Before the door closes on her, I grab her arm again, and pull her up next to me with more force than I intended. "Just so you knowI don't give a fuck what Jeff's wife tells this town. I've decided I am the last man on earth for you."


I should have expected the instant pain in my balls. I suck in air that isn't there and go to my knees, and then my side, while holding my poor balls, which are lodged someplace up in my throat. While I'm twisting and groaning, Danny decides she isn't done.

In a very calm voice she says, "When you can finally walk, please lock up behind you."

She leaves. It takes me five minutes before I manage to stand. My cell beeps, and I take it out of my pocket and see a text from Danny.

That should help you avoid little Vans from running around. Now, stay the fuck away from me.

If it didn't hurt so badly, I'd laugh. Since the first time I saw her play rugby, I knew she could take care of herself. I slowly walk over to the front office window and peer between the blinds. A taxi is leaving the parking lot. She got damn lucky. There are, like, two cabs in town. It will cost her a fortune. It's a good thing all I can think of right now is getting ice on my balls, or I'd do something really stupid like go after her.

I have four days to come up with another plan that doesn't involve physical combat. I'm calling in the big guns for this one, but that will need to wait until Friday.

I spend Thanksgiving with Joel, Cami, and Lilly. After the dinner dishes are cleared, Cami gives Joel the look before taking Lilly from the room to give her a bath and get her ready for bed. My gaze turns to my brother, waiting to see what the look is about.

Joel's lips twitch. "Cami got a call from Stub last night."

Stub is Charlie's wife. Charlie owned The Colt Sentinel Newspaper. Joel bought the paper for Cami, and now Charlie works part time and travels with Stub the rest of the time. I nod, knowing what's coming next.

"Apparently there's a rumor about you and Danny." Joel loses the ability to hold back his grin. "I appreciate that you trusted me enough to tell me the extent of your afternoon with Danny. I just never considered that you'd tell the entire town."

"I don't care if the entire town knows."

Joel shakes his head and his smile expands, if that's possible. "It was a blow job, Van. Danny will kill you."

I stand up and start pacing. "If being unable to father children is the extent of her killing me, she already did it. I hope you don't mind that Lilly's cousins might be adopted."

Joel starts laughing.

It is funny. Van Stelson brought to his knees and then the floor. When Joel comes up for air, I tell him the entire story while continuing to pace. "I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but I was frustrated. I'm going to the tavern tomorrow and getting advice from Estella. Yours didn't go over so well."

"My advice was flowers and taking it slow. If announcing to the entire town that Danny gave you a blow job is your way of taking it slow, I'm surprised you can walk."

"Ha, ha. You're a riot. Fuck." I stop pacing. "What the fuck am I going to do if Danny never speaks to me again? Every time I get around her, I go all macho."

Joel just shakes his head, and I can tell he's trying not to laugh again. "You're my brother, so I say this with loveyou are always macho, even with my daughter. If Danny doesn't like you being the egotistical jerk of jerks, then she's not the one for you." Joel leans back in his chair. "Talking to Estella is a good idea. She loves that girl, so you might need to wear a cup when you go see her, though," he adds with a short laugh, because he still thinks he's fucking funny.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," I grumble.

Cami comes out, and I give her a kiss on the cheek and my sleepy niece one, too. It's a long, lonely ride back to my house. Something needs to give.

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