Completion Chapter 174


Estella is working behind the bar and has pitchers of beer lined up. I whistle her way and twirl three fingers over my head, so she knows this first round is on me. Estella's been a fixture here at the tavern for as long as I can remember. She's in her fifties and practically runs the place. My brother and I own half the tavern, and Estella looks out for us. She doesn't approve of my bad boy rep, but we've managed to become friends since Joel found Cami. Estella knew I blew things big time with Cami and, for some reason, took me under her wing after that.

She's one of the few people who know how much I regretted what happened with Cami. She also sees through my bad boy vibe and gives me lip whenever she gets the chance.

I turn and not so subtly look over the women from the opposing team. There's a few blondes and brunettes, but no one catches my eye. Danny grabs my earlobe and moves in so her warm breath slides over my neck. A strange feeling settles in my gut at contact. I ignore it. "There's a new player you need to hook up with, but I don't think she's here yet." I tense. Danny's helped me find women before. She's good at weeding through the possibilities. So why does it bother me this time? I think I'm losing it.

We find an empty table, and a soft groan escapes her when she sits down on the bench seat. I slide in beside her. "I'll stick by you for now, in case you faint or something."

She smirks and knocks my arm with her elbow. "In your dreams, lover boy. Do you think I'd give you a chance to take advantage?"


If only she would. Hell, these thoughts need to stop. I lean in close and whisper, "My dreams are usually of you holding balls, Danny girl." This is us. We flirt non-stop because we both know nothing will come of it. Or at least I knew that. Why is it so difficult now?

"Congratulations, Danny," Estella says as she sets a pitcher in front of us. Estella doesn't save me from a much harder jab from Danny. I grunt and rub my arm. Laugh lines accent Estella's eyes because she laughs a lot. I've never seen her in a bad mood unless she's pissed at me.

"You done with bar duty for the night, sexy?" I ask with my finest leer.

She winks. "You know I'm better out here, where I can watch over the players and fans and see they all get home safely. You both want a ride so you can enjoy yourselves?"

"Sure, I'll take a ride," Danny tells her.

"Nope, I got this, Estella. Danny got beat up a bit in the game and I'm seeing her home. One beer for me and I'm good." I thankfully said it smoothly with no hint of joking.

I don't know whose face is more comical, Danny's or Estella's. I pour Danny a glass of beer. "I know you're tough. Let me be the nice guy for once so you can take the edge off."

Estella looks between us, then turns on her heel and walks away while shaking her head all the way back to the bar.

"What the hell's gotten into you, Van?" Danny searches my eyes. I hold her gaze without looking away, but don't say anything. She continues with, "Are you terminally ill, picked up a STD and the penicillin hasn't kicked in yet, or maybe you hit your head?"


That's my Danny. She never stumbles or gets flustered; she just goes right for the jugular. I study her, wanting to look at her chest again but don't, knowing she'd emasculate me.

My lips twitch. "No terminal illness, I didn't hit my head, and, I promise, Danny girl, I'm clean due to finishing my last round of antibiotics weeks ago."

"You are so full of shit." She shoves my shoulder and sucks in a quick breath at the pain. She shakes her head and wags a finger in my face. "No taking advantage of me if I'm drunk."

I grab her finger and lower our hands to the table. Her smile disappears as she stares at her fingers covered by mine. I realize what I've done, and very slowly release her and slide her beer closer so she can reach it without straining her ribs. "I promise," I say as I look into her eyes, "when I take advantage of you, you won't be drunk." I have no idea where those words came from and try to cover. "Drink up so you stop acting like a pussy and can move a little once we start singing."

She cocks her head to the side and gives me a long, hard look. I don't think she finds what it is she's looking for. Then, she smiles. The curve of her mouth makes me stare at her lips. I look away when I realize what I'm doing. Fuck me, but my brother and Cami somehow got under my skin today. Danny's never shown any sign that she'd even be interested in me. So how do I flip this switch in the other direction now that I might be interested?

The team captain, Gloria, stands up on a chair and loudly shouts, "La la la!" Danny quickly chugs her first beer so she has liquid singing courage, and I refill her glass while taking only a small sip of mine. The song begins and everyone stands with a beer mug in hand. I keep to a few sips as Danny finishes her second by the end of the last chorus. She can't sing worth shit, but that doesn't stop me from watching her get into the song. I think the word beautiful has moved a little in Danny's direction.

I ignore a few women who look my way and give me the come-hither eyes. Fuck me for saying I'd drive. I need something to drink that's stronger than beer.

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