Completion Chapter 159


Joel was a toasty presence at my back as his body spooned mine after we fell into bed. Even when he rolled over during the night his hand went to my thigh, connecting us, and I fell immediately back to sleep.

As I lay on my side, his scruffy chin running over my hip woke me. It felt good and I sighed at the scratchy prickles. He pushed me to my stomach then crawled between my thighs lifting my ass. I buried my face in my arms feeling vulnerable. Joel slid his fingers between my head and arm tilting my face so he looked into my eyes. "You're beautiful." He released me and guided his cock into my warm center. I squeezed my internal muscles and smiled when he sucked in a quick breath. "Do that again," he groaned.

I did.

His fingers slid under my hip and he found my clit. "Again."

God, it was torture and bliss all at once. I began tightening my muscles when he withdrew and loosening them when he pushed back in. I had no idea this kind of control existed. He liked it and the intensity had me quickly finding release. I slumped to the mattress and Joel turned me over and entered me again.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and placed my hands on his arms.

"Rub your tits," he ground out through his teeth as his hands landed next to my breasts. His arms strained as he practically did a pushup on top of me.

I dreamily did as he demanded, softly massaging my achy flesh. I pinched my nipples like he did, sending a zing to where our bodies connected.

"Harder," he insisted.

I pinched them again, lengthening my neck as I arched my head back. He scratched his chin along my chest, up to my neck, and across my jaw. It wasn't gentle. I pinched my nipples even harder and another orgasm exploded at the same time he yelled out.


He collapsed at my side and pulled me in closer. "No more or my legs will wobble during the match."

That made me laugh. Joel could do anything he wanted with my body and I wouldn't object. I was sore; skin burned from his sexy chin scruff, and didn't care. I could go endless rounds if it weren't for his later match. We took a quick shower a short time later with no fooling around. His cock was hard, but he shook his head when I tried to touch him.

I immediately felt rejected until he pulled me in close and whispered, "I need some pent up frustration to play well today. Don't take that away from me."

I actually pouted. "If you can suffer so can I." We laughed. He released me and we went back to washing ourselves.

After we were both dressed, I couldn't see any sign of his erection. We went downstairs for breakfast. Once we entered the lobby, Joel wrapped his hand around my upper arm. In a proprietary way, he led me past his teammates who were sitting at assorted tables laughing and talking about today's match.

"Good morning" and "Hey, Joel" came from the players. I received one or two hellos, but the guys weren't meeting my eyes. Joel steered me to the food. I put a little fruit on my plate and made a cup of coffee with more sugar and cream than anything. Joel of course filled his plate until I thought half of it would teeter off.

He pulled out a chair at a table away from the other players. After sitting next to me, he placed bacon and potatoes on my plate when I finished my fruit. I was smiling at his insistence that I eat more when the chair beside me pulled away from the table. Van flipped it around and straddled it, plucking a piece of bacon from my plate.


Joel's lip was no longer swollen. Van's face was another story. One eye was mostly black and there was a distinct bruise on his jaw. Joel's arm went around me at the same time Van spoke. "Morning, bro. Good morning, Cami." No animosity came through in the words.

"Good morning," I mumbled wanting to slink beneath the table.

"I owe you an apology, Cami," he said loud enough so the entire team could hear. "You too, bro."

Joel grunted. He knew his brother better than I did. Van acted sincere, but I didn't trust him. It was also obvious that Joel wasn't ready to forgive him. Van reached in front of me and stole a piece of bacon from Joel's plate. I noticed Joel's mouth twitch.

"Get your own damned food," he demanded.

"Sure thing. Want another plate?" He picked up my and Joel's empty ones.


Van stood and walked over to the buffet heaping mounds of food onto clean plates. Joel leaned closer and whispered, "You okay?"

I nodded and gave him a shaky grin. Van sat the food on our table, turned the chair around, and sat down beside me. Mike came over and took the vacant chair and they began discussing the coming match, which was six hours away. Soon, more players either scooted chairs to our table or stood over us adding their insight.

An hour later, we returned to our room. After brushing our teeth, we met the team back downstairs. The dining area was cleared and most of the players were back at tables with decks of cards between them. I heard change jingling and laughed when I discovered it was pennies. The guys played penny poker before away matches.

"Superstition?" I whispered to Joel as he emptied his pocket of pennies at a table with two players.

"Tradition," he mumbled back. "I'm covering you, so have a seat. I plan to kick DJ and Elf's asses," he taunted the two guys.

Being here with Joel had me loosening up and enjoying cards. Of course, the fact that I took everyone's money didn't hurt. Joel's eyebrows lifted when his stack became noticeably smaller.

"Here," I said pushing half my winnings over. "I think we're even."

"She's a card shark," Elf said with a laugh.

"Are you?" Joel asked as his arm settled on my lower back. His fingers skillfully traveled under my shirt until they found bare skin.

"You didn't ask if I played." I tried to keep my voice from quivering. It wasn't fair that he touched me like this in public.

"I thought it would be like rugby and you would need extensive training," he replied silkily while continuing to rub my skin. Elf dealt the next hand.

I couldn't concentrate and lost five cents along with all my sense. Joel bet heavily on his hand and won. Dammit, he was doing this on purpose. I covertly found his thigh under the table and reached a bit to the inside. His devilish fingers froze.

Our antics hadn't gone unnoticed.

DJ started laughing and said, "Keep up the hand work, coach. She's flustered now and we have a chance."

At least my hand went unnoticed, I think.

"You never had a chance," Joel said as he looked at me.

His hand continued rubbing across my lower back and hip, his fingers skimming down an inch or two past the waist of my pants. I needed to gather my wits. I was better than this and could wipe the floor with these guys. I moved my chair just a tad closer to Joel and rubbed my finger up a little higher.

I won.

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