Completion Chapter 151


Charlie walked me out to my car half an hour later. "Sorry about Tina," he said before I climbed in.

"I'm afraid to ask what the problem is."

"You guessed it then. She has a thing for Van."

My laugh was anything but happy. "She has nothing to worry about. He dumped me first thing the morning after. If she hasn't slept with him yet, he's available for a night." I could hear the anger in my words and felt bad that I'd said anything. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."

"Don't worry about it. I saw that killer spark in your personality the first time I met you. It'll get you far in this business."

There was no way he saw a spark in me, but he was so sweet to say so. "Thanks, Charlie. I'll see you Thursday."

I drove away and headed to The Slam Tavern for lunch. I planned to leave my car in the Inn's parking lot and as I turned in my cell rang.

Joel and I switched numbers the day before and I smiled when his named popped up on the screen. "Cami here."

"What are you doing for lunch?" he asked without any other greeting.

"I was just heading to the tavern."

"Want company?"

I really did, but should I?

"If you don't, say so," he said at my hesitation.

"Yes, I want company. I just feel like I'm taking you away from the world of rugby management, business tycoon stuff, and all around busy life."

His soft chuckle sounded wonderfully enticing. "I'll make time for you, pancake. Meet you in five. I'm at the stadium."

"I hate you." His laugh clicked short when he ended the call.

Crap, pancake. I was wearing a sports bra again. I made a quick trip to my room and switched to the bra I wore under my dress when I went out with his brother. Double crap, the buttons of my shirt strained. No way. I quickly changed shirts to a loser blouse. I would need to get my laundry done tomorrow or the next day. My excitement over traveling the world diminished a bit at the thought of living out of a bag like I was now. Oh well, I would force myself to adapt. I checked the mirror one last time and headed to the tavern.


Joel waited, long legs about a foot apart, arms crossed over his chest, and entirely too much muscle on display for me to ignore.

Think of him like a brother, think of him like a brother-

It didn't work and I couldn't help my exasperation. "Do you practice that stance so all the ladies stare?"

His semi-grumpy features changed. His lips curled up and a teasing light entered his eyes. "The question is- do you want to stare?"

He had his husky sexy voice down better than Van. "I like brains, not brawn," I lied.

"Hmm," he said as he reached for me, wrapping his large hands around my hips, and lifting me up the two steps in front of the tavern door.

Holy fuck. He didn't even strain to do it. I needed a drink and it wasn't yet noon. I swayed against him knowing I probably had a stupid dreamy look on my face. Why couldn't I be an ass girl? At least then men wouldn't see the effect they had on me; they'd be facing the other way.

I made the smallest groan and his arms circled me.

"I like when you make that sound," he said while rubbing in a small circular motion against my lower back.

"You are so bad for me."

His hands froze and then he moved me away slightly, his expression gone serious. "Why would I be bad for you?"

The words tripped out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Because I have a thing for muscles and you have too many."

He bit his upper lip for a second, probably trying to keep his laughter contained. "A thing?"

"Shit, why did I say that?" I muttered. I couldn't look at him and glanced around for a place to hide.


"Muscles, huh?"

"Don't start. I have very little willpower when it comes to ripped bodies. Add alcohol and I'm Jell-O. If you would just wear looser shirts and not cross your arms in that he-man way, things would go easier for me."

Joel reached around and opened the door, crowding me into the tavern. He didn't say anything, just grabbed two menus, and scooted me forward with his body. Completely unfair. My boy-girl friendship worked with Tyson because I wasn't attracted to his skinny geek body. Joel was another story.

It was Estella's day off, so an unfamiliar waitress worked our table. She cast sly glances at Joel when he wasn't looking, but went out of her way to be nice to me too. Maybe Joel brought out the sweet side in women and his brother the opposite. We ate lunch and Joel never brought up my declaration about being a muscle nympho. Maybe we could be friends after all.

"You coming to practice today?" he asked before laying some bills on the table.

I really needed to insist on paying. I had a company credit card that had seen very little use. "I don't think so. I need to organize some of my notes and do laundry. I also have a few calls to make and emails to catch up on."

He took my hand and led me outside. "I'll pick you up for dinner. What do you feel like?"

This had to stop. "Sorry, but I'm putting my foot down. You are not buying me dinner. I'll just grab a sandwich and eat in my room tonight." I tried giving him my stern face, but it didn't faze him.

"I'll pick up sandwiches and bring them to you your room. What do you want on yours?"

I reached up and tapped my knuckles against the side of his head. "Hollow, just like I thought."

He took my hand and squeezed a bit before weaving his fingers between mine. He bent my arm behind my back and used his other on my opposite hip to draw me closer. "Don't make me bring out the big guns. I have no problem taking off my shirt."

"I'm sorry I said anything," I huffed.

"I already caught onto the fact you like staring at me. Now tell me what you want on your sandwich."

A slow, wet lick was exactly what I wanted, but it had nothing to do with a sandwich. It suddenly occurred to me that we were standing in the middle of the parking lot in broad daylight and rumors were floating around that I had sex with Joel's brother.

I gave in. "Turkey on wheat, everything but onions."

"See, that wasn't so hard." He jerked me a little more firmly against him.

"You don't play fair."

Joel gazed down at me, his eyes searching. He kissed the tip of my nose then let me go. "I don't play anything but rugby," he said before turning and walking away.

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