Completion Chapter 148


While I was trying not to check out his body, he didn't have the same problem. He gazed at my breasts a few seconds longer than he'd ever done before. I had my babies tucked in tight with no cleavage showing, so I wasn't sure why he stared so long.

"Do friends stare like that?" I couldn't help asking because heat was traveling to my cheeks.

"This friend does. You look nice." He gave me a crooked grin.

Nice. That was good, right? So why stare at my boobs? I didn't get it. His eyes were now on mine and I appreciated his baby blues again.

"Do you need to grab your bag?"

"Yes, I never go anywhere without it." I walked over to collect it off the dresser. "Do you mind if I ask where you're taking me."

"The lake."

Um, no. "As in swimming?"

"If you like, but it's not exactly what I had planned." He continued with the same grin and his eyes twinkled just a bit.

"I didn't pack a swimsuit and I'd rather not buy one. It tends to be a major ordeal finding something that fits." I was kinda rambling when I noticed his eyes back at my chest.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Joel? There's not much there to see."

Good, his cheeks tinged pink. "That's the problem. What did you do with them?" He actually looked mystified. "There was more there yesterday morning and last night. It surprised me because I didn't notice them much the first couple of times I saw you."

"I hide them."


I couldn't believe we were having this conversation while we stood in my hotel room. "Can we just go, please?"

"Sure, but this conversation's not over."

He was so embarrassingly frustrating. "Yes, it is. We're friends, remember?"


"That's exactly why it's not over. Friends don't hide." He took my hand and practically dragged me to his truck- no, I was wrong. This was a sports car, an older model silver Corvette.

"What year?" I whispered in reverence.

"78 Anniversary Edition. She's mint, all original."

"Where did you find her?"

"At a car auction a few years back. I paid premium, but it's one of the rare times I spoiled myself."

"Did you name her?" I asked as he assisted me into my seat.

He laughed. "Buckle up, and no. Would you like the honor?"

"Let me think about it. You know my hair will be a mess by the time we reach the lake."

Joel walked around and got in the driver's side. "You'll find a scarf in the glove box and a pair of sunglasses if you need them."

I opened the glove box and pulled out a brightly colored scarf. I had prescription sunglasses in my bag. Having never tied a scarf around my head, it took a minute. Darn it, no mirror on the back of the visor. I turned to Joel. "What do you think?"

"It was my mother's and it looks just as lovely on you."

Shit. My heart fell into my stomach. Joel touched my chin and tilted my face back toward him. "It's okay. You would have liked my mom."

He was going to make me cry. All the emotional turmoil from the last two days pressed down on my shoulders. Joel was a nice guy and his brother was a jerk. Why oh why did I have sex with Van?

Joel started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Two minutes on the main road and I noticed his grin right before he spoke. "So about your breasts?"


From almost tears to laughter in sixty seconds. I was glad I couldn't cancel our plans. I gave Joel my best exaggerated sigh. "Friends do not talk about each other's breasts."

"We can discuss mine all you want. And don't think I'm stupid, I've heard women talk. Believe me I think they discuss their bodies as much as men discuss their bodies."

He had a point, but it had been years since I had girlfriends to chat with. "Yeah, maybe, but you're not my girlfriend, Joel, so it doesn't work that way with us." I needed to get his mind off my breasts.

"And what's the differencegirlfriend, boyfriend. Please tell me."

"Boyfriend won't work either. We're just friends." I gave an exasperated sigh.

"Semantics. I'm wondering about all kinds of things here. Were your breasts removed for some reason and you wear false ones. Am I losing my mind and I only imagined them? Things like that. A true friend would put me out of my misery."

The wind whipped across my face, the sun warmed my skin, and I laughed long and hard. He was a nut. "I'm wearing a tight athletic bra that holds them in, if you must know. Not that it's any of your business. Friends," and I put a lot of emphasis on that word, "have boundaries."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

Argh, more laughter escaped me. "I've been doing it for years. Large breasts are not all they're cracked up to be. Back problems- sagging- believe me, I'd exchange them for a firm pair of B's any day."

He groaned. "You know you're killing me, right?"

"No, why?"

"Large breasts. I like them even on friends."

I laughed so hard my side hurt and I had trouble getting out my next words, "Yeah, I noticed some of your guy friends have large breasts too."

The unmarred side of his face, which was facing me, tipped up in a gorgeous smile. "So you like large breasts too?"

My laughter never stopped. "This is a ridiculous conversation and we need to change the subject. I will no longer discuss breasts or man boobs with you."

He turned back to the road. "Fair enough, but I need to warn you that I'll have nightmares about tortured breasts tonight. I promise not to sleep well and I'll be grumpy tomorrow."

"So noted." I had to change this conversation. "Tell me about the restaurant."

"Which one?"

I couldn't help my surprise. "You own more than one?"

"Two to be exact."

"Is it called The Steak House? Sorry but I didn't catch the name."

"You're close. Jack's Steak House. My brother and I own that one jointly. We helped finance the original owner, Jack. He died of a heart attack two years ago and left us the property. We also own a little more than fifty percent of The Slam Tavern."

I tried not to appear shocked. "I had no idea. What about other businesses?"

"Just the team. We've put almost everything there. Someday it will pay off."

"I hope it does." We drove for a while in a comfortable silence. Being with Joel was very different than how I felt with his brother. Whereas Van made me nervous; Joel had me relaxing. I fought the urge to stare at his arms on the steering wheel. His arms would lead to his chest and I'd be a goner. The sound and feel of the wind against my face was so intoxicating that I was unaware of when I dozed off.

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