Completion Chapter 145


"Fans drive hundreds of miles for the match," Charlie said as he assisted Stub and me down from the bus. "We're proud to fill the stadium every time. I've never even seen weather keep people away." He put his arm around Stub. "Come on, let's go in. They should have your name at the side door and you'll be getting a field pass like me."

All I could do was follow, and sure enough I had a pass waiting for me. Stupid that I hadn't asked what I needed to do to get in. The place was so empty during my previous trips to the stadium that it hadn't occurred to me. My official seat was a few seats down from Charlie and Stub. People happily switched places and gave me their adjacent seat.

"So you want to tackle your first locker room?" Charlie asked as he stood up.

"You're joking."

Everyone around us laughed as heat raced to my cheeks. I followed Charlie through the crowd on the familiar path to the locker room. I heard them before I saw them. Good-natured shouts and cheers had me smiling all the way until I turned the last corner.

Fuck me.

They stood in a circle, no shirts, most in under shorts or whatever you called those skin-tight white things that left nothing to the imagination. How the hell did female sports reporters stay unaffected with all the skin and muscle in a locker room?

They started chanting and making animal sounds, which made it even worse. Charlie elbowed me. "You okay?"

"They're practically naked," I whispered.

He roared out a laugh and half the team turned our way. Shouts of, "Hey, Charlie!" and "You here to wish us luck?" came from several of the players.


Of all the guys who would break away, Van strutted over to us. Hooking an arm around my neck, he whispered in my ear, "There's my baby. Kiss for luck."

He was a certified ass. I turned my face so his lips hit my cheek. He didn't seem to notice, just turned, grabbed one of the players, and lifted him in the air with a panty-melting display of strength. Those muscular arms had been around me the evening before. I tore my eyes away and my gaze landed on Joel. The intensity in his eyes had him appearing angry. He grabbed a shirt from his locker, pulled it over his head, and walked into his office without looking back.

He was angry and I didn't understand.

The team started jumping up and down with chants of, "Slam, Slam, Slam," filling the room. Charlie yelled into my ear, "This will go on until the match starts. I just wanted you to see it. Do you want to visit the Crush locker room?"

"Not if I can help it. I kinda need my eardrums." What I really wanted to do was run out of the stadium screaming. Van acted like I was one of his many female fuck buddies just happy for a small bit of attention from him. Not that he had a reason to think differently. I jumped into his bed without much persuasion on his part.

We walked out and stopped by the snack bar for drinks. Charlie ordered beer for himself and Stub while I stuck with bottled water. When we got back to our seats the stands were three-quarters full. The south stands behind the goal posts were the only place without defined red and yellow colors. Costumed fans filled those seats.

"This is crazy," I said trying to hold back a small feeling of excitement regardless of how upset I was over Van.


"This is rugby fever," Stub volunteered. Someone started a wave and Stub pulled me up at our turn as the entire stadium got into the game.

Charlie leaned half across Stub so he didn't need to shout. "We'll head down to the field when the match begins. You'll want to watch some of the play from here and some from the sideline so you have both perspectives. Stub takes pictures for the paper. Would you like copies to use with your articles?"

I'd noticed the camera case over her shoulder. "I'd love them, thank you."

"Stub's The Sentinel's official photographer. We've got some great shots from previous games back at the office. She sells them as a sideline complete with autographs from the players. All the proceeds go to the youth league. It's turned into a huge boost for the little tikes and now most of their fees are covered. Van and Joel also donate heavily each year, giving us one of the best developed rugby youth leagues in the nation. The entire town got lucky the day Tally brought those boys here."

The thought of Tally's death made me sad. It didn't matter how old the brothers were now, they needed a mom. I loved mine and couldn't picture a day knowing she wasn't a phone call away.

I looked at Charlie. "You said Tally died in a car accident about ten years ago. It must have been very hard on her sons."

Stub started to say something, but Charlie interrupted. "Neither of those boys was ever the same."

I glanced at Stub. She was looking over her shoulder and I wondered what she was going to say. Before I could ask, everyone in the stadium rose to their feet and started cheering as music began playing over the loudspeakers. Yellow uniforms ran onto the field and everyone clapped and cheered. Yes, everyone. It didn't matter what color you wore. The excitement was getting under my skin and a small thrill went through me.

A few minutes later, the music changed. It was loud with pounding drums. The roar started low, building with the music. A voice yelled out from the speakers. "Ladies, grab your man, gentlemen grab her hands and keep her from mauling our hometown boys. Here they are- The Slam."

It was corny, but the stadium went crazy as the team ran out from the tunnel. I realized the place was now packed and the deafening roar of fans almost had me covering my ears. Stub was jumping up and down higher than people six inches taller than her. The music continued as the team did chest bumps, high fives, and arm pumps to get the fans going even more.

Eventually, things quieted down for the National Anthem. The teams stood in a straight line, Joel at one end of The Slam and Van on the other. Every man from both teams sang. That alone amazed me. At the high school and college sporting events I attended, maybe one or two players bothered to move their lips. This was entirely different. Both teams belted out the words and gave patriotism a new meaning. I looked around at the fans singing loud and proud with them.

Maybe that's when I fell in love with rugby.

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