Completion Chapter 141


The kiss changed as Van took over. His fingers sought the zipper on the back of my dress. Once the material was loose, he pulled the sleeves down, exposing my lace bra and dipping his rough fingertips under the material.

"God, your tits are incredible," he said with a whispery groan.

Every nerve ending on my body centered on each stroke against my breast. Before I realized what I was doing, my arms were around him, my fingernails digging into his back. A dizzying whirl of sexual need shot straight to my inner thighs. His mouth took complete control. He sucked my lower lip continuing his assault with gentle nips. I could no longer think past the driving ache that wanted to explode from my body. Never had I felt such blinding need. He pushed my dress past my hips until it pooled on the floor. I had no idea that he unclipped my bra until it fell to the floor too. He swung me into his arms without ending the kiss. My shoes fell off along the way. I couldn't think. I didn't want to think.

His bedroom was dark, but he knew where the most important piece of furniture was, and within seconds of entering, I was on it. His chest, I wanted to feel his bare chest against my naked breasts. I started working the buttons, but he had no patience. He pushed my fingers aside and buttons went flying. I was drunk, he was sexy as hell, and now all I wanted were his pants. Coming off. Now.

He pulled back slightly so he could help me with his zipper. I couldn't think past where I needed his body next. He shuffled above me and I heard a drawer next to the bed open. A minute later, the unmistakable sound of a condom wrapper being torn open. God, I hadn't thought that far, but good. So good.

The tip of his cock pushed against me, but didn't get far. My legs circled his hips. He lowered his head a little, taking my nipple into his mouth. Oh God. Strong suction had tingling sensation traveling all the way to my pussy. My back bowed and my legs tightened. His cock pressed forward again as my hands moved up and sank into his hair. I pulled, he pushed.

"Fuck, you're tight. Open up, baby." He sucked my nipple harder.

Even with alcohol clouding my brain, it hurt. I gave a pain-filled groan. Van took it as assent. I tried to pull back, but he pushed me farther into the bed and thrust forward harder. He strained against me and finally gained entry. His mouth covered my scream. He didn't stop. His hips pumped faster and the burn increased. I tried to relax my body. I wanted this... had practically begged him to fuck me five minutes before.


It seemed to take him forever before he sighed against my cheek and collapsed on top of me. He kissed my forehead and rolled over, tucking me into his side. "God, baby, you were so incredibly tight. Please tell me I wasn't your first."

Did I hear sincerity in his voice? I wasn't sure. "No, it's just been a long time." I felt defeated and reality was pushing aside the puffy sex clouds fogging my brain.

"Don't move. Let me get rid of this condom." He jumped up from the bed and a second later the bathroom light snapped on blinding me. I rolled over, facing away from the door. What the fuck was I thinking? Why was I here? The light switched off and Van curled in behind me.

"You okay, baby?"

"Hmm." I was afraid I'd cry if I said any more. Sex would never be great for me but for some reason I expected Van to be different, that I would feel what other women talked about. My brain was still mush from the alcohol and that made it worse. I'd fucked a guy I barely knew because he had a ripped body. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Van began massaging my back, gently sinking his fingers into my stiff muscles. Kisses pressed to the side of my neck. I'll admit it felt good.

"That was too quick, baby, but I swear you had me too ramped up to go slow. Your amazing tits got me so hot I couldn't think straight. Let me make it good for you." His leg slid between mine.

"I'm sore, Van, I don't think I can," I said on a long sigh as he found a particularly tight muscle beneath my shoulder blade. He rolled me over and kissed me. Sweet nips and gentle sucks had the memory of pain fading. He kissed down my chest to my breasts.

"I could get lost right here, baby. I love your tits."

He went slow, sucking gently on my nipples. My breathing accelerated while small sounds of pleasure left my throat. For a while he did get lost. He worshiped my breasts with small bites, bits of suction and kisses. When he eventually found his way lower, his fingers roughly dug into my skin as they traveled down my sides. I thought my heart would explode from my chest. His mouth found my sore, swollen center. He licked and teased before sucking my clit and flicking his tongue against me.


"God," I cried out.

"Like that, baby?" He blew across my sensitive flesh and slowly pushed one finger inside.

My hips rose from the bed and he laugheda low husky breath against my pussy. It all felt so incredibly good. I couldn't hold still, thrusting my hips against his mouth. He didn't stop. Two fingers entered gliding in and out in a steady rhythm as he continued driving me crazy. The burn from his earlier entry faded completely. My entire body focused on his tongue and fingers. I had no control of my pending orgasm; it hung at the edge, needing just a little more- something. A loud cry escaped me.

So close.

And suddenly the waves burstexploding. An almost painful zing went straight to my nipples and traveled to every erogenous zone I possessed. The scream tore from my throat and I covered my mouth with my fist to block some of it. The ripples of energy continued, and Van didn't stop. I could hear his satisfied laugh. It seemed like forever before I collapsed back against the bed trying to control my ragged breathing.

He did it. Took me to a place I'd only heard about. Could this be love? Even with my cloudy thoughts I knew I was being stupid. This was special, well not the first time, but this last. He cared. Van made this special for me.

He kissed his way up my body, warm tender pecks until he kissed my lips the same way. He tugged the sheets and comforter from underneath us, shifting me closer, pulling the covers up to my chin. His bodytoasty warmspooned mine.

"That was great, baby. I knew you would taste that good," he whispered in my ear. Exhaustion rolled over me and I fell asleep thinking about Van's spectacular mouth.

When the morning light woke me, I heard the shower running. I smiled. Why did I fight this attraction? Van was special and I could more than live with his jockiness. I laughed at my made-up word, feeling silly. He opened the door and stepped out naked. A delayed sense of shyness rolled over me, and I pulled the sheet up just a little higher.

He started opening drawers and pulling out clothes. He threw on a pair of shorts followed by his shirt. God, he was commando, and I wanted him back in bed with me. Grabbing athletic shoes from his closet, he walked over to the bed and sat down beside me, giving my hip covered by the sheet a loud smack.

"I'm glad you're awake. I'll leave the keys to the Rover downstairs on the kitchen counter. I'll have it picked up from the hotel later. I always do a light workout before a match. I need you out before I get home. I'll be gone for about two hours. Make yourself some breakfast and I'll have my housekeeper take care of last night's dishes. Thanks for everything, baby." He leaned over and kissed me. "We both got what we wanted. You're good, right?"

What we wanted? What the hell?

He was brushing me off.

I wanted to screamcrythrow something at his head. I was the dumbest woman alive. He smoothed his hand over my hip before giving me a gentle pat.

"I need to run."

And he did. Could he see my shock or did my morning face scare him away? I must have looked horrible, but I knew that wasn't it. Van the player- played me and I walked right into it. Not just that, I fell asleep planning a future with him. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. I pulled the covers up higher and smelled Van, smelled sex. I was an utter moron.

I lay there crying for twenty minutes before I was able to get up. I groaned. My damn clothes were downstairs. I didn't bother going into the bathroom. Grabbing the sheet from the bed, I could think of nothing but my dress and getting the hell out of his home. I walked to the dining room, sniffling. And froze.

Joel stood beside the table, my dress folded neatly on the table with my underwear and bra hanging from his fingers. Could the morning get any worse or could my humiliation be any greater?

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