Completion Chapter 139


For the first time, I watched league rugby matches opposed to sevens and union on YouTube. I don't know what I expected, but being confused even more wasn't it. I shut down my laptop and headed for a local fast food drive-through for a salad.

I was on the field again at two. From my discussion with Van the evening before, I knew a little more about the practice drills. I walked up into the stands and watched from there. I used my recorder to remind myself of things to ask Van. After practice, I tried sneaking out, but Van called for me to wait up.

Sweat and dirt took nothing away from his sexual pull. It may even have made it stronger. I don't know where my cave girl mentality came from, but I had a horrible feeling it was here to stay. I'm sure I could find a man at my office who would happily partner me to sports events. If not, maybe I could join some of my co-workers when they had tickets. I needed to attend something with lots of muscle on display and somehow get it out of my system. Running away for years hadn't helped.

"About dinner tonight," Van said as he ran up beside me.

"Dinner?" Poor Van was playing with fire and he didn't even know it.

"Do you have more questions?"

"Do you still have octopus arms?"

He shook his head not bothering to hide his smile. "You slay me. I'm trying to help you out before the game tomorrow. I'll pick you up at seven."

He was so bossy. "So you're not asking."

"I would ask if this was a date, but it's business, remember?"

Now I was shaking my head. I had no willpower with him. None. "I'll see you at seven, but no restaurants you own. I'm buying."

He gave me a sexy smirk before running through the tunnel and disappearing. I'd stayed through the entire practice and didn't have much time to shower and get ready.


I showered quickly before going through my suitcase. I had packed one real bra. It came with matching pink panties. I wasn't a thong girl, they left me too exposed. This bra didn't hide my breasts and I put it on refusing to consider why. I chose one of two dresses I brought with me. The material accented my figure but covered my breasts with a modest neckline. There were only so many steps I could take in one night. The conservative hemline went halfway down my thighs, and if I was careful I could even bend over. I wore flats and felt much less likely to fall on my ass. It had been years since I'd dressed for a man.

"Wow!" Van said as soon as I opened the door. His eyes latched onto my breasts immediately.

"Wow yourself." I blushed, but responded without an iota of coyness. He wore nice jeans and an untucked button-up black shirt. As I glanced down, I noticed two motorcycle helmets hanging from his hand. "Uh, no. I am not getting on a motorcycle with you and especially not in a dress."

He laughed, and for the first time tonight, took his gaze from my body and glanced into my eyes. "You haven't worn a dress since I've met you and I didn't think to warn you. No way are you taking that thing off. Pull a pair of pants on and you can stuff them in your bag after we get to my surprise."

He couldn't be serious. "You want me adding pants beneath this dress?"

"Hell no, but I'll survive."

The look in his eyes told me to shut the door in his face, but elevating desire for adventure stopped me. I'd never been on a motorcycle. I turned, grabbed a pair of jeans from my bag, and went into the bathroom without a word. I slid the pants up my legs while gazing in the mirror. My reflection showed how absolutely ridiculous I looked. I adjusted the straps of my scrap bag so it rested on my back and quickly walked out of the bathroom so I wouldn't change my mind. Van lay stretched out on the bed, his hands behind his head, his deltoids bulging, and his legs crossed at the ankles. Oh, and did I mention his deltoids? Hell, I wanted to bite one.


"That was quick," he said with his fuck-me grin. So not helping.

"That's not your bed." I fought not to drool. The picture of him lying there was now burned into my memory. I had enough trouble sleeping with thoughts of his body floating around my tired brain. His grin only widened. With athletic grace, he slowly stood keeping his eyes on me the entire time. My heart wanted to explode; he looked like he would pounce. Disappointingly, he turned and grabbed the helmets from the dresser. He led me out of the Inn to his bike.

"What is it?" I asked as I admired the chrome and size of the bike.

"A Harley V-Rod Muscle. She's a beaut."

"She?" He'd seemed surprised I referred to my car as a she, but he was doing it too.

"Absolutely," he said with a wink. "Come on, my surprise is waiting." He handed me a helmet, sat his on the bike's seat, and helped me adjust mine. He ever so lightly hit his palm against the side of my helmet after adjusting the chin strap. Why was everything he did so incredibly hot? For a second, I thought he would kiss me, but he behaved himself.

After his own helmet was on, he slung his leg over the bike and twisted at the waist helping me on behind him. He started up the Harley and the engine vibrated throughout my body. My inner thighs pressed into his hips and heat ignited across my jeans-covered flesh. I was close to having a spontaneous orgasm.

Van took off and I had no choice but to wrap my arms tightly around his waist. He was completely untamed, a bad boy, and everything I needed to avoid. But sitting on the back of his bike loosened more of my inhibitions. Wild Cami screamed into the wind.

We took a side road out of town and started winding through tree-lined hills. The sun was going down, making the scenery even lovelier. The fresh air blew across my face. No streetlights, but the headlamp from the bike lit up the street as the sunlight faded. I molded the front of my body to Van's back as he took the corners. It scared the crap out of me, but the exhilaration was intoxicating. He drove for about fifteen more minutes before turning onto what looked like a private drive. He rounded a corner and a huge two-story home lit up by outside lighting appeared out of the dark. Conservative Cami, hiding in the back corner of my mind, got nervous.

Van stopped the bike about twenty feet from the large front porch and switched off the engine. He put his hand out assisting me down before swinging his leg over the seat. Next his helmet came off and then mine. He smoothed my flyaway hair before his hands dropped to his sides. It must have been the look on my face.

"This is your surprise?"

His smile reflected the evil twin brother of bad boy. "Your dinner awaits."

"Van." I said it somewhere between a sigh of frustration and nerves that decided to suddenly flare.

He ignored me and took my hand. "Come on, I'll show you around." He led me up the porch and through the front door. There was nothing masculine about the front room; antiques, Victorian furniture, and art. So not what I expected.

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