Completion Chapter 136


Van took my elbow and led me through the packed parking lot. I didn't object because it seemed more helpful than proprietary. He released me when he opened the door. It was dark inside and it was a moment before my eyes adjusted. People milled around waiting for tables. Van took my arm again and guided me into the restaurant seating area.

What the hell was he doing?

A table near the back in a quiet corner had a reserved sign on it. Van pulled my chair out, walked behind me, and took the inside chair beside mine. The realization hit that he pre-planned this. "You think of everything don't you?"

I could see his sexy smile in the candlelight. "I try. What would you like to drink?"

After my disastrous glass at The Slam Tavern, I craved a nice glass of wine. "Red wine would be wonderful." A waitress approached before I finished speaking.

Van barely glanced her way, keeping his eyes on me. "Cheryl, my lady here would like Cabernet Sauvignon and I'll have my usual."

His lady. He did it again, and I planned to say something as soon as we were alone again. I cast a slight frown at Van before taking a good look at Cheryl. A mistake. The woman was using her eyes to shoot deadly laser beams my way. She made sure I knew it too.

Finally letting up on her glare, she smiled sweetly at Van. "Would you like an appetizer?"

"Sure thing, honey. Bring us the sample platter," he said, giving her his fuck-me grin.

I was "babe" and Cheryl was "honey." I needed to take notes so I would know his ladies' nicknames. Van was a player. I pushed my glasses up my nose and studied the menu, glad to have something that made me look busy.

"I'd love to order for you," Van said as soon as Cheryl walked away.

Why didn't I have laser beam eyes? "No, thank you. I think I can handle this."

His sexy grin flashed right before he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Were you always such a ball breaker or is this just for my benefit?"


I turned too quickly in his direction and his lips almost touched mine. I moved back instantly, but my eyes stayed on his full sensual mouth. "You're doing it again, Van." I tore my gaze away, cast shyness away, and pulled up my big girl panties. "This isn't a date, it's business. As for being a ball breaker, if you'd behave I could relax and enjoy the evening."

He, with all his self-confidence, ignored my reprimand, but moved back a little giving me room. "I asked about you in the car and I'd like to learn what- excites you about journalism." The husky tone was back in his voice.

I wanted to kick him under the table, but I'm sure he'd turn that into some kind of sexual innuendo too. I chose to ignore his bad-boy vibes. "I'll give you the condensed version because I need some lessons in rugby and I have questions from today's practice."

He nodded and said, "You first."

So I told him several of the boring details of my life. He actually seemed interested, which I had trouble believing. My wine, a tall glass of beer for Van, and the appetizer arrived. Cheryl took our dinner orders and left us alone after another glare at me. I ignored her. "Charlie Waters told me rugby fans love their beer. It must carry on to the players too." I nodded to his iced mug.

He tipped his glass at mine. "Alesmith Speedway Stout. There's nothing better in my opinion." He took a heavy pull. "So what questions do you have?"

It took me a minute to dig through my bag and find my phone, which had my notes typed into an app. When I looked up, Van was staring at my compressed cleavage. I sighed and he gave me his little boy, I'm in trouble face.

"You can't blame me for looking. They're quite nice."

"Argh, you drive me crazy."

He laughed full out. "Argh?"

"Yes, just think of me as a pirate with a sword and a hooked hand. I'll hook you with one and tear your guts out with the other."


"Bloodthirsty wench and an interesting visual, but you don't scare me."

"Well you scare the crap out of me," I said honestly.

His smile disappeared and he smoothly took my hand. "Don't say that." He looked so earnest.

Okay, maybe I did have built in laser beams. He carefully removed his hand. "We'll talk about rugby, my second favorite sport."

Dammit. I knew what his first favorite was. If he wasn't so darn good looking this would be easy. I clicked through my questions on my phone. When I glanced up, his eyes were on mine, but the naughty look on his face remained. If I didn't take more notes I don't think I would remember anything he said. I was doing a good job at keeping wild Cami hidden away, but facts were facts. I couldn't think clearly when I was around Van.

We finished our dinner and enjoyed another drink. Cheryl checked to see if we needed anything more. Her eyes stayed on Van's until I spoke. "No thank you, but you can bring the bill to me please."

She looked between us and I had to grit my teeth when she asked Van what I was talking about.

"Don't worry, honey. I'll explain it to her."

Cheryl walked away and I looked at Van, waiting...

"My brother and I co-own the restaurant."

"And-" I bit back a four-letter-word-filled sentence, "You could have told me this before we ate."

He stood and helped me from my chair. "We can arm wrestle later, but I'd rather do it in private," he whispered suggestively.

The ass. I couldn't believe I was stuck with him for three weeks or longer if the team continued winning. He led me to the Rover and opened my door. Before I could get my foot up, he spun me around and his lips came down on mine. It was a practiced move that I hadn't expected. I also didn't expect him to taste so good. Hell, I might need to start drinking beer. His fingers threaded into my hair at the back of my neck and all thoughts of a professional relationship went right out the window. Wild Cami came out to play.

His tongue circled mine, while his lips nibbled and sucked. He finally pulled away slightly, but held onto my hair keeping my head still. He drew in a ragged breath. "Come home with me, Cami," he kissed along my jaw. "Spend the night. I need to get you out of my system."

Before his words registered and I could say yes, a voice came from out of the dark. "Hey, bro, could I have a word with you?"

Crap. It was Joel.

"Not right now- bro," Van shot back sarcastically.

"Yes, right now." Joel was no longer asking.

It was dark, but I could see Van's eyes flash with anger. "I'll join you in a minute, babe." He leaned forward and gave my lips a quick peck.

I hurriedly took my seat inside the Rover and shut the door as Van followed his brother about ten feet away. I couldn't hear anything, but I saw Van raise his hands much like he did with me when he messed up and promised to stay hands-off. Little good it did. I needed to change my approach with Van. I wasn't getting through to him and he was playing havoc with my libido. Crap, I kissed him back and was a split second from going home with him. Fuck, I couldn't allow this to happen again.

A minute later, Van jumped in the driver's seat and angrily slammed the door. He didn't say a word as he pulled out of the parking lot, but I noticed his fingers gripping and releasing the steering wheel. I wisely kept my mouth shut. Whatever was going on between the brothers was not my business. I turned and looked out the window.

Van stopped at a light and I turned forward. From the corner of my eye, I saw him studying me. I looked his way.

"Do you and my brother have something going?"

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