Completion Chapter 125


"Do you think Jon and Bitsy will want me to adopt them?" Reed asked sleepily.

"I think they will. When are you going to ask?"

"Tomorrow." He looked at the clock and smiled. "Today, but right now, let's cuddle."

I liked that idea, but of course, cuddling turned to sex before we finally passed out and slept until the morning sun was high in the sky.

"Come on, sleepyhead, get up, and take a quick shower. I called Chi Chi and she's heading to the practice field so I can talk to Jon and Bitsy."

His face was animated, and Reed the little boy was back. He was hell-bent on getting back to our suite as soon as possible. We showered together, but washed ourselves, which made me grouchy. I didn't bother fixing my hair or I think he'd have strangled me. A little makeup and ponytail was all I had time for before he pulled me out the door. He carried my bag, so I guessed we weren't going back to the room.

Jon and Bitsy were watching television when we came in. Reed hugged Bitsy and kissed her cheek. Jon just looked quizzical.

"I need to speak with you both-well-Jaycee too." Reed was nervous.

Jon turned off the TV and waited.

Reed sat Bitsy down on the couch then took the floor in front of them. He put his hand out to me and I walked over, took it, and sat down beside him.

He didn't wait any longer. "I'm planning to marry your sister and I would like to adopt you both."

I watched him look back and forth between my brother and sister. Bitsy spoke first, "Would you be my daddy?"

If hearts could break, mine would have at that moment.

"I would love to be your daddy, Bits." He turned to Jon, "I could be more like a big brother to you, Jon, if you don't want to call me dad." The hesitant smile he gave Jon twisted my gut.

Jon's voice was so full of longing. "You would adopt us? Give us your name, everything?"

"Everything. It's yours."

I hadn't seen my brother cry since our mom died, but tears started running down his cheeks. Reed stood and pulled him into his arms in the same movement. He grabbed Bitsy and pulled her in too.

He loved us. Reed Tyler wanted us, my family, all of us. Reed turned them slightly and looked over Jon's shoulder. I'll never forget his eyesbright, glassy, and full of love.

Jon was embarrassed when the hug finally ended, but Reed didn't give him time to think about it. He walked to my bag and pulled out a box that he must have slipped inside earlier while I slept. He opened the box to reveal several smaller ones. He carried them closer, set three down, and held a fourth one out to me. Lifting the lid, he showed me the most perfect engagement ring ever. My breath caught. He went to his knee with Bitsy's delighted giggles in the background.


"Will you marry me, Jaycee Shumway?"

He'd waited to do this in front of my sister and brother. "Yes, Reed Tyler."

He placed the ring on my finger and stood. He then kissed me quickly and turned to Jon and Bitsy. "I didn't know if you would be willing to give up your last name and take mine, but then I figured you didn't need to." He picked up the smallest of the remaining boxes and opened it to show a beautiful silver bracelet with a nametag.

Shumway-Tyler was printed on the front. My brother's was leather with a silver nameplate and the same name. The third box held two bracelets, one for Reed, the other for me. I couldn't believe he'd wear a bracelet with our name too. I also couldn't believe he'd planned this for some time. How could I not love him?

It was decided that Bitsy and I would move into the main house and Jon would live above the garage. Reed insisted he have a room in the house too, but I don't think Jon cared. Reed made him feel like a man because even at fifteen, Jon was. The entire week was magicalfrom watching Reed practice and play games to our trip without him at Epcot. He texted me the entire day.

We didn't want to leave and Reed didn't want us going, but this was the beginning of our new life, and even being separated, it didn't lessen our feelings. We'd also discussed wedding plans. I was to choose a dress and a date around Reed's schedule and we would be married at the courthouse. I refused a large wedding because I wasn't waiting. Reed and I decided we would give Bitsy one when she grew up and found the perfect man. And, he would need to be perfect for Bitsy or Reed told me his body would never be found.

Our flight back was long, but not as nerve wracking. Maggie waited for us and drove us home. Bitsy spilled the beans first and gave up all our secrets. I saw Maggie wipe her eyes and smile from ear to ear.

Jon and Bitsy returned to school on Monday, both wearing their bracelets. Lawrence came to see me and had the adoption papers drawn up. I called Michelle with CPS after the attorney left and she was happy for us too.

"You've done a great job, Jaycee. I'm so glad you were on my caseload and I was able to meet you and be part of a success story. I'm not taking that decrepit trailer back, though."

I had to laugh. We would find something to do with it.

I gave my notice to Dwaine at work on my first Wednesday back.

"You would have made a great manager, Jaycee, but I'm so happy for you and your family. Don't forget about me. I'll be here slaving away smelling like a day-old hamburger."

I hugged him and this time Dwaine hugged me back tightly.

"I'll never forget about you. If you like baseball, I know someone who can get you tickets."


"That's a deal."

A week later, his mother paid me another visit. This time both Jon and Bitsy were with me as we painted her soon-to-be-princess room. All three of us had pink paint splattered on our clothes and skin when we heard the doorbell ring.

"Mrs. Tyler, won't you come in," I said when I answered it.

I think her eyes should have popped out with all the pressure in her brain. Jon and Bitsy came up behind me. I introduced them. "Please meet my brother and sister, soon to be Shumway-Tylers. Your son and I are getting married in two weeks and we'd like it if you could come." Liar, Liar.

She actually sputtered, looked at the three of us, turned around, and marched back to the car.

"Who was that?" Bitsy asked.

"Your new grandmother. She's not very nice, but I think if we try real hard we can soften her up."

Reed called a few hours later, his laughter making me smile. "My mother called her attorney, her attorney called Lawrence, and he called me. Did you really invite her to the ceremony?"

"Am I horrible if I hope she doesn't come?"

"No, baby, you're perfect."

"If I had her face on video when I introduced her to Bitsy and Jon you wouldn't think so. And Bitsy plans to call her grandma."

I loved hearing Reed laugh.

Two weeks later, we stood before the Justice of the Peace and became a family. Money paved the way and streamlined the adoption. The court proceedings took place that day and the four of us became Shumway-Tylers. Mrs. Tyler didn't show. Yes, Reed changed his name too.

We had five days in Hawaii before Reed's season began. We went as a family; Jon took care of Bitsy at the beach each day, giving Reed and me time alone.

After we returned from the best family honeymoon ever, I enrolled in school full time, but kept a handle on Reed's finances. He grumbled, but signed the papers I put in front of him. He wouldn't even listen to what they were for. I also signed paperwork for Mrs. Tyler's charities. She avoided our house, but had to call and personally explain about each charity donation she wanted. Our conversations were short. Surprisingly, she kept a level tone and I always gave her what she wanted. My life was too busy to care what she really thought of us.

The Shumway-Tylers were perfect.


Six months later-

I was strapped spread-eagle to our bed, my kinky husband sitting beside me rolling my nipple between his fingers.

"Did you miss me, baby?"

"Yes, so please hurry."

"Not so fast. I've been planning this for a while. I have these kinky fantasies, you know."

"Yes, I know and I have them too, but I was hoping you would hurry them along. I have a surprise for you but won't hand it over until I'm happy."

"I think you're happy." He pinched hard and I sucked in a breath.

"You fantasize about torturing me?"

"Yes, every night that I'm not with you." He leaned in and sucked the stiffened peak into his mouth, twirling his tongue around the sensitive tip while he used his fingers to play with the other one.

He'd bought more straps, and I was unable to raise my hips more than an inch. It was pure torture mixed with ecstasy. He moved down between my legs, placing his hands beneath my ass and lifting me as far as the straps would allow. It was far enough that his tongue had no problem finding my clit and his fingers my waiting center.

"Just like this the first time, baby. I want you screaming and coming with my tongue on home plate. I have a different fantasy for the next time and the next." He lapped my flesh, driving me crazy and wringing more than one cry from my lips.

Before I could come down from the delicious high of my orgasm, he removed the ankle cuffs, resituated my arms above my head, and had me on my hands and knees. His cock rested at my entrance as he breathed hot air against my neck.

"Tell me about your surprise, baby."

"Reed," I groaned.

He pushed slowly inside and bit down on my shoulder at the same time. "Tell me." He licked his teeth marks, causing me to tighten my inner muscles.

"You're wacked. Fuck me, please."

"Hmm, I'm thinking about it." He pulled out completely, kissing my back and neck, sucking every other kiss, and marking me again and again.

I needed him inside me and should never have mentioned my surprise.

"The," I sucked in a breath when his teeth nipped hard, "bedside drawer." He could be such a little boy. He moved away and opened the drawer. Five seconds later, I was flipped over with his face right up to mine.

His voice cracked as he said, "A baby." His hand went to my quivering stomach.

"I'm taking it back if you don't put me out of my misery, but yes, a baby." I'd left the pregnancy test kit in the drawer, the bright blue plus facing up. Reed spoke about our future children all the time. I didn't tell him I went off the pill. He did so much for me and I wanted to do this for himfor both of us.

He untied my wrists and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you," he whispered as he entered me, his eyes on mine the entire time.

I reached up and wiped the tear running down his face with my finger then licked it. Deliciously salty. My Reed. My man.

My perfect.

Joel & Cami's story next-


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