Completion Chapter 123


We left the hotel at noon and found ourselves at a medium-sized ballpark, with Bitsy and I dressed in our number eight jerseys. Jon didn't wear a jersey, but he wore a t-shirt with the team colors, blue and white. He still did the whole dark-eyed sinister thing, but he managed to carry it off and not look ridiculous. I couldn't remember the last time he wasn't wearing black outside of the swimming pool. He gave me the cold shoulder and answered with one word whenever he could get away with it, but he'd made his point. I know he didn't think I would listen or take advice from him, but he had managed to break through the wall I'd put up since Reed's mother's visit.

Tickets were waiting and our seats were above the Bandits' dugout.

Chi Chi ran toward us when she saw us approach. "Hey, girlfriend. Long time no see. I figured you didn't make your flight because of the bad mood your man's in." Something must have shown on my face because she followed her statement up with, "Ah, ooh." She turned to Jon and Bitsy and said hello before dragging us to our seats. "This is so much more laid back than home stadium. I think you'll like it and it's a good introduction to the game. We're closer and can ogle the muscle more from here."

I managed a smile. "You're hopeless."

"No, I'm just not dead, and your boy toy is damn hot in his uniform."

I wanted to place my hands over Bitsy's ears, but she seemed wrapped up in the crowd and wasn't paying attention. I searched the field and found Reed. I had to do a double take. His tight uniform pants hugged every inch of his legs and ass, though I only had a side view. He looked just as mouthwatering as usual, but totally different in other ways. This was Reed in his element. He took his ball cap off, wiped his brow, and adjusted the hat back on his head. The entire time his arm muscles rippled with power. A ball came his way and he scooped it into his glove and threw it across the outfield before turning our way and checking out the stands where we sat. I know he saw us, but he turned back to his warm up without acknowledging we were here.


"Boy, oh boy, you have that man on edge. He's usually waving at fans and having a good time. My heart is palpitating just imagining the makeup sex."

I nudged her arm. "You're incorrigible," I said, not taking my eyes off Reed. Oh God, she was right, he was hot.

"Come on, Bitsy, let's hit the snack bar." Jon took her hand and they left the stands. I'd given him money so he didn't need to worry about asking.

"Spill." Chi Chi didn't make it a request.

My sigh was full of frustration. "I can't talk about it. Reed and I have a few things to work through, but yes, he's angry. He went back to the room he shares with Sal last night."

"Hmm, I didn't know that. Sal stayed in my room."

"Well at least one of us got lucky."

Chi Chi laughed while I watched Reed. The coach called the players in and they formed a circle in front of the dugout. Two players walked with the coach to home plate and met with the other team. Reed entered the dugout, but I saw him leave it a moment later. He walked to the side fence and I realized Jon had Bitsy down there. Reed reached over the fence, picked up Bitsy, and brought her to his side. I watched him give her a big hug. My heart melted. He kissed Bitsy's forehead and put her back over the fence, but never looked my way.

He had his glove under his arm and walked out to his position in the outfield as the game began. I didn't know much about baseball, but I listened as Chi Chi and Jon, who brought Bitsy back to our seats, talked about the game. My focus remained on Reed.

The Bandits finally came in for their first chance at bat. According to Jon, the first batter grounded out, but the second hit a single and made it to first base. Sacrifice out and the first base runner was on second with two outs. The next batter walked to first after four balls so the second base runner didn't advance. Reed was up.


Chi Chi whispered in my ear, "Your man has lots of sweet spots; he can hit a ball that others won't try for. Just watch."

Sweet spots. I know I blushed. I tried to focus on Reed and not my own sweet spots that needed his attention.

Reed owned the plate. After a foul deep into the left-field stands, he hit a triple, bringing the base runners in. The fans went wild with me cheering as loudly as Jon, Bitsy, and Chi Chi. Reed tipped his hat to the crowd and I saw him grin for the first time since I'd arrived at the stadium.

"He's cocky, but he's earned it. This should be a record year for him if he can keep his head out of your pants and on the game."

"Chi Chi," I snapped.

She only laughed.

The game continued. Reed hit a high pop fly his second time at bat, which was caught by the opposing team's center fielder. In the bottom of the seventh, he hit a home run and we went crazy. The Bandits won six to two.

"Fix your mess quickly. Game-winning sex is almost better than makeup sex and you could have both."

If it was only that easy. My heart wanted Reed more than anything in this world, but my mind argued with what was best for him.

I wasn't sure what to do now that the game was over; Chi Chi told us to wait. The team came out and started signing autographs and talking to fans. Reed had his share of families, but I saw several young women standing very close and not leaving as the others moved off. Reed was polite and signed one woman's t-shirt above her overly large breasts with a pen she handed him. For the first time, he looked over at me and winked. The jerk. I realized my hands clenched tightly into fists and jealousy had me wanting to tear the woman's t-shirt to shreds. Why was my brain so damn scattered when it came to him?

He managed to break away, walking straight to me. He hooked his arm around my neck and pulled me close. His female fan club watched with mouths slightly agape.

"Miss you, baby," he said against my lips, but he didn't kiss me, just turned to Jon and Bitsy. "Does everyone want food? I'm starving."

Bitsy jumped up and down shouting, "Pizza, pizza."

"You live off pizza, squirt, but I'm in." He slowly released me. "I need to grab my bag. I'll meet you out front at the car in a few minutes. Jon, you want to come with me and meet some more teammates?"

Like he needed to ask Jon twice. They walked away, Sal came for Chi Chi, and Bitsy and I went to the car. My head was a whirlwind of confusion, but just that small touch from him made me feel better than I had since last night. I knew he was still mad, but he'd softened, and maybe we could talk later. Who was I kidding? Talking was the last thing on my mind. I needed Reed Tyler's body buried deeply in mine, and I still didn't know how I could ever live without him.

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