Completion Chapter 121


I waved over Bitsy and Jon and then we followed Beverly down the long ramp to the plane.

"You can place your bags in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of where you'll be sitting and then I'll introduce you to the captain."

We quickly stored our bags and I noticed the wider seats and more luxurious accommodations in the front of the large plane. Reed continued to take care of us.

Beverly knocked on the open cockpit door and the captain turned. "Welcome to my plane. I'm Captain Montague. Reed told me this is your first airplane flight and a certain young lady might want to see the controls and ask a few questions."

Oh God, how could I not love Reed Tyler? Bitsy's questions started up again, but this time almost every one was answered. Jon and I got situated in our seats, him across from Bitsy and me. The captain finally explained to Bitsy that the cockpit door had to remain locked and closed during the flight and it was time for her to find her seat. With a shiny set of captain's wings on her shirt, she took the inside seat so she could look out the window.

Maybe if I'd traveled by air earlier in life, I wouldn't be so scared, but facts were facts: I was terrified. Jon nudged my shoulder and put his fist out. Mine went on top, Bitsy scrambled on my lap and added hers and we finished our ritual. If the Shumways were going down, we'd go down together. I didn't relax, but I felt better.

Takeoff was rough for me because of the roar of the engines. Once we were in the air, I settled down, unclenched my fingers, and went back to answering Bitsy's questions. Thirty minutes later, she nodded off and I followed her into a surprisingly heavy sleep. The descent of the airplane woke me and I placed a death grip on the side arms of my chair again. Jon laughed and Bitsy oohed and ahhed over how fast we were going when the wheels hit the runway. I finally took a deep breath when we landed.

We grabbed our carryon bags, which Maggie loaned us, and were the first to exit the plane. Reed was waiting outside the security clearance area. He sprinted to us and I was in his arms being kissed in front of my sister and brother before I could stop him. Two seconds into the kiss, I didn't want to. He pulled away much too soon, shook Jon's hand, and picked up Bitsy into his arms and asked her about the plane ride.


"I met Captain Monnag, Mona-"

"Montague," Reed answered for her.

"Yep, him, and he let me touch his controls and told me how he flies the plane. I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up and he said he would help me." Without taking a breath, she embarrassed me to the tips of my toes. "Are you going to marry my sister?"

Reed looked at me and winked. "Your sister's a little on the stubborn side, but maybe someday."

Bitsy giggled and went on with talking about the rest of her adventure. I looked everywhere but at Reed; my heart had fallen into my stomach.

A driver waited out front and delivered us to the hotel. The suite was more of an apartment with three bedrooms and a split-level floor plan. The master bedroom, where Reed took my bag without asking, wasn't nicer than his house, but it was close. Bitsy's and Jon's rooms on the other side of the living area were delightful. Bitsy had several outfits waiting. She was now a Texas Bandits fan, according to her jersey. To make it all come together, the number eight with Tyler above it on the back displayed whom she supported.

"I got you one too," Reed whispered in my ear.

"I'm a number eight fan?"

"My favorite fan." He nipped my neck.

My brother cleared his throat, Reed smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

"I need to feed you guys and then I'll show you the pool and other fun stuff the hotel offers."

Bitsy also had a Disney princess t-shirt, which she insisted on wearing. I figured it was for Monday, but Reed only smiled and told her she could wear it.

"While you change clothes, Bitsy, I need to talk to your sister. Will you be okay sleeping in this room alone tonight?"

Reed never beat around the bush, and I knew my cheeks were red.

"Where is Jaycee sleeping?"

"I miss her, so she's going to stay in my room."

Bitsy might be six, but she wasn't stupid. "You better marry her."

"Yeh, I think I better, but remember-stubborn."

I actually think he meant it about the marrying part. I'd dwelled on not coming to Florida and ending things while Reed was gone, but changed my mind. I'd already told Bitsy about Disney World and I knew Reed might someday forgive me for leaving him, but he'd never forgive me for breaking Bitsy's heart. He cared about her, he cared about Jon too. Reed Tyler didn't run from my baggage.


He took my hand and walked me into our room, shut the door, and kissed me indecently, his traveling hands finally reaching my breasts. "I missed you way too much, baby, and I know something's wrong. Tell me." His lips moved across my jaw to my neck.

I couldn't help the stiffening of my body at his words. He moved slightly back, tilting his forehead until it rested against mine. He breathed in deeply, slowly trailed his hands out from under my t-shirt, and released me completely.

"Talk to me, baby."

I wanted to bawl my eyes out, and I couldn't look at him. "Tonight, Reed, we'll talk tonight."

His palms went to either side of my face and he moved my head until my eyes met his. "You're not leaving me, Jaycee. We can talk about anything you want, work out any problems, but the end will be the same."

My answer came out in a choked whisper, "You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. We're worth fighting for, and you are going to fight for me. I need you almost as much as Jon and Bitsy need you, maybe in some ways more. We will make this work. Let me feed you and show the kids around, and then we'll talk. But stop worrying. We are not over." His lips took mine again.

How did he know? How could he always decipher my moods and thoughts? His kiss was short but sweet. He took my hand again and we joined Jon and Bitsy.

"There's an account set up for you and Jon. You just need to sign the room number and you won't have a problem. New swimsuits and clothes are a must for everyone. And yes, Jaycee, some of it you can deduct from your pay. Some of it I'm buying because this is a vacation and I invited all of you to join me."

I glared. Reed ignored me as he and Jon began discussing the spring training games. I had no idea that some were televised and Jon watched them back at the apartment. Not that I had time to watch ball games, but still, it would have been nice to know. We had Mexican food for dinner it one of the six restaurants at the resort hotel. The place was huge. Reed showed us the pool, a huge game room, and an ice cream and candy shop. We spent an hour in the game room before returning to our suite. Even with her nap on the plane, Bitsy could barely keep her eyes open.

"I'm heading to bed too," Jon told us.

Reed and I went to our room. Before I could say anything, he hugged me against his warm chest and rocked back and forth. "This is where you belong, baby."

It felt so good. I could stay in his arms cuddled against him until I died from lack of sustenance, but it would be a happy death.

"Come on, let's get that talk over with." He pulled me to a loveseat beneath the large window overlooking a huge golf course I'd seen earlier. It was dark now, and small white lights sparkled from all the trees, lighting up the course.

Avoiding the coming talk wasn't going to work, but Reed didn't push. I glanced at him, but had to look away.

"No," he said as he took my chin and turned me so I faced him again. "This is eating you alive and you just need to say it."

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