Completion Chapter 120


Bitsy stayed the night at Maggie's on Friday and Jon was going out with his friends. He did his laundry and packed his bag for our trip before he left, but I needed to wash for Bitsy and me and then pack for us too. I had a hamper full of clothes and was almost to Reed's front door when a shiny, very expensive car pulled up. It didn't take any imagination at all to figure out who the impeccably dressed woman stepping out after the driver opened the door was.

Oh my hell.

The glare she gave me should have turned me to stone. I looked about the same way that I had when Reed surprised me when he showed up Sunday. Mrs. Tyler could have stepped from a fashion magazine. Every died-brown hair in place, her skirt and blouse perfectly adorned with refined jewelry, and her face having been through subtle tightening, so, God forbid, no wrinkles marred her well-moisturized skin. I stood waiting for the attack.

"I've come to speak with my son. I'm assuming you're hired to do-something and forgot the correct door for servants."

Was she serious? Servants? "Reed isn't here, he-"

She cut me off. "That's apparent or you wouldn't be standing there holding laundry that quite obviously does not belong to my son. Open the door and I'll wait inside."

"Reed's in Florida for spring training."

I saw her flush, but that was all she gave away. The tone of her voice never changed. "Then I will leave him a note. Open the door."

I put the basket down, unlocked the door, and punched in the security code. I knew it was a mistake, but I didn't know what else to do. "There are paper and pens in his office. I just need to put this down and I'll show you."

"I assure you I know my way around my son's home."

I listened to her heels click against the tile as she walked to Reed's office. I practically ran to the laundry room, sat the basket down, and ran back. I took a deep breath and walked into the room with dragon lady. She had my manila envelope open with the credit card and money half spilled in her hand. She didn't even look guilty as she counted the bills.


"I'm sorry, but that's mine." I wasn't sorry at all.

"I see my son pays you for more than house cleaning services."

"That's none of your business."

"Well Miss-" she looked down at the name on the credit card, "Shumway, I think you and I need to talk about this situation."

"I don't think so."

She ignored me, set her purse on his desk, pulling her checkbook out of the side. "I think we can settle this quickly. You know my son won't keep you around for long, he never does. He's wild like his father, but it won't last much longer. He's playing the field because he's settling down soon. You," Now she looked me up and down, pursed her lips even tighter, and continued, "are not marriage material, as I'm sure you already know."

"You need to leave." I didn't say please or give any room for argument. She wouldn't understand anything but direct speech.

She ignored me again. "I think ten thousand will be a good payoff. You will leave here today and have no further contact. I'm here to let Reed know that his fiancée will be in town next week and Monique will not stand for your presence. The last thing Reed will want is you hanging around. This is more money than you will see when he dumps you and quite a bit more than the envelope holds. I, of course, will hold onto the credit card. I wouldn't want you to get yourself into legal trouble."

Fiancée. I knew she was lying, but it pissed me off that she thought I was that stupid. But I had a serious problem. I couldn't leave her in the house alone. Reed didn't trust her, because I'd figured out she didn't have a key or his security code. I couldn't physically throw her out either. I could play her game, though. Shumways had bigger balls than this bitch any day and I'd figured out what this was about.

I stood straighter. "Cut the shit. You and I both know there is no fianceé. I think you're also aware that Reed gave me authority over your charity expenditures. I'm guessing you know exactly who I am."


Her gaze traveled over me once more. "Yes, I see you're not quite as dumb as I'd hoped. Why my son is infatuated with a girl with your baggage I have no idea, but it doesn't change the fact that you're leaving."

I could easily picture two black eyes on her perfect face. "If by baggage you mean my sister and brother, you need to think carefully before you say another word."

"Are you threatening me?" Her shocked look was priceless.

"Yes. You can say anything you want about me. Reed's a grown man, so you can even say what you want about him. But my sister and brother are a different story. Now, I will not say it again. Get out of this house."

"You're making a mistake. My son will hear about this. No one speaks to me this way, especially not a welfare recipient with a mother who couldn't keep her legs closed."

The bitch. I took a step toward her. She picked up her purse and placed it between us like the expensive leather might protect her. Raising her chin an inch higher, she walked past me. I wanted more than anything to stick my foot out and watch her fall flat on her face.

The wicked witch left.

Doubt set in.


I finished the laundry, packed, and sat on Reed's bed waiting for his nightly call. While Reed's mom's visit upset me, Lawrence's words disturbed me the most. Sam loved that woman until he died. How could he? How could Reed love me? Was Reed like his father and would love someone even if she were bad for him? Yes, I wanted Reed, loved him, and the security he brought to my life was a bonus I couldn't ignore. Hell, I burglarized his house for god's sake, proving I would do anything for my brother and sister, even if it was illegal.

The same thoughts went around and around in my head until the heavy metal music from my phone pulled me out. "Hi."

"Watcha wearing, baby?"

Dumb grin on my face, that was me. "Can I pretend it's something sexy?"

"With you under it, believe me it's sexy."

My thighs clenched. I wanted to bring up his mother, but couldn't do it. What could I say to him? Your mother's a bitch. He already knew it, so I played my sex kitten part and followed his lead. It didn't matter that I'd be with him tomorrow, Reed wanted to hear me scream his name. I gave him everything he wanted.

I slept in Reed's bed that night after sending a text to Jon. Actually, I didn't sleep, I just lay dreaming about his taste that I'd absorbed into my memory. And thinking bad thoughts. I had a lifetime of bad thoughts to fall back on. The worst part was that Mrs. Bitch did everything she set out to.

I had to find a way to walk away from Reed. I loved him that much.


It was our first airplane flight. I had to ask Maggie what to wear because I really had no idea. Bitsy was ecstatic and even Jon couldn't hide his excitement. As we walked through the airport, I noticed some of the odd looks he received and I was actually proud. Proud he would be the person he wanted to be and not what society demanded. I could only imagine what he would do to his body after he was eighteen. I could picture the tats and piercings that would add to his uniqueness. To each their own; I would never stop loving him.

Bitsy chatted non-stop. "How fast do planes go?"

"I have no idea." I answered her one hundredth question with just about the same words I'd used since question twenty. I was saved when my name was called to the boarding desk, which surprised me.

"I'm Jaycee Shumway," I said to the woman behind the desk.

"We have a request for your party to meet the captain and see the cockpit of the aircraft you'll be flying, Ms. Shumway. If you will follow Beverly, she'll take you aboard." She smiled at my startled look.

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