Completion Chapter 115


I met with the cleaning crew the next morning after getting Bitsy and Jon off to school. It soon became apparent that I was in the way, so I headed to Reed's office. The phone rang minutes after I sat down.

"Reed Tyler's residence. May I help you?"

"Is this Jaycee Shumway?" an older man asked.

"Yes. May I help you?"

"This is Lawrence Morgan, Mr. Tyler's attorney. He wanted me to contact you and arrange a time for you to sign a few papers."

"Umm, I'm not sure I understand."

"Could I come to the house to meet with you at noon?"

"Well, umm, sure."

"I'll see you at noon, Miss Shumway."

Wow, so formal, and I had no idea what was going on. I also couldn't contact Reed to find out. I settled into my chair to add more figures to the spreadsheet. The more I discovered about Reed's finances, the more uncomfortable I became. Yes, he lived nicely, but he didn't flaunt itat least not the kind of money I'd discovered. We were no longer talking millions.


I was sitting in the house of a billionaire, going through his financial records and he, for some reason, trusted me. I broke into his house for god's sake. Reed Tyler drove me crazy and I hadn't known which way was up since breaking his window. Now his attorney wanted to speak with me. By the time noon drew closer, I was a nervous wreck.

Two minutes before noon, the bell chimed announcing my visitor had arrived. The strangeness of answering Reed's door hadn't gone away and I just needed to get over it.

An older man in a suit holding a briefcase stood looking at me.

He didn't smile. "Miss Shumway." His hand came out.


"Mr. Morgan." His skin was cool and wrinkly, but his grip strong. I stepped back, opening the door wider so he could enter. He walked to Reed's office and I followed.

It surprised me when he stopped at the entrance and looked back over his shoulder. "Little elves have been at work in here I see." He walked in and sat down in a chair beside the desk chair, which I took, turning it to face him. "Mr. Tyler speaks highly of you and told me you will be taking over some of his finances."

Shit, I wished Reed had talked to me about this. "Reed and I spoke briefly, but so far I've only tried to clean up his mess."

For the first time, Mr. Morgan smiled. It softened his features. "I've been after Reed to hire someone for years. Do you mind if I ask, no offense meant, but do you have a background in accounting?"

He'd called Reed by his first name and I relaxed a little. "I'm in accounting classes and I've spent the past few days researching stocks, bonds, dividends, and securities because I had no idea what I was dealing with when I started on his paperwork."

Mr. Morgan appeared surprised by what I said and my heart dropped a little. Someone like me had no business messing with the intricacies of Reed Tyler's finances.

He shocked me again when he said, "I could probably be of help or even one of my associates. I also handled Mr. Tyler Senior's books and legal issues. He was quite a bit different than Reed."

Now I let my smile show. "Reed said you yell at him."

His smile remained. "He exaggerates, but he does frustrate me and he knows it."


I was still nervous about Mr. Morgan's visit, so I decided to jump in with both feet. "You said you needed me to sign something?"

He straightened in his chair and reached for his briefcase that he'd sat on the floor. "Reed has given you authority to approve certain expenditures relating to the running of his estate and also approval for charity donations."

Reed was a dead man. He was putting me in charge of his mother. Boiling oil was sounding good. "I don't feel comfortable getting between Reed and his mother."

Now the smile he gave me had a touch of pity. "For that I don't blame you, young lady. She can be a handful, but at the same time, with Reed's traveling, it would be easier. She has a financial charity limit and Reed has insisted there be no limit on what you may approve. He told me you are a brilliant mathematician and could do his books with your eyes closed. I believe those were his exact words."

If I were drinking anything, I'd have choked. I fought a full out laugh. "Reed was impressed because I finished a Sudoku puzzle from the newspaper faster than he could."

His eyes lit up. "And your time?"

"About five minutes."

Now his laugh was full and rich, I just didn't get it. "I think you'll do, Miss Shumway. Five minutes you say?"

It clicked. A friend of Reed's father got him into Sudoku puzzles. I had a feeling I was in the presence of that friend. "I was having an off morning."

He nodded his head. "After you graduate, I hope you will consider applying for a job at my firm." He looked down at the papers. "I'm sorry to be on a tight schedule today, but I have a meeting to attend."

"Could I look over them first, please?"

Pure approval came through in his voice. "Yes, indeed. Here's my card with my direct line. If I'm available, my secretary will get you through to me. If you have questions about Reed's finances, please call and I will make sure you have answers." He stood. "It was very nice to meet you, Miss Shumway."

"And you, but please call me Jaycee."

"I am Lawrence."

We smiled at each other before he walked from the room and I followed him to the door.

"If you have problems with Mrs. Tyler, call me. I have a feeling you will hold your own, though."

"Thank you." What else could I say? I hadn't signed the papers-yet, and hoped Reed had a good explanation.

The cleaning crew finished up and left. I was helping Bitsy with her homework in the afternoon when Tom knocked on the door. I learned to parallel park and a few other things that would be on Friday's test. He was taking me on a closed course the following day before my big test and teaching me what he called "auto life lessons."

When Tom dropped me off, Child Protective Services was waiting out front.

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