Completion Chapter 111


Reed held my trembling hand in the backseat of the Rolls Royce he had hired and talked about baseball. I listened while trying to push down the need to vomit and heard only half of what he said. I knew Chi Chi and Sal would be there along with Clare and Dustin. They were my saving grace for the evening and I held tight to that thought.

"Relax and you'll have a good time. This is for charity, but also the last time for us to let off a little steam before spring training."

"It's easy for you, but I don't think I can relax."

His chuckle in my ear was low and sexy, the jerk.

We pulled up to the El Diablo Hotel and exited the car onto red carpet. Flashbulbs went off while Reed kept his arm around my shoulders and ushered me inside. I heard him say a few words, but had no idea what. This was so not me. I didn't belong in this world pretending I was rich.

Once past the front doors, we were shown to the grand ballroom. Reed gave our names to a waiter and he took us to our table. Relief swamped me when Chi Chi immediately stood and threw her arms around me.

"Love the dress. Who's the designer?" she whispered.

"Umm, Macy's discount rack."

She threw back her head and laughed. My knees felt weak and I really needed my chair.

"You're priceless, Jaycee. We'll have so much fun tonight."

Reed waived the waiter off and pulled out the chair for me that was next to Chi Chi. She took my hand when she sat down and added her warmth to my cold fingers. Reed made introductions to the other couple, Donovan Kelly and his girlfriend, Elly.

"Donovan's our catcher. He's also a solid hitter and can just about play any position if we'd let him."

"Pour her some champagne, Reed. She needs that more than baseball lessons," Chi Chi said a little too loudly.

Reed poured the sparkling drink for me and I took my first sip. Thank goodness it was a small one because the bubbles unexpectedly tickled my nose.


"Get the first one down, hun, and you'll feel better." Chi Chi to the rescue.

I took a larger sip now that I knew what to expect. After a few more, I finally began to relax. Reed took my hand any time I put it in my lap and eventually Chi Chi let my other hand go, but not without a wink and smile.

Dinner was served, which was another ordeal because of the silverware.

Chi Chi noticed my consternation and whispered, "Start from the outside and move in." Only a person who grew up like me could understand how overwhelming this was. "I told Reed to sit us together. I was where you were once and Clare helped me." This time her whisper was low and only for my ears.

"Where are Clare and Dustin?"

"They're at another table, but we'll see them after the speeches. The uppity ups will take off and we can let our hair down a little."

Reed spoke into my other ear, "You're doing wonderfully, but eat some more so you won't faint on me once I pull you to the dance floor."


"I don't know how to dance."

He kissed my cheek. "I'll show you, so stop worrying."

This wasn't going to work. At least I didn't think so until my third glass of champagne and then nothing seemed quite so important anymore. Reed's hand moved between my legs, the tablecloth covering his actions. My dress had no give, but he pressed against my groin and I giggled.

"That's better," he said. "But we'll hold off on more bubbly for a while."

I thought that was funny too because it was bubbly and that was the perfect name. Men stood at the front podium and spoke about the coming season. I'd gone from scared to death and barely able to follow conversations to light-headed with the same result. Though now I didn't really care.

After the speeches were made, dessert was served. Reed put his hand on my cheek and turned me slightly after a few bites. He licked the side of my lip following it up with a quick kiss on my lips.


"You had a little bit of chocolate that I couldn't resist."

My fingers had a mind of their own and slipped across his thigh, moving between his legs. He didn't stop me, so I grew a little bolder, pressing harder, loving the feel of him as his erection grew.

"You're a tease," he whispered.

"You started it."

It was like we were in our own little world; however, the realization hit me that he would be leaving the next day.

"I don't want you to go."

"I'm not going anywhere, baby."

He'd missed my point. "Tomorrow. I don't want you leaving tomorrow."

He didn't say anything, but what could he say? I should have kept my feelings to myself, but the alcohol made me happy and sad at the same time. Truthfully, I didn't know what I would do without him and that was stupid. I had my brother and sister, two jobs, and Maggie.

"May I have a little more champagne?"

Reed poured me another glass just as a band struck up a slow tune and Chi Chi stood with Sal.

"You two going out to the floor?"

"In a minute," Reed answered for us.

"Drink up; that's all you're getting."

"My-you're bossy."

He laughed long and hard before leaning in so no one else could hear. "I'll have myself under control in a few minutes, but later when we're home you'll pay for that hard on."

"Promises, promises."

"I've decided I don't like that dress anymore. I can't touch the things that need touching."

"My tits are almost spilling out."

"Yes, and they're hard to resist, but seriously no more alcohol for you. I don't want to scandalize my teammates too badly."

I finished my drink and when Reed pulled me up, I wobbled a bit as the walls spun around me.

"Get your bearings. I've got you, baby."

He did. Reed taught me a few dance moves, unconcerned with anyone else, and made me feel like I was his entire world. For this one night, I think I was.

Chi Chi pulled me off to the bathroom a few dances later. "I wanted to say goodnight before Sal and I take off."

"I thought you were staying to let your hair down a little."

She positively glowed. "Don't worry, I'll be letting my hair down. Sal and I are heading to a private club on one of the upper floors here at the hotel. Reed said maybe you two could join us another time; he has special plans for you tonight."

Even drunk I was mortified. "I hope he didn't tell you any details about his special plans."

She laughed and said, "Don't worry, chica, it's written all over his face and yours. There's not a person in that ballroom that doesn't know exactly what you and Reed will be doing when you leave here."

She hugged me and we walked back out. The alcohol made me forget my discomfort and so did Reed's arms as he pulled me back out to the dance floor for some dirty dancing. The man touched me everywhere and didn't seem to mind that we were in public. I soon noticed the other couples doing exactly what Reed and I were doing. I gave up trying to stop him and enjoyed the fun.

Snuggled up close to him on our trip home, he took complete advantage with wandering fingers. My breasts became his personal play toys and I didn't complain when he pushed the material of my gown aside and leaned over me. The backseat of the car was dark and I was still buzzed. He sucked my nipple into his mouth and I moaned softly against his hair. The ride was a little over thirty minutes. I was ready to explode by the time he arranged my dress back over my breasts.

"You're a tease, Mr. Baseball Man."

His husky chuckle made me wetter. He took my hands and refused to release them. I was not happy that I couldn't return the favor.

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