Completion Chapter 110


I snuck into Reed's house that night. There was no chair or kinky play. He had me out of my clothes and flat on my back seconds after I entered his room. He barely controlled himself while I did my best to drive him beyond crazy.

After we were both exhausted, I lay in his arms, our hearts racing and breathing choppy. He talked me into letting him hire a driver until I had my license. We managed to discuss it without arguing, but really, it was me proving the point that I could be reasonable if he talked things over with me first.

I prodded the next conversation. "Who handles your household bills?"

"My attorney or someone in his law firm." He twirled my hair around his fingers and rubbed strands of it under his nose every so often.

His sniffing my hair made me smile, and I continued. "Do you want me taking that over or are you okay with them handling it?"

"You would do it?"

"You're paying me, Reed, I'll do what you need. I've readied a stack of unsigned papers for you. I can't believe your lawyer lets you get away with that."

"He yells, believe me. He was my dad's attorney too. He's getting old and keeps telling me someone else in the firm will be taking over for him. I don't think that's a good thing."

"Why, because he babies you?" I tried pinching his rock hard ab.

"Yes, he babies me. Complains and threatens to make me hire another law firm, but he usually gives in when I beg. I wasn't the ace student in school like you, especially in math."

"What kind of student were you?"

"Average. All I wanted was to play ball. I passed my classes so I was eligible for games. My mother hated average and I wasn't beyond maintaining a C for spite either. College wasn't much better. I'm not actually a dumb jock, just a lazy one."

That had me smiling. "Tell me about your dad."

Reed tucked me closer against him. "He worked and traveled a lot, but when he was home we did special things. During baseball season, everything centered around the game. I don't think anyone knew as much about baseball as my father. He was always available on opening week and we would travel by plane to different opening-day games. A boy, hell, a boy in love with baseball couldn't have it better."

Reed stopped talking for a few minutes and I let the quiet linger.

"I missed him, though. I think I saw him about sixty days a year. It wasn't enough."

"Were your parents divorced?"

"Fuck no; that's why my dad stayed away."


"He couldn't take you with him."

Reed loosened his hold and turned toward me. "My mother would have had a fit. Not that she wanted me, but she used me to keep my dad miserable."

"You told me she didn't like baseball."

Reed let out an angry grunt. "She hated all sports, but especially baseball."

"Then how did you play?"

"Very carefully. She never stopped me from playing in school or Little League. It kept me out of her hair. High school was my turning point. My dad had a coach moved into the varsity position two years before I went into ninth grade. My dad was sneaky that way. The coach worked my ass off and I ended up with a scholarship when I graduated. My grandparents set up a trust for me and I received a large chunk of money when I turned eighteen. There was nothing my mom could do after that. I don't think my father returned home after I went away to college. He never missed one of my games until he died of a heart attack my junior year. He never saw me play professionally, but to him, college was just as good. He wanted me happy."

My heart was pounding. "Are you happy, Reed?"

He didn't hesitate. "I am now, Jaycee. Since you broke into my house, I've been happy. Are you?"

I couldn't answer immediately, but he didn't rush me. "In some ways I am, but I'm scared too. Nothing goes right forever, especially not like it's happened since I met you. I want to finish college and have a way to support Bitsy and Jon. I want Jon to go to college and when it's her turn, Bitsy too."

"You know I can help with all of that." My body tightened and he felt it. "But, I understand your need to do some of it on your own."

"Thank you."

"Have we talked enough for one night?" Reed's voice had grown huskier.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You said all we do is fuck and I'll admit, it's pretty much all I think about when you're near, but I like talking to you too. A little bit."

Laughter rolled through me. "A little bit?"

"I like doing this better." His hand traveled between my thighs and his finger slipped into my wet pussy.

I groaned and pushed against his hand.

He whispered against my ear, "I want you to get on the pill and for us to get tested so I can stop using condoms."

"I'm on the pill."

He stopped all movement down there. "You never said anything."

I couldn't believe we were talking about this now. I wanted him to keep moving his finger, and I was having trouble thinking coherently. "I didn't want to get pregnant if something happened."


Confusion entered his voice. "What kind of something?"

This was another division in our worlds. He had no idea what it was like living where we did. "I didn't live in a nice neighborhood and I rode the bus. I couldn't take a chance of being raped and getting pregnant."

He removed another condom from his nightstand and moved on top of me, finally looking into my eyes. "You'll never worry about that again, Jaycee, I promise. Never again."

His cock drove deep and he watched me while he rocked his hips. I made a humming noise when he hit my g-spot and he continued to brush over it with long, smooth strokes. I dug my fingernails into his back as the heat built in my pussy.

He kissed me sweetly, which wasn't what I wanted and he knew that.

"Hold on, baby."

I did and within another minute, I was moaning his name and digging my nails in deeper.

"Come for me, baby; let go."

I screamed and his groans matched mine.

It was the perfect night.

We lay in each other's arms again and I heard his breathing change as he fell asleep.

A week from now he would be gone and I didn't know how I would live without him.


My driver's training went well. Bitsy and Jon seemed to adapt to their new schools and I whittled away at Reed's paperwork. The week went quickly, nights in Reed's arms much more so. It was finally Saturday and I was preparing for my first black tie dinner. To say I was scared shitless was underplaying the nausea in the pit of my stomach. My fingers shook as I tried to apply eyeliner and almost gave up.

"You're beautiful, sissy."

Out of the mouths of babes.

"Thank you, Bitsy."

I wasn't in my dress yet, just a bathrobe. I had on more makeup than I usually wore and my hair was curled and swooped up on my head with a large costume jeweled hair clip that Maggie loaned me after I showed her the dress. She was picking up Bitsy for a sleepover with her two granddaughters, and Jon was getting an evening alone that the poor kid never got, until now.

I finished the eyeliner and added mascara. It was time to put on the dress. I slipped off my robe and adjusted my strapless bra.

"It's so pretty. You'll be a princess."

It wasn't quite a princess dress because there was no sweeping skirt, but to Bitsy it was. The material hugged my body and accented my breasts, showing them off to their fullest. Reed was a tits man and I'd give him something to salivate over.

Bitsy helped me smooth the material over my hips and legs. She stood still while I used her small shoulders to steady myself and slip on the shoes. I wobbled slightly with my first few steps and it only made me more nervous. I would surely fall flat on my face tonight.

The solid knock at the front door had Bitsy running and throwing it open.

"She's a princess, Reed, and you look like a prince."

I stood in stunned silence. Oh my hell, he was the most gorgeous man alive. His black tux fit perfectly, embracing his broad shoulders in a way that made my breathing increase. I wasn't sure what to say.

"You're stunning, Jaycee, though that doesn't quite fit, but beautiful isn't enough either." His blue eyes had gone crystal as he took the words out of my mouth.

"You're going to need to hold onto me tightly or I'll fall off my shoes."

He didn't laugh. "You don't need to worry about that. I'm not taking my hands off you the entire evening."

My brother cleared his throat. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, kids."

Heat rushed to my face and I thunked my brother's head, which only made him laugh. "Do you have plans, big boy?" I teased back.

"Some friends are coming over and we're watching horror movies."

"No drugs, sex, or rock-n-roll." It was an old joke of ours.

Jon's face went serious. "I'll manage two of the three, scout's honor." He held up two fingers, which was another joke because it was supposed to be three.

Reed wisely didn't comment on Jon's night. I'm sure he would have told my brother to go for all three. "Maggie will be here in about thirty minutes."

I turned and gave Bitsy a hug and kiss. "Have fun, sugar."

"Can I take a picture of you and Reed?"

Reed picked her up and gave her a hug. "Absolutely, as long as you send it to me."

Bitsy situated Jon's phone while Reed put his arm around me and whispered in my ear, "You look good enough to eat."

"Stop that, you'll mess up my hair."

"As long as I can mess it up afterwards I can wait."

I was spending the night at Reed's house. An earlier conversation with Jon was embarrassing, but sleeping in Reed's arms all night was worth it.

Half a dozen pictures later, we left.

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