Completion Chapter 108


He took me to the kitchen and pulled out our chair. Yes, I knew the chair was ours. He took the one next to it, giving me an innocent look. The man was diabolically evil.

I ignored the instant zing between my thighs and got to the point. "You are not buying school clothes for Bitsy."

He barely let me finish. "Hear me out first, Jaycee." He took my hands. "You've been caring for Jon and Bitsy for years now and you will continue to care for them. They start a new school tomorrow and I live in a ritzy neighborhood with upper-class schools. I know that probably pisses you off, but that's the world we live in. They'll have enough problems without adding clothes to the mix."

I shook off his hands and stood up, the chair sliding back six inches when I did. "And you didn't think to mention this before we moved in? The last thing either of them need is more problems, you jerk." I paced across the kitchen and didn't speak again until I turned and faced him. "What you don't understand is that they're stronger than you know. I'm stronger too, and they will walk into that school in the clothes we're proud of and knock those rich kids on their asses. Their heads held high."

He looked at me for several long moments. "You're right, and I should have given you more credit. All of you more credit." Reed stood up and walked toward me. "You, Jon, and Bitsy are a family. I'm so jealous it hurts. I've never had what you have and all I know to do is pay my way into their hearts."

That stopped me, and some of my anger deflated, though I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I loved my dad, Jaycee, but you haven't met my mother. I dread the day you do. She's different, to say the least. But I never had a family like yours. Only stolen moments with my father when he was around, which wasn't much. My mom hated baseball. Tylers don't demean themselves playing professional anything. But that's beside the point. I want you, Jon, and Bitsy to like it here. I want them to like the schools."

I didn't know if I could make Reed understand, but I would try. "Jon doesn't want to fit in. You think his Goth clothes and looks will hook him up with the-" I made finger quotes, "popular kids?" Did you think you could buy him some shirts and nice jeans, and make him into you? I'm not trying to be cruel, Reed, but the world you live in isn't ours. I'm working for you. A nice roof over our heads is part of my job, but the rest I need to pay for. Shumways earn their keep."


He slapped me with his next words. "By stealing?"

I couldn't look at him and tried moving away, but his hands dug into my arms.

"I don't blame you, Jaycee. I keep hoping you'll talk to me about the baseballs and explain why."

Dread filled my heart. He could never know; it was much too dangerous. "We don't talk, Reed. We fuck." I saw the deep hurt in his eyes as his hands released me and he stepped back.

His voice held resignation, but he didn't stop pushing. "I'll advance you some pay. Jon and Bitsy need clothes and shoes. I don't care if Jon adds to his all-black wardrobe. I promised Bitsy a shopping trip and I'd appreciate if you'd let me buy her one nice dress. I should have spoken to you first."

He should have. I took a long breath, trying to calm myself. I could let him buy my sister something nice. It wouldn't kill me. "You can buy her a dress, but everything else comes out of my paycheck."

"Small amounts at a time, but I promise you can pay me back every cent."

"Okay, I can live with that, but please talk to me first next time."

"I'll be out of your hair soon and you won't need to worry about it."

My heart squeezed tightly within my chest.


Reed took us to a huge mall. I hadn't been into a mall in years. The prices for everything threw me for a loop, but I decided if it took twenty years to pay the money back it was worth seeing Bitsy trying on outfits. We were buying her things first and then coming back to shop for Jon. He was uncomfortable with the prospect, but Reed said something to him I didn't hear and Jon agreed.

We dropped Bitsy at Maggie's house. She had a beautiful outside playhouse for her grandchildren, and Bitsy was running around with them within minutes of us getting there. Her little doll was old, but it was her favorite, and two other girls her age showed off theirs too.

We went back to the mall and ate lunch first. Reed signed a few autographs, reminding me that he was famous. I felt uncomfortable at these times because it separated our worlds even further. I watched the way the women followed him with their eyes and I couldn't help my jealousy. I also saw a few younger girls eyeing Jon. They wore similar Goth clothes and I saw him casting furtive glances their way after they passed. I hoped he found a group of kids in school that he fit in with. He would have more time now to socialize and I wanted him to be a teenage kid for a change.


Reed noticed too and looked at me then Jon. "How does your sister feel about piercings?"

"It's not up to my sister."

Reed looked startled until Jon continued. "We're still wards of the state. If my sister allowed piercings or tattoos, she could lose guardianship. We don't want them paying close attention to us."

I explained a little more. "A social worker is coming by to check out our new living arrangement sometime in the next week or so. They need to inspect where we live. They monitor how Jon and Bitsy are doing and how I'm doing as their guardian."

"I'm sorry, guys, I had no idea. Hit me upside the head when I say stupid things, Jon. Maybe eventually I'll learn so your sister isn't always mad at me."

Jon laughed. "I've thought about a few piercings where they couldn't be seen."

My head snapped around to Jon. "This is not a conversation you're having with me present. You need a parent's or guardian's signature and I can't give it. I don't even want to know what you would consider having pierced that couldn't be seen. TMI, Jon."

They laughed at me and I saw a look pass between them, but had no idea what it meant.

"Nipples, sis. Just my nipples. I'll wait until I'm eighteen to get pierced in other places."

Reed and Jon laughed at my red cheeks as I started looking through a discount rack for something I could afford.

Reed moved in close. "There's a dinner next weekend put on by management and I'd like you to be my date. It's formal and if you say yes, I want to buy you something nice to wear." He ignored my stiffening shoulders and continued. "There could be times, as my personal assistant, that you need something formal. It's part of your job description." His hand came around my waist and he pulled me into his side. He lowered his voice and whispered in my ear, "Say yes, Jaycee, please."

Oh how I hated when he used sex to lure me in, but only because it worked. "We'll look at discounted dresses only."

"And shoes?"

I would love to stomp his shoe. "Okay."

I'd never owned a formal dress in my life. Never went to prom and didn't think I'd missed anything. Things were very bad at that time and I was happy to have each additional day with my mom. As I tried on dresses from sales racks, dresses that still cost more than my entire clothing budget last year, I felt excitement flutter inside me. I swirled around in the dressing room, loving the sultry feel of a slinky blue dress that would match Reed's eyes. I would need a strapless bra, and Walmart would carry one that would work and cost a lot less than what I would find at the mall.

Reed gave me his credit card and left with Jon after I told him I didn't want him seeing the dress. The clerk wrapped it in tissue and I went in search of the perfect shoes. They were more than I wanted to spend, but they added to the dress. I thought about the purchase for thirty minutes and looked around for something else, but nothing worked. The heavy metal sound of a text from Reed had me smiling.

Buy the shoes and stop looking at the price.

I checked around me, but didn't see him. He'd been spying, though. Another burst of music.

Meet us at the fountain in five.

He was so bossy, overwhelming, gorgeous, and sexy. And almost impossible to say no to. I straightened my shoulders, remembering this was not a lasting relationship. Temporary happinessthat's how it came to Shumways.

They waited for me at the fountain, Jon carrying a couple of bags.

"Reed says I can help the yard crew and pay off what I bought. Some of it's the next best thing to piercings."

I raised my eyebrow. Reed grabbed my hand and we left the mall and picked up a rosy-faced Bitsy.

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