Completion Chapter 107


I woke up in Reed's arms an hour after we crawled into his bed. I was sticky and itchy from strawberries and it made me smile. His warm body pressed into mine. I had to get back to the loft and my room, so I wiggled out from his hold. He never woke up.

A soft glow from a nightlight in his bathroom helped me locate my clothes after washing some of the sticky red trails from my body with a washcloth. I made it downstairs and noticed the security system. Reed had given me the code when he set it and thank goodness my mind wasn't so far gone with lust that I couldn't remember the six digits.

I climbed the stairs to the loft and unlocked the front door. The soft glow and drone from the television let me know I wasn't sneaking back in without being seen.

My brother waited with Don Gato curled on his lap.

"Hi. Couldn't sleep?" I asked in the most level tone I could manage.

"New bed. I guess I needed a lumpy couch, though this one doesn't pass the test. How about you? Couldn't sleep?"

I walked over and sat on the opposite end of the couch. My brother turned slightly so he faced me.

"I'm kind of with Reed."

"Kind of?" A touch of irritation entered his voice.

"I'm not sure what this is, Jon; it's too new. I'm sorry my sex life is thrown in your face; it shouldn't be this way. What I have with Reed is private."

"He doesn't act like it's private."

My brother needed to understand. "I'm as surprised as you are. I didn't think he'd be so touchy feely after one night. This entire relationship thing is new to me."

"Will you still be working for him on Monday?"

I sighed. "Yes, but I'm not sure I like what you're implying. I know you're protective of Bitsy and me. I'm the same way about the two of you, but this is my life too, Jon. I can't help my feelings, which include my attraction to Reed." I looked away as I said the last part. "He's a nice guy. I didn't think they existed." My gaze landed back on my brother. "Present company excluded." I gave him a tight smile.


"I think you're crossing the TMI line again. Please don't put the words 'sex life' and 'attraction' in a sentence when you're talking to me."

We both laughed.

Jon continued. "I told you I like him." He looked around the room. "How could I not like all this or even his friends? I'm just worried about Bitsy and what will happen when it goes away."

He was right, and both of us knew this wouldn't last forever. Our mom taught us that lesson very early. Tears pressed behind my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.

"I promise to work my ass off. Even if things with Reed and I don't work out, I'll make it so he can't live without my help."

"You're delusional, sis. There is no way he'll keep you around if the attraction part of your relationship ends. But while it lasts we'll make the most of it."

How could I argue when he was right? "I'm sorry, Jon." And I was. He deserved so much more than what life gave him, all three of us did. We'd survived up until now and we'd continue surviving.

"Go to bed, sis."

He handed over Don Gato and I went to bed.

I don't know how long I tossed and turned, but sunlight woke me up. My door was shut and Bitsy was no longer in the room. I threw on my shorts from the night before and walked out of the room, moving my disheveled hair out of my eyes and yawning. I needed to pee, but wanted to know who was in the apartment. Three sets of eyes looked at me when I hit the end of the short hallway. They sat on the barstools eating breakfast.

Reed's lips tilted up at my appearance as I slowly backed up and retreated to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror was worse. I couldn't believe he saw me this way. We'd yet to wake up together after a night of sex, and I was mortified. I hadn't bothered to put any makeup on the previous night after my shower. But I still looked hairy scary. I quickly brushed out my hair and presented my scary face to the reflection.

"Ugh," I said aloud. My puffy eyes were also bloodshot. Two nights with little sleep was catching up with me. I pinned up my hair, turned on the shower, and jumped in. Halfway through washing myself I realized I hadn't brought clean clothes in with me. After I was clean, I left my hair pinned up, wrapped a towel tightly around me, and escaped to my bedroom.


My squeal was loud enough to hurt my ears. Reed sat propped back on my bed, his arms crossed above his head. Pure wickedness dripping from his smile.

"You can't be in here," I whispered in mortification.

He only laughed. "Jon took Bitsy to the main house to play a game of foosball. I'm all yours, baby."

Hell, I wanted him, but there was no way. "We are not having sex on the bed next to my sister's."

I'd never seen anyone move so fast.

"You're tempting me, Jaycee. I've wanted to take you against the wall since our first night." He backed me into the wall.

"Reed, please."

He kissed me. It answered my question about what they had for breakfast. Reed's mouth tasted like warm maple syrup mixed with his incredible unique taste that I needed to bottle.

"Please continue or please stop?" he asked against my lips after he let me breathe again.

"Stop." That's what I said, but my husky voice begged for the exact opposite.

Reed backed away. "You're a tease, Jaycee Shumway, but I'll let you go this time."

He was driving me crazy, and for some reason the use of my last name didn't help. I turned the knob on the door and opened it. He walked through with a smug grin and said over his shoulder, "Pancakes are in the microwave. Join me in the main house after you eat so we can discuss our plans for the day."

He left me breathless and unsatisfied, but I smiled too. I'd felt his erection when he pinned me to the wall.

The pancakes were made from scratch and there was no way Jon made them. He had enough problems following the directions for heating food in a can. Reed had cooked for them and my heart did its squishy melty thing that Reed was so good at causing.

I cleaned the kitchen disaster left behind. Reed might be able to cook, but he couldn't clean up after himself worth a damn. I filled Don Gato's food and water bowls before leaving. He gave me a hurt look for not letting him get past my legs when I closed the door behind me, but I ignored it. I found everyone in the game room, Reed playing foosball with Jon while Bitsy used her hands to hit balls into pockets on the pool table.

"Jaycee," she shouted when I walked into the room, and she threw her arms around me.

Of course, I did the same. My baby sister kept Jon and me sane when our lives were anything but. Reed watched with his little boy smile, and Jon scored.

"Kick his butt, Jon; he needs to be taken down a peg or two."

I picked up my sister, inhaling her sweet smell as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Jon scored again because Reed hadn't stopped staring at me. I could no longer decipher the look on his face. It wasn't happy or sad, just intense.

"If you'll stand there every time I play, sis, I won't lose another game."

Reed's attention finally went back to Jon and the game continued.

I put Bitsy down and she jumped around with excitement. "Reed's buying me school clothes today at a real store, Jaycee, and he said I can go to Maggie's house after."

I looked over at Reed and could tell he purposefully ignored me now. "Oh he did, did he? Reed and I will need to discuss that and it probably won't happen, sugar." The look on her face made my heart clench. We only shopped second-hand. A real store to her was Walmart where we bought underwear. Used swimsuits at thrift stores, yes; underwear, no. Probably no difference at all, but even the trailer trash part of me had lines I didn't cross.

Bitsy knew firsthand what no money meant and she gave me a tiny smile. "I love you, sissy."

"I love you too, Bitsy." When things fell apart with Reed, we would be okay. Shumways against the world.

When the game finished, I told Reed we needed to speak privately.

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