Completion Chapter 102


Reed took us to the main house to look around before swimming. My suit was an old ratty one-piece that I'd found at a thrift store. I know that seems trashy, but when you don't have money and the swimming suit cost two dollars, you get over the whole ick factor and wash it thoroughly before wearing. I didn't feel comfortable wearing it in front of Reed and just stayed in my shorts, but exchanged my sweaty t-shirt for a tank. I owned exactly two bras and one was deep in the dirty clothes basket, so I had to keep my sweaty one on.

We followed Reed through his house. It was huge, much bigger than I thought. There was a workout room, game room complete with pool table, and a separate theater room with the biggest television I'd ever seen. Individual plush chairs faced the TV so you could watch and enjoy in luxurious comfort. An old-fashioned pushcart popcorn machine was against the back wall. It actually worked and had small paper bags so you could fill them and eat while watching a movie. The library, though I could only think of it as the burglary room, held the glass case where the baseballs used to reside. I'd never asked Reed what he did with them.

His entire house was as neat as a pin until we entered his office. Papers and file folders leaned haphazardly in piles covering his desk. There were a few stacks on the floor, causing me to look at Reed in question.

"I told you," he said using his little boy smile again.

I needed to learn some way to guard against that look. It made my panties wet and used his smiles and charm to reel me into his web before he pounced.

"I want to show your sister something. Jon do you mind playing a round of pool with Bitsy? We need a little more time with our full stomachs before we go outside to swim."

The jerk wasn't even sly about it. He had my hand in his strong grip, pulling me up the stairs and into his room with barely a protest from me. I was actually laughing.

"I'm not having sex with you, Reed. Not with my brother and sister downstairs," I whispered after he shut the door and pushed me against it.


"I have to kiss you, Jaycee. You're driving me crazy and when you look at me with those please-suck-my-clit eyes, I go crazy." He kissed my neck and my jaw, moving closer to my mouth.

I was completely affronted. I did not have suck-my-clit eyes, the lunatic. But, oh God, it's all I could think about now. His lips finally found mine and started with little nibbles that turned to sucking, small bites, and the most panty-dripping kiss. He unzipped my shorts and put his hands inside the waistband, traveling under my panties and around my hips until he had my ass cheeks in his palms.

He pulled his mouth away and whispered, "Put your legs around me, baby," at the same time he lifted me, giving me no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist.

He went back to my lips while grinding his hips, pushing me against the door, his cock rubbing against my center. He let go of my ass and moved his hands under my shirt until he cupped my breasts through my bra. His lips left my mouth, burning a path down my neck to the exposed part of my chest right above my breasts. We were both breathing hard, and if he fucked me against the door or carried me to the bed, I wouldn't stop him.

But he didn't. He pulled his lips away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I can't believe we need to wait until tonight. You'll come here tonight, won't you, baby?"

Yea, like I'd say no right now. I was so damn hot to have him I couldn't have said no even if someone held a gun to my head.

"It won't be until Bitsy goes to bed," I breathed out with a sigh.

"I can wait. Well, no, I can't wait, but I will. I've wanted to kiss you all day and the quick one this morning didn't count. I worried about you."

I pulled my head away just a bit. "Why would you worry about me?"

"About how you'd feel after last night; if you'd try to run from me. I was worried you wouldn't move in."

I smiled. "And not get a chance at all your office garbage. Are you kidding me? I've never seen such a disaster."


His fuck-me smile flashed. "If I'd known that would seal the deal I'd have shown you the mess last night. I told you that I don't know quite what's happening here. I want to see where it takes us, though. Promise me you won't back out without talking to me. That's what worries me the most."

It was an easy promise to make. "I won't, but I need the same thing from you."

"You got it, baby. Now kiss me so we can get back downstairs. I have a feeling your brother is going to kill me."

I kissed him until our breathing was heavy again. He pressed into me the entire time, making it so hard not to beg him to fuck me.

Reed led me to the kitchen. An older woman moved around the room like she owned it. She turned and gave us a huge smile, her eyes crinkling with pleasure.

"Maggie, this is Jaycee. Her brother and sister are in the game room."

Maggie walked forward and wrapped me in her arms like she hadn't seen me in years. I looked over her shoulder at Reed and he winked.

"It's so wonderful to meet you, Jaycee. This rascal told me about you and your family moving above the garage. My knees are getting old, and he says you will be taking over some of my work."

What the hell? He'd never told me he already had someone managing his home. "Umm, it's nice to meet you," I said as soon as she released me.

"He's only had me coming here twice a week these past months, but he needs someone more often. I would love to keep my same schedule and just cook, but we can talk about that after Reed leaves for spring training. We'll have plenty of time to plan then. I made chocolate chip cookies for everyone if you'd like a few. I can make a plate for your brother and sister too or you can send them to the kitchen. I have ten grandchildren and love kids. I can't wait to meet them."

I looked at Reed and watched as he snuck one of the warm cookies off the pan. He broke off a gooey section and put it to my lips. Mouthwateringly good.

"I'll send Jon and Bitsy in so you can meet them. What are you making for Reed's guests?" I couldn't miss all the other bowls and pans she had out.

"I made potato salad, there's corn on the cob wrapped to heat on the grill, and ingredients for a salad. Do you like to cook?"

"I do, but have never seen a kitchen quite like this." It was amazing; everything was large and airy, double oven, triple sink, and glass cabinet fronts displaying gorgeous dishware. My eyes had zeroed in on the knife set I'd noticed that first night. After I spotted it, I looked at the chair.

Reed moved behind me and circled his arms around my waist. "I didn't know you could cook," he all but growled in my ear.

I knew he knew what I was looking at and was trying to get both our minds off that chair. "I'm pretty good with cutlery too. I chop a mean onion."

He laughed, his breath moving across my cheek. "I'll wipe your tears next time you do."

I looked at Maggie. She smiled hugely and I was so glad I'd have someone to teach me a thing or two about running Reed's house.

"I'll help Maggie with the salad. Why don't you send Bitsy and Jon in here?"

"Oh, posh, I don't need help with the salad. You kids need to enjoy the day, swim, eat junk food, and relax." Maggie was all but shooing us from the room.

"She doesn't relax, Maggie, but I'll do my best to force her." Reed took my hand, practically dragging me away.

"I can help her, Reed; she has bad knees."

"She's had bad knees for years and it doesn't stop her. She loves cooking for the guys. Enjoy this weekend with me and then you can take over your duties."

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