Completion Chapter 93


Bitsy's smile disappeared when she saw I didn't have Don Gato and her lips started quivering. Jon looked resigned.

"He's at the vet, Bitsy. They think he has an infection and they're keeping him overnight for fluids and medicine." I turned to Jon so he would understand. "Reed gave me a ride to the vet's office."

Jon's eyes narrowed. "Is he paying for it?"

I looked back at Bitsy and smiled at her. "No, the doctor said he would take the bunny money as payment in full." If I was going to start a lifetime of lying, I might as well make it good.

There was no chance Jon believed me, but he would keep quiet with Bitsy within earshot.

I cooked dinner and had just enough time to make it to my evening class. I only had to go to the community college once a week because I used a computer at the library and took most of the course online. It was easier to work around my schedule this way. I turned in my assignment, did my lab, and walked outside to catch the bus.

Several guys stood about ten feet away and I quickly looked past them. Then I did a double take. Reed stood with his arms across two guys' shoulders, a third taking their picture. He was killing me. How the hell did he know where I was?

He watched me as I approached.

"Hey, sorry, my girl's here. I need to get her home."

His girl? What the fuck?

Were we back in high school and no one sent me the memo?

After they shook Reed's hand, he walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek, threw a casual arm over my shoulder, and started leading me out to the parking lot.


"What are you doing here and how did you know where I was?" I whispered harshly.

"Your brother told me. I went back to the trailer to give you something and you weren't there. Again, you needed a ride, should have told me, but didn't."

My teeth ground together. "You are not my boyfriend, Reed."

"Oh, I see. You can offer to use my body, that's okay, but if I want to provide taxi service, I'm just not good enough."

I no longer whispered. "I did not offer to use your body."

We were at his car and he stepped in close. I moved back and the cold metal of the car pressed against me. Reed's warm body took away the chill and he'd done it to me again. Backed me into the kissing corner. I stared at his lips, waiting for them to descend.

And waited.

Instead of where I wanted them, his lips brushed against my ear while his hands held my head.

"I know you want my body, Jaycee, just admit it." His warm breath whispered over my skin.

I would have hit him, but then he took my earlobe between his teeth, bit down, released the pressure, and sucked.

He sucked my fucking ear.

Electricity shot to my groin and I melted into a pool of sticky hot wax.

His lips moved to my neck and his fingers feathered across my skin. Frustration made me moan. I wanted him to take me right here in the parking lot. I didn't care who saw us.

"Just kiss me, you bastard." I barely recognized my throaty voice.

"So not nice." He was still whispering and the husky timbre raised goose bumps on my skin. "You haven't met my mother, but I assure you, her and my dad were married when I was conceived." He pulled back, reached behind me, and opened the car door. "Get in, Jaycee."


He was such a Mr. Bossy Pants. I got in because it wasn't worth the fight and because I wasn't thinking clearly. Passion was making me a sex-starved lunatic.

I covered my face with my hands. "Why are you here?" I mumbled.

"I bought you a cell phone and wanted you to have it so I could get ahold of you tomorrow in case we can pick up Don Gato."

"A cell phone?" What was he doing? He couldn't just go around buying girls cell phones. I peeked out between my fingers and saw his stubborn-man face. Yes, he could.

"Does anyone but me ever tell you no?"

He smiled. "Rarely."

The sad, pathetic truth was that I needed a cell phone. Jon's and Bitsy's schools had my trailer park manager, college, and job phone numbers, but it scared me to death that something would happen and they wouldn't find me. I shouldn't fight this one.

"Are you calming down yet?"

"No." I was such a stubborn brat.

"Well then, I'll just go ahead and tell you so you can work all the anger out at once-I bought a phone for Jon too."

I took my hands away from my face and slammed my head back against the seat. It felt so good, I did it again, and again.

"Is that helping?"

"Yes," I said between strikes.

"How about I put some good head banger music on to help you with that beat?"

"I hate you," I said with my eyes closed, my head continuing its movement.

"Will you sleep with me?" There was laughter in his voice.

He was such a pig. "No."

The music crashed throughout the car.

He handed me the phone box when we got to the trailer. "My number's programmed in. Jon has it too."

A sigh of frustration escaped me. "We are not your charity case, Reed." I was so tired and, more than anything, I didn't want to fight anymore.

His fingers moved across my jaw. "Say thank you and go inside, Jaycee. I'll see you tomorrow when we pick up the cat."

I captured his hand and moved it to my mouth. I flicked my tongue out and tasted the hint of salt mixed with a unique flavor that I'd never forget, even if I lived to be a hundred. His indrawn breath was loud inside the car. I released his hand, got out, and walked to my front door. I didn't look back.

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