Completion Chapter 82


I'LL STAY IN Aiden's apartment for the foreseeable future. It's sad that I really don't want to. He talks about a long distance relationship like it won't change anything. I know it will. His life and dreams will intertwine with the Scorpions in no time. They'll become his everything. Football is no place for love. I'm learning that the hard way.


I think of them a lot during the two days we have before Aiden's move is set in stone. We make love, talk, I cry, and Aiden holds me. I'm doing everything I can to be strong and make this easier on him. It's anything but easy.

He loves me. More than anyone, I understand what it means to have your dreams within your grasp. I left my father behind for my dreams. Aiden will leave me.

I drive him to the airport on Monday morning.

"This will work out," he tells me before walking away.

I drive back to the apartment holding back tears. I cleared everything from my schedule so I could rest in bed for the day and cry my eyes out with no one around. What wasn't in my plans was Candice waiting in the lobby. She runs up and hugs me when I enter the front doors of the building. "My brother's a jerk. He can't do this," she wails.

I smooth my hand over her shaking shoulders and hold her. "Come on, I'll make us some tea and then we can sit and you can say bad things about your brother and I won't get mad."

She laughs and wipes her eyes on her sleeve. "I may use bad words."

"Bad words are good," I reply with a sad smile. "Why aren't you in school?" I ask in the elevator.

"You're my sister and you needed me," she says as simply as that.

I wipe my eyes and know that my tears won't be private. I make the hot tea and we sit on the couch.

"He's an idiot. What does the crappy Scorpions team have that the Pronghorns don't?"

I don't bother breaking into her tangent with facts because she's saying what I feel. And yes, the man I love is an idiot.

"He doesn't know if they'll win another Super Bowl and he has enough money. He never needs to play football again. Men." She huffs out a breath that fans her bangs. It makes me smile to think what she'll be like in a few years. The men need to watch out.

Candice takes my hand and more tears slide down her cheeks. "I wanted us to be real sisters."

I pull her in for another hug and allow my tears to fall. They made Aiden uncomfortable, so I hid them from him as much as possible. It feels good to release the emotional turmoil that's been eating me alive.


Candice and I talk and cry for hours. I wanted her to be my sister too.


I talk to Aiden by phone each evening. Negotiations have been long and tiring but they've reached a deal. I pick up Aiden from the airport and we head to the stadium, where the Pronghorns are holding a press conference to make the announcement.

Wrapping my arms around Aiden is bittersweet. The next time he leaves, he'll be wearing new colors and playing for the opposing side. Nothing about this situation will become easier.

Aiden drives my car and we head to the Pronghorns' corporate office. He's quiet and I'm sure he has details from the past few days filling his head. There is so much to say, but there's a lump in my throat and I decide to hold everything in until after we're alone at the apartment.

Aiden parks and I step out of the car and look over at the stadium. I remember the first day I saw it. All my dreams were tied up in a neat little bow that day. I want Aiden to feel that way too. I don't want him hurt because he's leaving me behind. I want him to soar.

He takes my hand and leads me into the building. We take the elevator to the floor where the press conference is taking place. There's another conference room at the stadium but I'm guessing the upper management is already separating Aiden from the team.

"Sit with me," he whispers before we enter.

"No, this is about you." I smile.

"I need to be able to see you while I'm in there," he says desperately.

Does he feel me pulling away too? I don't want to but my heart is breaking and I don't know how much more I can take. "I'll sit as close as possible."

His smile is so tender. "Thank you. Let's do this."

I take a deep breath and Aiden pushes open the doors. Camera flashes go off immediately and the cameras follow Aiden as he heads to the front of the room. I take the end seat three rows back and give a quick wave to Lane, who is standing at the back of the room with other players. I'm so glad to see them here.

Aiden shakes Rick Dove's and Coach Mitchel's hands before they take their seats behind the table. For once no one is paying attention to me and I covertly wipe away a tear. The side door opens and Aiden's family walks in. Aiden smiles at them and I assume he knew they were coming. I didn't. I stand and hug each one. Candice's eyes are red from crying but Steph and her mother are holding it together.

God, does this suck.

The press conference begins and Coach Mitchel speaks.

"Aiden Patrickson has been a key player on this team since year one. We've been incredibly fortunate to have him." He looks at Aiden. "I just wanted to say that before turning this over to you."


Mike Goodwyn stands and tries to ask a question.

"Mike, sit down and shut up," Aiden tells him and shocks everyone.

"You tell that twerp, Aiden," Candice whispers loudly behind me.

Mike of course ignores Aiden's rudeness. "We all know why we're here. The golden boy wants more money so he can bring another team down. I want to know who the Pronghorns have planned to replace you."

Even for Goodwyn this is low.

"Mike, you know nothing. I have the microphone and if you don't like it you can take a hike."

Candice starts clapping and the rest of Aiden's family joins in, including me.

Aiden smiles at us behind the microphone. He clears his throat. "The Pronghorns gave a young draft pick a chance and made his early football dreams come true. I owe this organization everything. From the front office staff, to coaches, to the players," he says and looks to the back of the room. "I consider you family." His gaze roams until it settles on me. "I've also been fortunate enough to play with the kicker who made history and helped us pull out our first winning season."

My smile is frozen and I'm doing everything possible to hold back emotion.

"Most of you know I love her."

Damn. He's going to make me cry in front of the cameras.

He continues. "She changed my thinking and proved to me that the sport of football has room for everyone. It doesn't matter who you love or if you have breasts, football welcomes the best players. No, pro football does not change easily and it's those special players who give us a kick in the ass when we need it and lead the league to bigger heights."

Candice places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes. I inhale as the first tears slip down my face.

"I value this city and team more than I can ever express." Aiden stands from behind the table and to my shock he walks around, steps down the stairs, and moves to me. When he gets to my chair, he goes down on one knee and looks into my eyes. "There isn't enough money or fame in this world to take me away from you."

I stare with wide eyes as he reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out a small box. Inside is a beautiful ring with a large single diamond.

"I love you and I want to make baby Pronghorns with you some day. Over the next few years I want to play for the same team and take our team to a championship. But even if none of that ever happens, I'll be the happiest man on earth if you will do me the honor of being my wife."

What he's saying and asking isn't sinking in. "You didn't sign the contract?" I ask through tears.

"No, baby. I'm a Pronghorn and my place is here."

"Yes, yes, yes," I say and throw my arms around him. The room goes crazy.


OFF SEASON IS all about getting healthy. This year it's also about solidifying my relationship with Jordan. I'm the luckiest man alive. We haven't set a date for the wedding. Part of me wants to escape to Vegas and get the deed over. Jordan wants a large wedding and I completely understand. At the end of next season, Jordan and I will tie the knot in front of our families and friends.

I press one more set of weights before glancing across the gym and watching Jordan as she pushes leg weights up and down. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she has her workout game face on.

Sweat drips down her neck and my groin tightens. I sat through the negotiations with my agent and the Scorpions decision-makers and wondered what the hell I was doing there. Yes, the Scorpions were a dream come true but so were the Pronghorns. I told my agent that night that the deal was off and he needed to get the best deal possible from the Pronghorns. He wasn't happy but in the long run I have final say. The next day, I shopped for a ring.

Jordan glances my way and holds my gaze until she finishes her set. She winks and then leaves the gym. The wink was all I needed to follow. I catch just the edge of Jordan's shirt when I round the corner and watch her enter the locker room. Curiously, I follow her inside. She isn't in the main room, so I head to the back, where her dressing room is located. I knock and the door slides open.

Jordan pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it on the floor. She slides out of her skimpy shorts and licks her lips. "You're overdressed, big guy."

"That's easy to fix," I say as I begin tearing off my clothes. When naked, I pull her against my slick, sweaty body. "Now who's overdressed?" I say and help her pull her sports bra over her head. I lift her up and press her against the wall. Sinking into her wet heat is just like it was the first time.

Home is where the heart is. Jordan is home and there is no one on earth who can love me like this girl.

Jaycee & Reed's Story up next


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