Completion Chapter 58


Jordan also takes a bite. She closes her eyes as she slowly chews. She's not wearing lipstick, but that doesn't detract from the sensuality of her lips. She slowly opens her eyes and puts another bite on her fork. "Lane is helping me on that score. We've got this covered," she says after swallowing.

I make a low, deep sound in my throat and my fingers tighten on my fork. I'm surprised the damn thing doesn't bend in half. So this is what jealousy feels like. "Lane, huh?" I ask in a deceptively mild tone.

"Yeah. You know, the punter?" Her mouth opens and she slips the fork between her lips again. She licks her bottom lip after swallowing the bite and I almost come in my pants. I swear she's driving me crazy on purpose.

"I know who Lane is." The words slip out much harsher than I planned to let on and Jordan misses nothing.

She gives me a closed mouth grin and chews another bite. Very daintily, she wipes her mouth. Hell, I'm fascinated with everything to do with this woman's lips. "I'm sure normally you don't give him a thought." Her eyes flash. "At least he's interested in more than my bra size and what's between my legs."

She really had to go there. "Don't count on it," I grind out.

Her laughter fills the room and my already aching balls twitch again. "Last night was a mistake on both our parts. I don't plan on a repeat no matter the orgasmic food you bring over to bribe me with." She licks melted cheese from her fingers and my dick does the mambo inside my jeans. "I won't be having sex with any other players either, including Lane," she volunteers when the cheese is licked away. Hell, I need to buy loser pants, shorts, whatever if this torment continues.


Her hair is almost dry and is turning into an untamed mass of curls. I want those curls fisted in my hand and her lips against mine. "I don't think last night was a mistake." I make my pitch. "We're adults, neither of us is in a relationship, and we're attracted to each other. You're making this complicated."

She digs into her food once more and doesn't answer immediately. I stand and walk over to the small kitchen area of the suite and grab two glasses and bottled water from the fridge. I turn and she's looking at my ass. I wait for her eyes to lift. She smiles and shrugs when she sees she's caught. "I can look."

I have no problem with her looking. It's getting to the next obvious stage that I want. "As I said a few minutes ago-we're adults and what's between us is none of anyone's business."

She takes a glass from my hand. "You and I," she waves the glass at the door we had sex against, "have nothing between us but sex. It's not complicated in the least." She pours water into her glass then leans around me and looks at my ass again. "It's a good thing that I'm stronger than my need to fuck your brains out."

Direct hit. The complication comes in because I think about more than sex when I'm with her. I flash my most charming grin. "I rather like the idea of you fucking my brains out."

"I'm sure you do." She rolls her eyes. "I need to keep my focus on playing football. Any chance we can just be friends?"

She even rolls her eyes sexily. "Friends," I say, testing the word. I want a whole hell of a lot more than friendship but maybe I'm missing the point here. "Friends with benefits?"


She decisively shakes her head and makes the cutest pouty lips imaginable. It puts me in my place and I let it drop, for now. We finish the meal and head over to the couch to watch the news. We're both exhausted, but I'm enjoying her company. She turns on a major sports network and her face flashes on the screen. She starts to flip the channel and I stop her. "You need to know what they're saying."

"Mostly it's BS," she responds with a grimace.

"Doesn't matter. The last thing you want is them hitting you with a surprise question relating to some scandal where you're the last to know." I move closer and throw my arm around her shoulder. She looks at my hand, which settles on her upper arm. When she directs her gaze back to mine, I see something in her eyes that almost makes me pull my arm back. "Friends," I whisper a few inches from her ear. I feel the shiver that runs through her. She glances back at the television, which now shows her and Lane talking while they set up drills. Yeah, jealousy sparks again and her next words don't help.

"Lane treats me like a teammate." There's condemnation directed toward me in her tone.

"Right up until he gets inside those white panties of yours," I answer before I can stop myself.

She wiggles to get out of my hold. "Thank you for dinner. You may leave now." She stands and points to the door.

"Hey." I come to my feet facing her and lift my hands in apology. "That was uncalled for." I take a step forward and she backs up. Fuck, I blew it again.

Her hands go to her waist and she's so damn cute when riled up. "I'll see you tomorrow and you can ignore me like you did today and pretend I'm only there to give players their sexual kicks."


She cuts me off. "I'm tired and I've asked you to leave."

If I could kick myself in the ass, I would. I gather up the dirty dishes, place everything back in my bag, and head to the door. I try once more before leaving. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."

She doesn't reply and I notice her toe tapping angrily on the carpet. I leave before she kicks me in the balls.

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