Completion Chapter 32


I could do nothing but listen while my heart broke all over again for Beth, Killian, and Michael.

"Killian didn't speak except to his brother that entire first year. The only reason I fought my husband so badly on turning off the machines was Killian. Michael is his twin and I couldn't separate them. I found a strength I didn't know I had. When school started, I would drop Killian off and he would just stare at me with dead eyes. He spoke to no one, not his teachers or his school friends. I picked him up each day and drove him to the hospital. Killian would walk into the room, take his brother's hand, and start talking. He'd tell him everything and then go home at night completely silent until the following day at the hospital."

Beth wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled gently.

"We found a therapist. He suggested that we keep Killian from his brother's side for two days each week and give him a chance to have time alone with his thoughts; no hospital, just a young boy who would get bored quickly. He walked more than ten miles when we tried it. A woman picked him up and gave him a ride the rest of the way to the hospital, which was forty miles away. A nurse called us. Killian had told the driver his brother was in the hospital and he needed a ride. I think it was the only words he spoke in six months outside of Michael's room."

Several more tears fell and I took Beth's hand.

"Eight months after the accident, Killian and Michael turned ten years old. By then, Michael had been moved to a long-term rehab facility that was closer to our home. It was a horrible birthday because Killian was determined his brother would come back to himself that day. It didn't matter what I or his therapist told him. Killian thought his brother would be okay. It was heart wrenching to see his birthday wish turn to dust.


"My husband was angry all the time and blamed himself for taking us to that summer house. He started drinking, and Killian started fighting in school. For a while, I thought Killian got himself suspended on purpose. If he wasn't in school, he could sit with his brother."

I looked at my friends. Tears ran down Amanda's face and Lyle looked everywhere but at us. I took a drink of water not knowing how much more I could take. At the same time, I needed to hear this story.

"Angus, Killian's father, left about a year after the accident. It was almost a blessing. I went back to work part-time to help make ends meet. Slowly, Killian started talking again, but he wasn't the same child I'd known for nine years. He still spoke to Michael and I heard him say he would make enough money when he was older so Michael could live back at home. His fighting at school didn't stop. I had to transfer him to different schools twice. Angus lost his job and with it his health insurance. I had to move Michael into a lower-priced facility and I rented a home close by in a poorer section of town. There was nothing else I could do. I have no idea how many busted noses and split lips I doctored on Killian. Those were the wounds I could see.

"It shocked the hell out of me when Killian told me he was trying out for the high school freshman football team. Somewhere in Killian's mind, he'd decided he could learn to play football and go directly pro to pay for all the things we needed. The fights slowed down and you never saw Killian anywhere without a football in his hand. We'd visit Michael and Killian would rest that ball in Michael's lap. 'He smiled mom,' he said the first time Michael reacted. And, it was amazing because it was true. After that, if Killian wasn't in school or at the rehabilitation center, he practiced. The varsity coach took notice and Killian was the starting quarterback his junior year. He took all his pent up rage and put it into the game. He's never stopped."


Beth squeezed my hand and continued. "Angus died in an automobile accident Killian's first year of college. He wasn't drunk, but a drunk driver hit and killed him. We'd never filed for divorce, so I received the insurance settlement. Killian and I made the decision together that I would quit my job and bring Michael home. I never saw Killian's college games, but when he wasn't in class or at practice, he spent every spare second helping me care for Michael. Killian even let me go on a few dates while he stayed with his brother. The Scorpions drafted Killian in the first round. He didn't buy anything for himself for two years, but he moved us here, bought my house, and paid for nurses to help care for Michael."

Beth turned in her chair and took both my hands. "Since meeting you, he's slowly come back to me. He's happy outside of football and I never thought I would see that. Two years ago, Killian promised his brother he'd win the Super Bowl for him. Killian isn't going to take this well. Have patience with him, and whatever you do, don't let go."

What could I do or say? This woman had been through so much and loved her boys. I loved them, too.

"I won't. I promise."


Killian's surgery took two hours and he came through without complications. I went down and spoke with his teammates and then Amanda drove me to my apartment to shower and change clothes. I hurried back to the hospital so Beth could get home to Michael and be sure he was okay.

I walked back into Killian's room. He was awake and staring straight up at the ceiling. I tried speaking to him, but he refused to acknowledge I was there. I thought about everything Beth told me and realized Killian had to be the most stubborn man on the planet. I could play that game, too, so I refused to leave. His silence was heartbreaking, but not as bad as when one of his teammates showed up. Killian gave me a dead look, and, using monosyllable words, told me to step out of the room. This went on for two days. I arrived at the hospital to take him home on the third day. Blitz was in the room packing Killian's things.

"Can you give me a minute, Blitz?" Killian asked him.

Blitz left the room and Killian looked at me for a long minute before speaking. "I'm fine, Rebecca. It would be better if you went back to your apartment. I won't be needing your help."

My heart clenched and my stomach tightened in misery. "Don't do this, Killian. You do need help and that's what people do when they love each other."

His gaze never left mine. "Then maybe that's the problem. I don't love you enough and I don't want you caring for me."

I stared for a moment and then straightened my back and challenged him. "You're a fool." Anger tightened every muscle in my body.

"If it makes you feel better, you can give me a going home blow job. Otherwise, it's time that you leave."

He did not just say that!

I took several deep breaths and walked toward him. He very calmly pulled back the sheet and lifted his hospital gown. He was going from semi-erect to a full erection. I wanted to grab his dick and twist-hard. Looking into his eyes, I saw no emotion. I turned and walked out the door.

Fuck Killian MacGregor.

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