Completion Chapter 29


The following weekend, I flew to Texas for his game. By now, I had several number twenty jerseys in home and away shades. I followed what happened on the field like a pro, but still had trouble watching Killian get tackled or sacked, as the case was in the second quarter. Killian got up instantly then threw a touchdown on the next play. Scorpions won thirty-two to fourteen.

The following week was a home game. Malory and I opted to sit down with the other wives and girlfriends. This allowed us to be obnoxiously loud and I discovered what a great cheerleader Malory actually was. I found myself watching our antics a time or two on the big screen and wondered if Killian saw us, too. The Scorpions won seven six, but Killian didn't play well. I could see the fury rolling off him in waves by the end of the game and realized I needed to stay at my apartment that night.

He pulled me close in the locker room and we walked to his car. It surprised me when he drove to his house.

"I don't mind going home, Killian," I said when I figured out where we headed.

"You're coming home with me."

"It's probably not a good idea." I kept my voice even.

He didn't say anything until we walked in his front door. "I'm grabbing a beer and heading to the pool. Join me if you want."

Hmm, let's see. Go study for a coming test or spend an hour with a silent jackass. I chose studying. I actually made it thirty minutes before I couldn't take it. I needed to know that he was okay.

Grabbing a beer, I headed outside. Killian's powerful arms ate up the pool, lap after lap. I still wore my clothes, so I just dipped my feet in the water and watched. I had no idea how much time passed, but eventually Killian swam toward me and came up between my legs, dripping water.

"Hi," I said shyly.

He didn't answer, and before I knew what happened, I was submerged in the pool gasping for air when my head came out of the water.

"You dirty rat bastard," I yelled.

"I love you." His cold lips settled against mine.

The kiss went on and on. He removed my pants, which wasn't easy because they were wet, and slipped his cock between my thighs and straight to where I needed it most. I wrapped my ankles around his waist, sinking my fingers tightly into his hair. This sex was somewhere between fucking and making love. I didn't care which; I was just glad he responded.

After our breathing settled, Killian pulled me to the steps, arranging me between his legs. I leaned back into the warmth of his chest. It wasn't cold, but a gentle wind blew across my wet body causing goose bumps on my arms. Killian wrapped himself around me and took away the chill.

"I sucked today."

I wasn't sure how to answer his statement. This was unchartered territory for me, so I just cuddled closer and squeezed his arms.


"Nothing fucking went right. I just wasn't on my game. I didn't feel it."

I leaned away, turning slightly, and kissed his stubbled jaw.

"We have one of our best chances to get into the Super Bowl this year and we need me at my best."

There was no way I was reminding him that the Scorpions won. I just continued kissing his chin and jaw, the side of his neck, his shoulder.

A small tug on my hair stopped me.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I am." I went back to kissing and nibbling.

"You." He tugged my hair again. "Are not listening."

"You didn't feel it. Go on. I swear I heard every word."

His chest rumbled against me and he laughed.

"I love you," he said.

"You said that already."

"Not nearly enough, baby. Thank you for being here."

"You didn't give me a choice."

"You made the choice when you came into the locker room." He pulled my hair back so my neck was in the path of his teeth.

"I don't have all the Killian game day rules down yet." I groaned when he gently sucked on the skin he just bit.

"Are you giving me a hickey?"

"You gonna stop me?"

I turned in his arms and attacked low on his neck. If he could mark me, I could damn well return the favor.

"Come on. We're finishing this discussion in bed."

"Do I get to hear more about how bad you sucked today?"

"No, baby, I get to feel how hard you suck today."

"You have such a golden tongue," I said with delight.

"God, I want to spank you."

"Not if you want to see how hard I suck." I broke away and made a run for the house. I knew he waited to pounce until I was near the bed, but I still squealed.

"Scream for me tonight, baby."

"Make me scream, Killian."

He did.


Killian met my parents on Thanksgiving.

Candi barely spoke to me. She'd called a few times to get the inside scoop on Killian and I'd cut her short. She had no problem pointing her flirtatious endeavors Killian's way, though. She was seriously embarrassing, but at the same time, I had her to thank for placing me in Killian's path.

"Are you in college?" Killian tried very hard to be polite by asking.

"No, my sister got the brains. I've got other specialties."

Killian didn't bat an eye, but he didn't ask what those specialties were either. Candi didn't like it when her sexual enticement skills didn't work and went into a full-blown pout. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

"So, are you friends with Lenny Brower?" she asked in her sweet but bitchy voice.

"I'm friends with all my teammates." Killian glanced my way, gave my hand a small squeeze under the table, and turned back to my sister.

"He and I are rather close. He says you've been known to party at his house on occasion."


Killian's tone remained even, but I caught a subtle change. "It's been a long time and I don't see myself there again in the near future."

"I'll tell him you said that."

Killian smiled. "Yes, please do."

Though Candi no longer embarrassed my parents, I was grateful when my mother broke in and asked Killian about his college days.

My mom and dad were good people and it gave me a warm feeling knowing they liked Killian. He and my dad watched a football game on television while my mom, sister, and I cleaned the kitchen.

"I'd like to help, Mrs. Cavanaugh," Killian said, but my mom shooed him away.

My sister pounced as soon as the swinging door to the kitchen shut. "So you think you're all high and mighty now that you've roped in a star quarterback?"

I'd never stood up to my sister, but Killian had given me confidence in myself that was never there before. "He's not a quarterback. He's THE quarterback, or don't you read the sports page?"

"I hope you left off using birth control so you can keep him."

"That's enough, Candi." My mother's voice was sharp. She turned her eyes to me and they softened. "So does Killian's family live here?"

"Yes, his mother and brother live in Glendale."

"Killian has a brother?"

The glee in my sister's eyes made me laugh. "Yes, he has a brother. His name is Michael, and he's Killian's twin."

"Shit, Killian MacGregor has a twin brother. Is he as good looking as Mac the Knife?"

"Actually, I think he's cuter."

"I hope you plan on inviting his mom and brother here to dinner sometime soon," my mom said.

"Yes, I'd love to. Maybe after the playoffs. Killian's traveling schedule is pretty hectic over the next two months, but I'll arrange something as soon as I can."

"Yes, sister dear, please arrange something. He's not married is he?"

God, Candi was awful. "No, he's not married." I knew it was spiteful of me and Michael didn't deserve my sister's obvious scheming, but she was on my last nerve. She always brought out my bad side.

Killian and I escaped at halftime. We drove to his mom's house and ate more pie while Killian watched the rest of the game with his brother. It was obvious that Michael loved football. His eyes were completely animated and he actually rocked his chair a time or two in his excitement.

Watching Michael and Killian together watching football gave me an idea for Killian's Christmas gift. It would take some planning but I was thrilled to make this gift special.


The Phoenix weather had cooled significantly and I was running each afternoon with the track team. It was only mandatory to run together twice a week, but we pushed each other. My time increased minutely, though I knew it wouldn't make much difference when the season started. I wasn't down on myself, just faced facts.

I spoke to Killian's mom and she agreed that I should take Michael to one of Killian's games before Christmas. I took the bus to her house several times so Michael would be comfortable around me. I loved his smile, and even with his emaciated cheekbones, every so often dimples appeared.

On game day, Michael's nurse came with us and drove the special van that transported Michael when he needed to go somewhere. I bought Michael a MacGregor jersey along with a purple and white pom-pom that he held pressed between his hands. Malory showed up early to help us get situated. I wanted to be sure Michael was in place in the skybox before the stadium went crazy with fans.

I'd spoken to the team owner about my plans and everyone was in on the surprise. Michael did fantastic. He made noises when the rest of us cheered and I don't think his gentle, quirky smile left his face the entire time.

At the end of the first quarter, a picture of Michael and me hit the screen. I waved the pom-pom in Michael's hand without removing it and blew a kiss to the camera. Tears rolled down my cheeks when Killian turned from the screen, looked directly at the skybox, and blew a kiss back.

"Ah, he blew a kiss at us, Michael. Now let's hope he kicks some ass."

They did. Scorpions twenty-one, opposing team nothing.

We waited upstairs after the game to let some of the crowd clear out before taking Michael to the locker room. His nurse told me he was tired, but shouldn't have a problem for another thirty minutes. We walked into the locker room and froze. All the players remained in their uniforms, minus their helmets, waiting for Michael.

"I talked to Blitz," Malory whispered.

Before I knew it, a marker was passed around, and the jersey Michael wore was signed by everyone. I watched these big, clunky, fully geared men approach slowly, talk gently to Michael, and sign his shirt.

Killian and I saw Michael off in the van, his tired eyes shutting before the vehicle pulled out.

Still in his uniform and pads, Killian pulled me close. "Thank you," he said in his husky sex voice.

"Michael was wonderful," I breathed against his lips.

"So are you. Can you put up with me unwashed a little longer? I'll drop my pads, but I want to get you home."

"Hmm." I nuzzled the salty skin on his neck. "I kinda wanted to fuck you in nothing but your pads."

His throaty laugh made my panties wet. "Won't work, baby. Too many clothes underneath, but we'll manage something."

"No shower," I licked his skin. "Just you and all your man sweat." If he didn't get me home soon, I'd combust.

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