Completion Chapter 13


Dinner with the star quarterback of the Phoenix Scorpions was not what I expected. Football fans requested autographs, asked questions about the coming season, and even took a few pictures. Killian handled it like everything else he did. He smiled, made the pictures something to remember, and talked the talk about his team.

For the most part, once our dinner arrived, they left us alone.

"Sorry about that. I should have warned you."

My teasing smile came through. "I'm sure it was hard for you the morning you took me and Lyle to breakfast and no one paid you any attention."

"The only things hard that morning were my burning calves and my cock. All I could think about was getting you home and tapping that sweet pussy."

I took a drink of water, looking around to see if anyone heard what he said. I was learning very quickly that teasing Killian had consequences. I'm not sure what came over me, but I decided to test my theory. I reached under the table and checked to see just how hard he was at that very moment.

A low growl came from deep in his throat. He turned slightly, reached his fingers up, and unfastened another button on my blouse. Now it was undone an inch below my breasts, though the fold of the material thankfully kept it from gaping open. I moved my trembling hand away and we went back to eating.

Mac the Knife was way out of my league.

The remainder of our dinner was uneventful. It was difficult knowing people watched our every move. Not that they cared at all about me, except maybe to wonder who I was. Killian was great at ignoring the blatant stares and asked me about my week.

I filled him in on the little things and began to relax. I couldn't help noticing his eyes drift to my semi-exposed chest and it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I liked that he liked my small breasts.

"Dessert?" he asked, pulling me from my fantasy thoughts.


I had a sweet tooth, but I hadn't seen him all week and my need for him far outweighed my need for sugar.

"No, thank you. What are our plans for the rest of the night?"

Without saying a word, Killian tossed two one-hundred dollar bills on the table, took my hand, and pulled me to my feet.

His warm breath tickled across my ear. "I want to fuck you until you can't walk and then fuck you some more."

Funny how I never thought I would like blunt sexual talk, but his words caused goose bumps to run across my skin. We walked to his car with my hand tucked safely into his warm grasp. He mechanically put my seat belt on while touching me as little as possible. He caught the slight smile on my lips.

"You drive me crazy." He stood and closed the car door before walking around the car.

He adjusted the satellite station to a sports network and listened to team updates and analysis the entire drive to his house. He stopped his car closer to his front door instead of parking in the garage. My hand lifted to open the door then immediately dropped. I was learning and couldn't help smiling over his ingrained chivalry.

It was now eight thirty and the Arizona sun was finally going down. A light desert rain shower had started on our drive and the wind had picked up. Instead of Killian immediately opening my car door, I noticed through the side mirror that he lifted the trunk.

When he opened my door, he held a blanket in one hand and grabbed mine with the other. I had no idea what he was doing until he stopped on the well-manicured grass and spread out the blanket.

"It's raining."

He kneeled on the blanket facing me. His hands came around my hips and I felt the slow slide of the zipper at the back of my skirt. The material shimmied down my legs. Killian slowly pulled down my panties so they rested on my skirt. He held my hand as I stepped out of them. A light mist of water covered his face as his dark eyes traveled up my legs. He cupped my ass and buried his face between the juncture of my thighs, nuzzling his nose along my needy sex. I heard him inhale, and for all of two seconds I felt self-conscious before letting go. Killian had a way of making me feel endlessly sexy.


He leaned back and pulled his shirt over his head in one seamless move. It made a wet splat when it hit the grass, but my eyes were on Killian.

Trails of water ran between the grooves of rippling muscles. His heavy breathing caused his chest to rise and fall, accenting each undulation. The air was hot and heavy, even with the rain. I loved running in this weather and I was discovering that I might like wet outdoor sex, too.

Killian suddenly stood and removed his pants as fast as the drenched material allowed.

"Do you want me to take off my shirt?" The sight of him fully nude made it hard to talk.

"God, no."

He lifted me and had my back pressed against the wet blanket mere seconds later. He took the bottom edges of my new shirt and tore it open. I groaned in dismay, but then his palms covered my breasts. What the hell did a cheap blouse matter?

The rain fell harder and Killian came down completely on top of me. I circled my legs around his hips as he found that secret place with his cock. He put his arms to either side of my shoulders, lifting his chest off mine while his hips slammed forward. My fingers went to his pectoral muscles, sinking my fingernails into his skin. We were drenched, with the slapping of just our groins sounding between our moans and gasps for oxygen.

Killian fucked me. It wasn't gentle or comfortable; it was more primal than I'd ever known. High, intense noises escaped my throat while Killian pushed into me harder and faster. My eyes closed against the rain and I felt every inch of his cock drive deeper.

I didn't fall over the edge, I plunged. My pussy spasmed around his cock, making me cry out. White sparks flashed behind my eyelids and his loud moan filled the night as he made one last forward thrust.

My eyes slowly opened and I looked at the man above me. He held himself up using his gorgeous arms. I could just make out his facial features in the small amount of light shining from the front porch. His dimples accented his full lips.

"You're getting the hang of this, Legs," he said huskily.

Slowly, I let my hands fall away. He lowered his chest against mine then rolled so we were side by side on the soggy blanket.

"You couldn't wait until we got inside?" My voice held embarrassed humor. Killian wanted me screaming and I'd come so close.

"I like the rain."

The gruff words caused shivers to run over my skin. He pulled me tighter against him and licked water from the side of my face.

"My hair's a mess."


I softly slapped his arm. "You weren't supposed to agree."

He gently pulled strands of wet hair off my cheek. "I like it this way."

I decided that I liked it, too.

I had spent the entire week trying to figure out why Killian made me feel so good about myself. He spoke bluntly and sometimes got my feminist side up, but he always came back with something that made my breath catch. He gave brisk commands expecting to get his way and I usually gave in without argument. While we were apart, I wondered what he'd do if I didn't comply. I could tell it wasn't something he was used to. Killian MacGregor had "alpha control freak" down to a science.

I yearned for every minute I could spend with him before it all ended.

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