Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 447


As you all can see I am now going premium! However, this is still the extra chapter. You can decide not to read this and wait for Volume 3! (vol 2 ended up being this sorri). I will be putting the chapter number which is Volume 3 in my summary when I get there for all to know. As for now, have fun reading~ It is also was my bday yesterday and I was streaming on at 6 PM CST.

"Well, it is our turn I suppose? The leader of the Blood Moon Witches said as she started to tell her tale.


"Honestly, every year we slowly gain a new addition to this party. It's really nice you know? Originally it was just me and Christine here." She said as she wrapped her arms around another girl who blushed in embarrassment.

"Trista... Everyone is looking at us you know..." Christine said shyly as she looked at her leader with her face flushed red.

"Ah, it's fine. Let them see it. You are cute after all. The men won't be able to do anything anyway. As long as I am here." Trista said as she flashed a look at the male adventurers.

Which in turn, lead the male adventurers to blush at her due to her charm. However, those with girlfriends were quickly smacked out of the charm in a painful way. And also met with a glare and a pout in their eyes.

"Wait I didn't mean it!"

"I-it wasn't my fault! It was her charm ability!"

"No no no no no. Don't be angry, please! I won't do it again!"

Many male adventurers started to say as they pleaded to their girlfriends. However, they were obviously met with rejection.


Shortly after, there were four small camps. The girls who felt betrayed by their boyfriends. The boys who felt wronged by their girlfriends. The group that was charmed by the witch Trista still. And Sylvie's group excluding Chad (who is apart of the charmed group).

Meanwhile, the root cause of this was merely giving a smile. She really liked causing chaos within the parties... Seeing them separate made her happier as a result. However, none of this made her stop her hug onto Christine.

"So Christine... When will you marry me?" Trista suddenly whispered into her ears.

"E-ehh!? B-but Trista... I can't do that... Is there any place that will allow us to marry anyway?" Christine blushed even harder as she heard the question that flew out of Trista's mouth and into her ear.

"It will be alright. If there isn't any place that will allow us to do so, we can always do it secretly. Or once we get stronger, will there be anyone to stop us from marrying?" Trista whispered once more which sent Christine into turmoil.

"I-I don't know..." Christine could only mutter back to her.

"It's alright. There is still a lot of time left for you to decide. But when you do, hehehe..." Trista laughed as she said that.

"Un..." Christine could only nod as she didn't know how to reply.

"So what about the rest of your party?" An adventurer suddenly asked Trista.

"Well. I and Christine started off as C-ranked adventurers due to our examination. We kind of wrecked everything with our magic you see. Albeit it is really weak compared to the stage that we're at now." Trista started to tell her tale again.

"And then we found this little girl here during one of our missions at a village that had been wrecked by monsters." Trista said as she let go of her hug around Christine and started to hug someone else who was a head shorter than her.


"Big sister Trista..." The little girl cried out in surprise as she disliked the spotlight. Having so many eyes on her made her as embarrassed as Christine. She really wanted to curl up and hide somewhere.

"As you can see, she is still shy. Anyway, since she was the sole survivor of her village, and the fact that she begged us to take her in. We let her into the party and trained her. Bringing her with us around the place. She's like our little sister in a sense. She even calls us big sister too." Trista said as she gave the little girl some head rubs.

"On our adventure a few years later these two joined us. Since we were recruiting at that time due to having a lack of members for more difficult missions. Since there were only three of us, and we needed a minimum of five at the time." Trista continued as she pointed at two other girls next to her.

"Starting on from there, we took many missions to make a name for ourselves. And sooner or later, we are here! Our most notable thing is probably when a war happened between two neighboring cities. We simply charmed one of the cities to fight amongst each other. This is also why no one chases us even if our beauty is immense." Trista said as she laughed recalling her past.

"I have a question, why do they call you Blood Moon Witches? When you clearly are humans who know magic." Another adventurer asked her a question.

"Everyone started to call us witches after that. So I decided to name us the Blood Moon witches since the moon is usually affiliated with witches somehow. And blood to separate us from the normal witches. Even though it sounds ominous." Trista said as she shrugged.

"Basically everywhere we go there is usually bloodshed somewhere. Maybe due to some people fighting each other due to our charm or something. Or couples breaking up and stuff. What a shame, they just couldn't resist us." Trista added.

"That's kinda problematic... Wouldn't you technically be classified as a villain after that then? If all you do is create chaos?" An adventurer asked

"Well, normally we would've been classified as a criminal. However, due to our merits, the kingdom has decided to not punish us and allowed us to not be classified as a villain. Therefore, we aren't persecuted by anyone and can maintain relatively safe as we enjoy our adventurer days." Trista replied.

"I see. Your merits must be insanely crazy or something. If that's how much the kingdom trusts you. Even after all the havoc that you have created." Another adventurer muttered.

"Indeed! The king has also called us to receive rewards too! It was a great thing! We were able to buy a mansion near the countryside. It was a nice spot honestly." Trista said.


I am disappointed in myself. I already missed day 1 of MGS, therefore I can't even make money this month. :lost: I only had to type 500 more words but was distracted by my irl friends calling me for an hour. Then I already had a schedule to stream. And now I'm 2+ hours too late to submit chapter


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