Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 437


'Wow, she gained three levels from that. There must've been a lot of monsters lurking in the waters then. The sea creatures shouldn't be that high of a level to give her that much experience points alone.' Sylvie was awed as she read Elise's stats.

'The three levels really boosted up her stats. They increased significantly. I guess even though it's harder to level up when you're already at a high level, the rewards are better than before.' Sylvie thought to herself as she looked at the adventurers who were worn out.

"We should rest here for now, since we seemed to have taken care of everything. If we move on and rest there, who knows if we'll be attacked again. It's best to stay here for now." The leaders of each party said as they started to rummage through their storage for supplements to regain their energy.

After they replenished most of their stamina, some of the adventurers went up to Elise. As she was the one who caused most of the damage with her electric arrow volley.

"Hey hey, how'd you do that?" Some mages were asking her as they were interested and wanted to be able to do the same thing.

"By using magic." Elise replied as she looked at them.

"I know it's by magic but… How did you cause it to have so much power in it even though they duplicated? Wouldn't that usually split the arrow's power into each individual?" The mages started to question her as they were confused and wanted the answer.

"It's because I put a lot of magic power into that arrow… That's why the duplicated arrows have a lot of firepower to them… How else?" Elise asked them with her eyebrows raised.

"You're telling me that you have enough magic power to use such high tier magic? You're kidding me. Just tell us the truth…" The mages said as they didn't believe her and were starting to get impatient.


"Hey you guys, stop picking on her. I don't know why you're messing with someone who eliminated like the entirety of the creatures. Are you trying to dig your own grave or something? She doesn't even look exhausted, that means she can do it once more if she wanted to." A party leader said as he couldn't watch the mages anymore.

"Ugh…" The mages wanted to retort, however they were unable to. They could only give up and leave her alone as they shot glares at her.

"People are annoying sometimes…" Elise said as she went by Lance.

"Naturally, humans are full of jealousy and greed. They can't stand you being stronger than them, thus they enter the state of denial. It really gets annoying when they're at that stage." Lance replied as he hugged her.

"Yeah. I wish they could control themselves though. It would make life so much easier." Elise said as she hugged him back.

"HEY! YOU TWO! GET A ROOM! STOP SHOWING AFFECTION IN PUBLIC!" Chad cried out when he saw this scene.

"How about you go find a lover then?" They both said to him bluntly.



Author : so tired ;-;


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