Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 433


After a few hours of walking, the adventurers decided to take a rest. Of course, the only place they could take the rest on was the bridge. As now they were surrounded by the Lurking Waters of Death, which was fogged up. And the bridge that they were on. There were no other places to go to.

"We stop here for today. We will take our rest and be careful during the night time. Monsters usually become really active during the night. So, we will replenish all the energy we can right now to be able to prepare for the onslaught if it ever happens." A man who was in his mid-forties said as he was covered in full iron gear with an iron sword. He was your typical person who looked like a knight but was an adventurer.

"Alright." The other parties agreed. They weren't going to mess around with such a dangerous mission. Sure, they would crack some jokes here and there and goof around if it was a B-ranked mission or below. However, they were taking on an A-ranked adventurer that they barely qualified for.

One should know that an A-ranked adventurer isn't simply stronger than an A-ranked monster. The same can also be said for the rankings established for the terrain. Such as A-ranked Lurking Waters of Death.

It is one of the most dangerous places to mankind, therefore it was ranked as A-ranked. The only reason why it wasn't ranked S-ranked was because people can still travel through it without being attacked. It only depended on their luck factor. Of course, there are still strong adventurers that can cross through this bridge without any trouble. Those like that of peak S-ranked adventurers and the widely known SS-ranked adventurers that have not been heard of in a long time.


The adventurers quickly split up as they brought out their own items. As dimensional storage was pretty rare, and that storage bags and rings were pretty expensive. They carried their luggage instead.

Quickly, the adventurers started to get their meals as they filled their stomachs with some food. Their energy quickly replenished as their body consumed the nutrients from the meal. Though what they ate were just prepared rations. They were created to provide adventurers with enough nutrients to travel, it didn't have a lot of flavors or taste to it though.

The adventurers couldn't risk fishing in some unknown waters either. Who knew what monsters that would fish up. However, with Sylvie's party, they had countless delicacies that were in Sylvie's Dimensional Storage. They were able to eat fresh meals that she had preserved beforehand.

They ate as they were scrutinized by the other adventurers who were also giving them looks of jealousy. However, they resisted the temptation to ask 'children' for their meals. As they did not want to harm their reputation. Sylvie's group did share some food with the people they were supposed to escort though, as they didn't have much reputation to uphold.


Author : VALORANT IS OUT AGAIN YAY cough cough I'm dying


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