Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 431


"Boss, it looks like the parties have arrived." The skinny man said as he looked at the person wearing the cloak.

"All of them?" The person asked slowly and calmly as she quickly gave a glance at the people who had just entered their surroundings.

'A total of 19 people, 14 male, 5 female. All seem to be adults and some young ones. They seem more reliable than the group of kids that are already here. However, they pose more of a threat to us than the kids.' She thought inside her head before she looked away.

"Err no, there seems to still be two parties that have yet to arrive. According to the information I received, there is still an A-ranked adventurer party that goes by the name Blood Moon Witches. A full female party that consists of 6 members. They are great at deception and chaos, allowing them to be able to deal a lot of damage to the monsters that may appear in our pathway." The skinny man replied to her.

"And there is also another A-ranked adventurer party that is called the Six Fated Hands, they are all pugilists. Hence, why they are called Six Fated Hands. They provide enough defence should any of the monsters get close to us. And they also use magic artifacts to help them in their strength." The skinny man added.

"No, they're already here." The burly man said.

"Where?" The skinny man asked as he looked around.

"Above us in the trees. They arrived at the same time as those parties. They're most likely just scouting the other parties. The other parties seem to have also noticed them too." The burly man said as he pointed at the group of 19 that had just arrived.


"They aren't A and B-ranked adventurers for no reason I guess. They need at least that much strength to be able to take on this mission." The skinny man said as he sighed.

"Since everyone is here we can start our journey then." The person wearing a cloak said.

"Since everyone is here, let's depart! The quicker we go, the quicker this mission will finish!" The skinny man said as he looked at the parties.

"Alright, we're ready to go." The parties responded as they departed. Sylvie's group also followed them slowly. Although, gathering many looks of confusion from the other parties. Making them ask amongst each other as to why there were kids with them.

"I forgot to mention, that is also a party that will be escorting us." The skinny man said as he pointed at Sylvie's group.

"No way! But they're so young?!" The other parties cried out as they scrutinized Sylvie's group from head to toe.

"Don't you know its rude to stare so intently like that?" Chad said as he sized up the other parties as well.

"..." The other adventurers just stared at him. They decided to ignore this adventurer party that they did not have to escort. Since they were able to take the mission, they should have the capability to at least defend themselves.


Author : I overslept sorri


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