Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 430


"Hey, do you think the adventurers will have the capability to successfully escort us through the Lurking Waters of Death?" A skinny looking man said as he looked at the person in front.

"Probably not. This is why we have teleportation crystals just in case everything goes downhill." The person who was wearing a cloak that covered their entire body replied calmly.

"Do you really have to wear a cloak to conceal your appearance?" The skinny looking man asked.

"Adventurers aren't trustworthy. Men aren't trustworthy in general. How can I travel safely if they know who I am. Especially if they're going to be forced onto the edge of death, which will unleash their carnal desires." The person in front replied.

"Won't your voice give it away though?" He asked.

"They definitely won't be an only men's party. They definitely will have a female in their party. Therefore, voice alone won't make them target me. Only my appearance will." The person in front replied calmly.

"Alright then. We've made it to the meeting place." The skinny man said as he looked at the surroundings.

"A group of kids?" He muttered when he saw Sylvie's group who were sitting like couples.

"I don't recall this being a popular spot for couples... Wait, isn't this a dangerous place with monsters first of all?" He whispered to the person who was wearing a cloak.

"They have weapons. Looks like they're a party that took on this mission. Though fairly young, someone probably has the capabilities in the group if they were able to take on this mission." The person wearing a cloak responded as they glanced to see if there was anyone strong in the vicinity.

However, to their confusion, they actually found no one that looked relatively strong. It was just a bunch of kids.


"Hey, kids! What are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous?" A burly man in the group said as he looked at them.

"Are you the ones that we have to escort across the Lurking Waters of Death?" Chad asked when he heard a man nearby.

"Err yes... Who's the leader of this party?" He asked him.

"Ah, she's the leader of the party." Chad said as he pointed towards a tree branch.

"I can't seem to see anybody?" The man said puzzledly as he and his group looked at the tree branch.

"She's currently taking a nap right now. We did come an hour early by accident you see." Chad said as he scratched his cheeks embarrassed.

"I see... Have any of the other parties come yet?" The burly man asked Chad another question.

"I am afraid not. However, there is still a lot of time left anyway. Parties usually will try to get as much sleep as they can so they can regain all their strength and stamina. They're probably carrying a lot of luggage since it's going to be a long trip." Chad replied.

"I see... Pleasure doing business with you kids then..." The burly man said as he held out his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise." Chad replied as he took his hand.


Author : I just came back at 10 pm to type ;-; too tired to start da advantur.


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