Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! Chapter 417



"I am so tired! I don't think I can run anymore!!!" Maria cried out as she was exhausted from running.

"Don't think about stopping Maria! If you do, it'll be too late! Sylvie actually made the golems try to kill us all! We have to continue running!" Ariana said as she breathed heavily. She too was on the verge of collapsing on the spot along with Maria.

"Stop talking! The more you talk the more tired you get! Try to save your energy and focus on finding a hiding spot somewhere so we can get a breather!" Chad said as he looked at the two.

"Why can't we just turn around and destroy those golems once and for all! That way we won't have to keep running anymore!" Sam cried out as he looked at the group.

"Because they'll come back anyway! They aren't living beings! They won't die unless you obliterate them completely! Which we definitely can't do due to Sylvie being on the constant watch." Benji said as he was running near the front of the group alongside Elise and Lance.

"Is this why she decided to use golems instead of using summoning magic instead!?" Maria asked them.

"Yes! And besides, she didn't want to summon any cute things and let us kill it! Thus, she resorted to using golems which were just made out of the earth or objects! Anyway, ROLL TO THE LEFT!" Benji said before he noticed a golem swinging at them using its right arm.

"Wah!!!" They all cried as they rolled to the left included with the fact that the golem's swing had caused the wind to push them a bit too giving them more velocity.

"Ow!!!" They cried out as they landed on top of each other with Ariana being on top of everybody.


"Ah! Are you all okay!?" She asked them as she got off before using holy magic to heal them.

"Thanks! I don't think the golems can get in here though. The gap is too small for the golems which are gigantic. Why didn't we think of this before?" Chad said as he pointed it out.

"I don't know, but I think she just wanted us to improve our stamina just in case anything happens. That's why I just wanted to keep running." Lance said.

"Besides, this way of training is laxer than our previous training methods... I wouldn't risk angering her by finding a loophole in our training method to make her make it even more difficult." Lance added.

"Yeah... Don't forget about the number of times Sylvie has beaten us just so we would listen to her training methods. We still can't beat her altogether, don't forget that." Elise added.

"You're both right... How about we just rest for a bit then we'll go up there again. There is no point in improving if you're gonna die anyway! Thus I feel like we need this small breather for now." Maria said as she gave an excuse.

"Yeah... We need to rest a bit anyway. We won't improve if all we do is tire ourselves out without letting our body get used to it first." Ariana added.

"Yeah... I feel like my legs are jello... I don't think I could run anymore anyway." Sam said as he agreed with them.

"Alright, we'll take a 10-minute rest. After that, we'll go up there and start running again." Benji said as he looked at the group.

"Agreed?" He asked them.

"Agreed!" They all said as they nodded their head in unison.


Unbeknownst to the group, Sylvie was always watching and listening to their conversations. She had placed small golems near them so she could spy on their conversations using magic.

Everything they had said, she had heard herself. She had nodded to herself when she saw them working as a group instead of doing stuff individually. As that would get them nowhere in life.

Even though they needed to learn how to do stuff on their own, for stuff like this when they have a group. They need to use it to further gain their advantages before it is all over.

So seeing them take this as a group activity instead of acting on their own, she knew they would do fine later in the future if she was ever away from them.


10 Minutes have passed and the group is back on the run away from the golems.

"Why did we only take a 10-minute break! I am still so tired! My legs feel like jello again!" Maria cried out.

"We just started running! How are you tired already! The golems don't even move that quickly!" Chad asked her.

"I don't know! I just feel tired alright! I feel like I'll collapse at any moment." Maria replied as she looked at him.

"How much longer do we have to run for anyway!?" Ariana cried out.

"About thirty more minutes! If we can survive for that much longer, it'll be all over!" Benji said as he dodged the pebbles from the golem's swing.

"Let's go up the hill! That way we can slide all the way down!" Chad said as he looked in front of them.

"Alright! That sounds good for us!" Sam said as his weight would naturally let him slide faster than all of them.

"Let's go!" Benji said as they all started using their remaining amount of energy to run up the hill. Thus gaining them a bigger gap between them and the golems.

After they reached the top of the hill they found stuff to slide down on. Sam and Ariana used his shield as they slid down. Meanwhile, Chad and Maria slid using water magic alongside a gigantic card as their raft. Benji had a sled in his kit for some odd reason and used that to slide down with them. Meanwhile, Lance and Elise merely launched an attack at the golem to send them flying a bit using their attack knockback.



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