Heart Of Darkness Chapter 60


Rayven opened his eyes with a groan. He didn't want to wake up but after the long sleep, he couldn't force himself to sleep anymore. Especially not when he could hear Angelica moving around the castle. What was she doing?

The aroma of freshly baked bread greeted him after a long period of ignoring her. This couldn't be Jada since he compelled her to leave after bringing her in just to take care of Angelica.

He pushed himself up annoyed. What was the woman up to?

Dragging himself downstairs he found food served on the large dining table that had been gathering dust over the years. Now it was clean, a few candles were lit and placed neatly in the middle, and warm food was served.

Rayven scoffed. As long as this woman was alive he would keep getting surprised.

Angelica walked into the dining room with more food. When she took notice of him he could hear her heart skip a bit. She swallowed and then forced a smile on her face.

"Good Morning, My Lord." She said and then went to place the plates on the table. "I took the freedom to make you breakfast since I couldn't find your maid."

Rayven just looked at her. What more could he say to chase her away? What more could he do than almost killing her? If that didn't alarm her then he didn't know what else would.

Looking at the food on the table, he decided to sit down and eat. For some odd reason that made her happy.

"I made both coffee and tea. I didn't know which one you liked." She smiled.

"Stop smiling." He told her and her lips quickly turned into a straight line.

He grabbed the cup of coffee and took a sip. Angelica watched him intently as if waiting for him to say something.


"It tastes good." He admitted as he put the cup down.

She smiled but then quickly as if realizing what she had done, she stopped. Rayven forced back a smile at her reaction.

Wait! What was funny about this?

Annoyed he grabbed the bread and tore it with his teeth like a caveman. He chewed grimly but when he felt the taste of it he chewed slower. This thing tasted good.

He took the spoon to taste the porridge she made as well. Even that tasted good. For a moment he imagined himself throwing all the food off the table to upset her until he looked at her. As the hint of a smile appeared on her face, he swallowed the hot porridge, burning his throat.

"Did you poison this?" He asked.

Her eyes widened. "Killing you is not my aim, My Lord. I need you alive." She said.


Of course. She needed him for protection. All this was in exchange for something. He ate the hot porridge again and burned himself. He emptied the bowl quickly and Angelica looked at him as if she was pained.

"Was it not too hot, My Lord?" She asked with a frown.

He could feel his stomach and throat melt. Still, he reached for the hot tea and gulped it down and the coffee followed.

Angelica's lips parted but she was speechless. Rayven let out a deep breath after he was done. It felt like his insides were on fire.

"Do you need water?" She asked horrified.

Rayven let himself look at all of her for the first time. She was beautiful in that white dress. She looked like an angel. Save me, he wanted to beg. After all, only an angel could touch his soul. Only an angel could take his soul where it deserved to be taken.



So it was better to get used to being burned.

Rayven took what was left of the bread and ate it quickly. He never ate this much. He felt full. As a demon, he didn't need much food. He could go very long periods without eating.

"Do you want some more?" she asked.

He stood up. "No."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked.

Yes. Stay out of my way, he wanted to say. What sane man would ask this woman to leave him alone? He was insane. A madman.

Ignoring her, he began to walk away.

"My Lord..." She hurried around the table to say something. "Did you...really mean to kill me last night?"

He turned to look at her. "Yes." He said simply.

"Why?" She whispered. "What would you gain from killing me? You could just throw me out if you wanted me dead."

"I told you. I needed your heart to get mine back. I can't die without a heart and because I didn't kill you I am doomed to live forever now." He rambled realizing how badly he messed up.

While he was at it he decided to let it all out.

"Why did you come to me of all people?" He asked. "Let me guess. You thought I was ugly and couldn't find a woman so I would be thrilled if you offered yourself."

She looked up and her eyes widened.

"The man no woman can look at will surely accept any woman, is that not what you thought? "

She looked down at her hands and rubbed them together nervously. This only confirmed to him that his assumptions were right.

"I am already hated by everyone and my reputation is already bad so I wouldn't mind staining it some more. I wouldn't mind a little more humiliation. Is that not what you thought?"

Now she looked up at him with eyes wide and full of tears.

"Well, you are only trying to survive." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

He had used people even when he didn't need to survive so he shouldn't be angry at her. But he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He was only good for being used. At least she thought it was better to be with him than to sell her body to many men.

But he also knew this was another sacrifice. She didn't want to be with him. Hell, she had no reason to. He was a nightmare to himself let alone to other people. She would never be happy with him. Perhaps only alive and to him, death was better than to endure each day.

But since he couldn't kill her she was stuck with someone like him. She escaped from one hell to another.

Leaving her behind he went back to his room. He was close to calling Skender to take her but the man killed her father. She wouldn't be thrilled to see him.

Who should he call then? Who could save this woman from him?

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