Heart Of Darkness Chapter 44


As promised, Natasha kept sending her butler or her maid to deliver food to her home. Angelica was grateful as things got even more difficult in the past week. Letters written by her father were found that proved his treason. He was trying to reach the king of their neighboring kingdom, exposing their own kingdoms strategies and weaknesses.

Her father wanted the king of Crezia to take over their kingdom, Kraghorn. Now people despised him not understanding how he could betray not only his King, but his own people and Kingdom as well.

Angelica wasn't surprised anymore. Her father probably made a deal with the king of Crezia to get something in return for giving him the secrets to their kingdom. He had a plan for everything except he failed at the end.

Thomas and Eva got attacked several times when they went outside, all because they worked for her. Angelica cried when Eva came covered in dirt one day because a few stupid people had pushed her into mud and threw things at her. And then they didn't let her buy groceries for her own home. Angelica couldn't let her suffer so she let her ago.

After yet another few days she also let Thomas go. He had a family to feed, and he was suffering because of her. Now she was only left with William.

Angelica cried in silence at nights, not wanting her brother to know. Hopefully, soon their suffering would end when Natasha finds her a man. She needed one more than ever now.

Opening her book, she wrote yet another poem before blowing the candles and going to sleep next to William.

The crashing sound of glass woke her up in the middle of the night. Angelica got out of bed confused and went downstairs. The window in the parlor was broken. Someone had thrown a stone at their window. Suddenly another crushing sound followed, and it came from the hall. Another broken window.

Frightened Angelica ran upstairs to where her brother was sleeping. She locked the door hoping that it was only a few people trying to scare them.

"What is wrong?" William asked who had woken up as well.

"They are ruining our home." Angelica said trying to fight back the tears.


Soon she would leave this house where she grew up, but that wasn't enough. They would ruin the place. It wouldn't even have the chance to remain the way it was.

When she didn't hear yet another sound, she went back to bed and hugged William. "It is alright now. Go back to sleep." She said.

Unable to sleep, Angelica remained awake the whole night and in the morning she prepared for the new day. As she was tying her hair back, her brother shot his eyes open with a gasp.

Another nightmare.

"He is coming." He said.

"Who?" she asked.

Oh Lord. Please don't make things worse.

"The King." He said.

The King? Why would he come?

Oh, no! Had he decided to kill her brother?

"We need to leave now?" she said getting up.

William sat up. "Leave to where?"

"I don't know. We will think about it on our way. We can't sit here and wait for our death." She began to look for a bag to pack some clothes.

"He is not here to kill me." William said calmly.

Angelica stopped whatever she was doing and turned to her brother. "Then why?" She asked.

"I am not sure."

"Well, he can't be coming here with any good news."

Her brother didn't respond, which made her remain suspicious. The sound of horses and the wheels of a carriage alarmed her. They were already here.

Oh Lord! They were doomed.

"William. What are you doing? Get up! We need to find a way out?" She said.

She was panicking and she didn't even know where to start.

Her brother got quickly out of bed and adjusted his hair. "I don't think escaping is a good idea. We have done nothing wrong so we should just go out and see what he wants."

"What do you think he wants? To be invited in and have some tea? To give his condolences?"

"Perhaps." Her brother replied simply.

Ignoring him, she kept throwing things in a bag.

"Angelica stop! We should go see what he wants. I did not sense any danger in my dream." He explained.

She looked back at him. "Does that mean he is not here to harm you?"


"I am sure he is not here to harm me." He assured.

"Promise me you are not only saying that to not worry me."

"I promise." He said.

The loud sound of a trumpet announced the Kings arrival. They had to go down and see him without delay.

What could Skender want? Hopefully, her brother wasn't wrong about him being a good person. Hopefully she wasn't wrong about liking him.

Adjusting her hair and dress she went downstairs with her brother. There was shattered glass here and there that they had to step over before coming out.

The royal carriage stood outside the gate and upon her arrival a guard leaned into the window whispering a few words. Then he opened the door to the carriage, and the King stepped outside.

Angelica had almost forgotten how beautiful he was. His black hair was nicely combed and tied with a ribbon at the back and his blue jacket matched his eyes.

Her heart pounded loudly as he walked across the garden and came to them. "Good morning Lady Davies." He greeted.

He usually called her by her first name. Her heart pounded louder.

"Good morning, Your Majesty." Both she and her brother greeted.

"I won't take much of your time." He began. "I am here to take your brother with me."

Angelica's heart stopped beating. Take her brother? Where?

"May I ask where you intend to take him, Your Majesty?"

"I will take him to the military camp. He will start his training to become a soldier." The king said.

Military camp?

"But he is too young, Your Majesty."

"According to who?" He asked.

Angelica blinked a few times in surprise. He had never spoken to her like this before.

"We lost a chief in command and will probably lose many men going forward because of your father. We need to prepare those who will replace them in the near future," he explained.

So he blamed her and now he was punishing her like this.

He turned to William. "I will let you say goodbye and then you can get inside the carriage." He pointed at another carriage behind his.

Goodbye? Was he taking him now?

Without waiting for her to say anything he turned around and went back to his carriage. Angelica stood there frozen. Who was this man? It wasn't the same man who smiled at her and spoke softly to her. His tone and eyes were cold.

Angelica turned to her brother. "Is he telling the truth?" she asked.

William nodded.

At least he wasn't lying to her and thinking of killing her brother.

"Do you want to go to military camp?" She asked not believing that she was actually asking that question. But after having their home attacked last night and not knowing when Natasha might change her mind and never send her food again, she thought it might be safer for her brother on a military camp.

At least he would have food and shelter. And it wasn't as if she had much of a choice. The King gave his orders.

"I don't want to leave you behind." He said.

"I will be fine if you want to go. I will go to Natasha and stay there." She told him.

He squinted his eyes. Did he know she was lying?

Suddenly he looked around as if searching for something before looking back at her.

"What is wrong?" she asked.

"I can't save you. Only a monster will save you from another monster." He said.

She smiled at him and patted his head. "You know I am strong. I will find a way out and when you come back on a break, you will see me married and safe." She told him.

He just hugged her, and she hugged him back. She tried her best not to cry as she didn't want to make him sad.

She leaned down and kissed both his cheeks. "Just focus on your training, alright?"

He nodded. "I will come back stronger." He said.

"I know you will."

They hugged each other one last time and then she let him go. The last family member she had walked away. Now she would know what true loneliness felt like.

William waved before getting into the carriage and then she couldn't see him anymore.

Now, she just had to survive until then.

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