Heart Of Darkness Chapter 27


"My Lady, someone is asking for you?" Eva informed. "It is a man. He is waiting outside."

Angelica frowned. A man? It couldn't be Sir Shaw because Eva knew him. "Did he not tell you who he is?"

She looked confused. "I… I didn't ask."

"It is alright. I will go see him."

Who could it be, she wondered.

When she went outside, she found a man on his horse. He wore a black cloak that covered his face. When Angelica neared, he removed the cap, surprising her.

"Your Majesty?" ​​

He smiled. "Angelica."

She looked around, but he was all alone. What was happening?

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"No, Your Majesty."

"Would you mind spending some time with me?"

The question surprised her. She hadn't seen him for a month and thought that he was angry with her the last time they spoke. She didn't understand why he kept showing interest in her. The last thing she needed was to like someone and become disappointed. He was easy to like and feel safe with.

Angelica thought of denying his request before her feelings grew stronger.

The king reached his hand out just before she could open her mouth and politely decline his request. Now she felt like she had no choice but to accept his invitation. Taking his hand, he pulled her up and she climbed the horse to sit on the back.

"Hold on." He said.

Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around him and they rode away. Angelica had always dreamed of going on an adventure and this felt like it. The King rode through the woods at such speed that she enjoyed the wind whipping her hair back and seeing the trees fly by. Not knowing where he was taking her also made the ride more exciting. Who would believe her if she told them that the king came in disguise and rode away with her?


The king took them to a place where the woodland met the river. He helped her get down from the horse and then tied it to a tree. Angelica looked ahead at the river, surrounded by a dash of trees. She listened to the sound of rushing water following a curving path over rocks.

Angelica wanted to dip her hand into the river and feel it flow through her fingers. Without realizing it, she went ahead and did what her heart desired. She enjoyed the feel of cold water on her skin.

The king sat on a rock nearby the river and watched her satisfy her curiosity.

"I am guessing you like rivers, Your Majesty."

"I do." He said, shifting his gaze to the water. He wore a sadder expression than usual.

Angelica removed her hand from the water and sat on a rock, facing him.

"Something seems to bother you," she began.

He looked back at her with a faint smile. "It is part of being a king." He said.

It was understandable, but she felt that there was something else bothering him than his Royal duties.

"Do you wish you were not King?" She asked.

"I wish I was free." He said, his eyes becoming distant as if dreaming of the freedom he spoke about.

He seemed unhappy with being a King. Maybe that was why he was here with her, to escape his duties for a moment. To escape his fate that the red-haired woman in her dream had predicted.

Angelica wanted to ask him about her dream, but he could get the wrong idea if she told him. She decided to keep it to herself for now.

"Thank you for talking to my father about Sir Shaw."

"I am glad I could help. Maybe you should think about getting married? I believe it would be beneficial for you to marry someone who can protect you and provide for you. You won't be under your father's care forever." He told her.


He was right, but she wondered why he suddenly spoke to her about marriage and if he had no plan to marry her, then why did he spend time with her?

"Your Majesty, am I not of your liking?" She asked.

Afraid of seeing his expression, she looked down at her hands. Her heart began to beat in her ears and she waited for him to reply for what seemed like an eternity.

Angelica couldn't see herself with any other man. So far, he was the only one she liked and felt comfortable around. Even safe and understood. If she had to marry someone, then he was the only one she could consider.

"You won't be happy with me."

She looked up to see his sad eyes. "Why not, Your Majesty?"

He rubbed his neck. "I used to know a woman. She looked like you and had your strong spirit. Our fate ended badly. I am afraid the same thing is being repeated. Things won't end well between you and me, Angelica." He looked remorseful.

Who was the woman and how did it end badly? He was being secretive and not telling her the whole story. Angelica tried not to push for more and looked desperate. He had just indirectly denied making her his wife.

The king stood up, "I know I am misleading you. I should take you back home." He said with regret.

Things got tense between them after that. They rode back in silence and when they arrived at her home; he didn't say much. He just wished her goodbye. The way his gaze lingered on her before he rode away felt like he was saying farewell forever.

Angelica felt like he was running away, afraid that things would end badly between them, so he wanted to end it sooner. But why did he believe things were being repeated? Could it be the woman in her dream? Could her dreams, just like her brother's, mean something more?

She hoped not.

Disappointed, she walked back into her home. Now that the king wasn't an option anymore, she would have to marry someone she didn't even like. Someone who wouldn't look at her or speak to her the way the king did. Someone she might not even feel comfortable with. If she didn't start looking soon, she would have to marry anyone willing to marry her at her age. She couldn't get older than this without getting married.

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