Heart Of Darkness Chapter 16


Angelica felt the deeper meaning behind his words. Most people weren't what or who they seemed to be. What they presented to the world was different from their true self. People showed their best side to the world or what they wanted the world to see. They portrayed themselves in a certain way that was beneficial to them.

Other times, the reason for hiding their true self could be because of insecurities, shame or fear.

What was the King's reason for hiding his true self?

Angelica wanted to ask him what or who he truly was, but she knew he wouldn't tell her if he was hiding it. They weren't close enough for him to be vulnerable with her or trust her with his secrets.

"Are you very different from what or who you seem to be?" she asked instead.

An unknown emotion flickered through his eyes before she saw the same sadness as before. "It depends on how you perceive me."

"My brother says you are a good person."

His lips curved into a wide smile. That truly made him happy. "Your brother is kind."

He was. But he was also special. He could feel people's true nature just by meeting them once. There was a reason to why her brother thought that the King was a good person.

"But you don't think the same," he then said, tilting his head to one side.

Angelica was taken aback by his words.

The king chuckled. "It is alright. There is a reason why you don't completely agree with your brother."

What did he mean?

"I am just careful, Your Majesty. My brother has no one but me," she explained.

He nodded. "It is better to be more careful than not, especially when dealing with royalty. How is your father?"


Angelica felt the warning behind his words and her heart skipped a beat.

"He is… a little unwell," she lied.

"Tell him he can take a good rest before coming back to his duties. I want him to come back with a clear head," he spoke with authority this time. It was the first time he spoke to her like that.

Angelica felt like he was telling her to do something. Did he know what her father was up to? If he knew, he would have taken action.

"I will, Your Majesty." She said with her heart racing.

If her father did anything or even if he did nothing but the King found out about his plans, then all of them would be in trouble. She needed to have a serious talk with her father.

The king picked up his cup and took a sip of his tea. He looked almost disappointed. She could understand that considering the fact that he gave her father a higher position but instead of working harder, he was neglecting his duties.

The sudden silence became awkward and Angelica hid behind her teacup, drinking it until it was empty. The King had also finished his tea. He put his cup down before turning to her.

"I have to get back to my duties. You can wait here if you like. It is more comfortable here. I'll send a word to Lord Rayven and let him know you are waiting for your brother here."

"No need," she heard a dark voice speak.

Turning to her left, she found Lord Rayven and her brother standing next to the door. Angelica's eyes widened when she saw William. He was covered in dirt and he had a wound on his forehead.

"The boy is here," Lord Rayven said, giving her brother a slight push.


"William." Angelica was going to get out of her seat and rush to her brother when he gave her a look, saying no.

"I am alright," he said.

Alright? He was bleeding and covered in dirt and this was only his first training. What would happen next time?

"Come here, warrior." The king said and William went to him.

The King reached inside his pocket and took out a handkerchief. He then gently wiped the blood from her brother's forehead. Angelica felt warmth in her heart as she watched them.

"You should go easy on him, Rayven." The king said.

Angelica turned to Lord Rayven and gave him a hard glare without meaning to. Ignoring the King, he glared back at her but his lips weren't as grim as before. She detected a slight smile and that annoyed her even more. Did he find this amusing?

"It is not his fault. I asked him to train me well," William defended him.

"You are very ambitious. It is good but it can be dangerous too." The king told him.

"I don't want fame or money. I just want to be powerful enough to protect those I care for."

The King smiled with a nod, "William. The protector."

"What does your name mean, Your Majesty?" William asked.

"Defender of mankind." The king replied.

"Then becoming a King was written in your destiny," her brother said more to himself than to the King.

Angelica felt like her brother put some more pieces together and she couldn't wait to hear what he was thinking.

The king nodded thoughtfully, "it was indeed."

As if not wanting to talk about it anymore, he turned to Lord Rayven. "Is the training already finished?"

"It is his first time. I went easy on him." Lord Rayven replied.

"You should escort them home," the King told him.

Lord Rayven clenched his jaw and glared at the King. The King glared back at him, as if daring him to go against his orders.

How odd, Angelica thought, but it made her think that they were closer than she thought. Otherwise, Lord Rayven wouldn't dare to look at the King like that.

"I should, Your Majesty." Lord Rayven said and Angelica heard a hint of resentment in his voice.

The King only seemed to be amused by that. "Lord Rayven will escort you home," he told them, standing up.

Angelica stood up as well, "thank you for your hospitality, Your Majesty."

His blue eyes looked firmly into hers. "Be safe, Angelica."

He patted her brother's head and then turned around and left. Angelica watched him walk away. He was indeed charming, and the way he said her name every time made her believe they knew each other longer than they did.

Who was he? The more she spoke to him, the more he became a mystery.

"Shall we?" Lord Rayven's dark voice interrupted her thoughts.

He looked at her with contempt again. She had the urge to ask him what she did wrong, but decided to stay quiet. This much hatred couldn't be because she looked at him the wrong way. What was his problem?

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