Heart Of Darkness Chapter 13


Angelica couldn't believe that her father threatened to throw her out of her home and not seeing her brother. She knew he could be ruthless sometimes, but this was a whole new level of being heartless. What would she do now?

She turned in bed, unable to sleep.

"Is something wrong?" William asked who was sleeping next to her.

"No," she lied.

Even though she was facing the other way, she could tell that her brother didn't believe her.

"Is father forcing you to marry Sir Shaw?"

"Yes," she replied.

He was quiet for a long moment. "I told you, we are better without him."

Angelica turned around, disturbed by his comment.

"William, he is only doing what he thinks is best for me. Truth is, I need to get married." She explained.

"Then he should find someone you are content with."

That was the problem. She was never content.

"It is taking too long to find someone I am content with and father is getting concerned."

"You don't have to make me like him. I am alright with liking you only," William said.

At first Angelica was surprised by his words, but then she knew her brother. He could tell what people's intentions were, even when they didn't know it themselves.

She stroked his hair, "everything will be alright."

He closed his eyes as she continued to stroke his hair. Then eventuall he fell asleep.

Angelica stayed awake, thinking of what to do. Maybe she should go​​ to the King, but then do what? Unless he called for her, going to him was meaningless.

Where was he now when she wanted him to call for her?

Suddenly, she heard the wheels of a carriage outside, followed by her father's loud singing voice.

Angelica pushed the blankets aside and went to look outside the window. Her father was wobbling his way to the entrance. He was drunk again.


Angelica put her robe on and decided to go downstairs and meet her father before he caused havoc in the middle of the night. Once she was in the hall, she waited for him to come inside.

The stench of alcohol made her wrinkle her nose as he entered, singing loudly.

"Father, it is late." She told him.

He paused and looked her way.

"Angelica!" He called as if she was far away. "Come here!"

He waved for her to come closer and Angelica went to him, hesitantly. He put one hand on her shoulder and leaned closer. The smell made her only breathe from her mouth.

"We are doomed," he whispered next to her ear. "We. Are. Doomed. The devil has come for us."

Angelica had heard him name the devil a few times now.

"Father, the devil has always been here." She told him.

He leaned back, shaking his head, "but have you ever seen him?" He asked.

Angelica looked into his fearful eyes.

"I have," he whispered. "I saw him. He is...frightening, but he doesn't scare me. No, no." He shook his head and moved his forefinger side to side. "I will eliminate him. I won't let evil rule us."

He pushed past her, "I won't let evil prevail." He called.

"What will you do?" she asked him as he walked away.

"I will kill him."

"The devil?"


That was absurd.

"And how will you do that?" she asked, going after him.

"I will find a way," he said, throwing himself on the sofa. "I will find a way," he repeated before he began to snore.


Did he already sleep?

Angelica sighed, feeling exhausted by her father's behaviour. She went back upstairs to her room and slept the few hours that were left until the morning.


When the morning came, Angelica was still tired. She didn't feel like waking up. Waking up meant dealing with her problems, and she wasn't ready for that yet. But more sleep didn't make her problems go away, and she eventually had to wake up.

"Are you ill, my Lady?" Her handmaiden, Eva asked, while combing her hair.

"No. Why?"

"You have never woken up this late."

"I am just tired." Angelica said. "Where is William?"

"He is reading in his room."

Angelica felt bad that he was missing all his lectures because of her father.

"And father?"

"He left."

Hopefully not to cause problems. Angelica didn't know what to expect. Would he come home drunk, injured, or not come home at all?

"Another young woman was found dead this morning. I don't know what is happening in our town," Eva said, concerned.

Angelica was also becoming more concerned. They needed to find the killer soon before more women got hurt.

"My Lady," Thomas knocked on her door and stood at the entrance. He looked anxious. "Lord Rayven is here. He asked for your father and I told him he wasn't home. He is asking for you now?"

Angelica's heart dropped. Did her father not go to the castle? Then where was he and why was Lord Rayven looking for him?

"Did you invite him in?" she asked.

"Yes, but he refused my invitation. He is waiting outside."

"Alright, I am coming down," she said.

Did her father cause trouble? Dreading the worst, Angelica went outside to see Lord Rayven. Having to talk to him also made her anxious.

Lord Rayven stood beside his horse, carrying his dark aura as well as luxurious clothes. People called him the dark Lord after he moved into the wolf's den. Now she understood why he got that name.

His black eyes shifted to her as she neared, and her heart skipped a beat as she met his gaze. "Good afternoon, my Lord," she curtsied.

He narrowed his eyes, but didn't move.

"May I help you?" She asked when he didn't speak.

He made her more nervous than the King did.

"You may tell your father that he has duties as the chief commander of the Royal army. Neglecting his duties will have repercussions."

His voice. She became certain that she had heard it before, but where?

"I'll let him know," she said.

She knew that her father had caused trouble.

"And you brother…"

Oh no! What about her brother?

"He hasn't been attending his lectures."

"He has been ill, my Lord," she lied.

Lord Rayven's gaze darkened as if knowing that she was lying.

"If he wants me to train him, let him know that illness is no excuse to miss lectures."

He would train him? Angelica blinked a few times in disbelief. Her brother would be thrilled but… would Lord Rayven treat him well?

Wait! He said that illness was no excuse.

"You want him to train when he is ill?"

"Well, he is not dying." He nodded behind her.

Angelica looked back and saw her brother standing on the porch.

Feeling embarrassed, she turned back to Lord Rayven. Ignoring her, he climbed his horse.

"Are you looking for the killer?" she asked before he could leave.

He looked down at her, this time not with contempt. "There is no need to look when people already determined who the killer is." He said and then rode away.

It took a moment for Angelica to realize what he meant.

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