Heart Of Darkness Chapter 10


"I hope your father came home unharmed," the King spoke.

"He is alright, Your Majesty. Thank you for your concern." Angelica replied.

"Do you like watching fights?" He asked, turning to the arena.

"It is too gruesome for my taste, Your Majesty."

He chuckled. "I am sure William has a different opinion."

"I love it your Majesty. Thank you for inviting us," her brother spoke.

The King smiled his usual charming smile. There was something about when he smiled that seemed so genuine. It could be the reason her brother liked him, but Angelica would reserve her final thoughts about him.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted Veronica and Hilde watching her intently from where they sat amongst other noble women. She could also feel the other women watching her, wishing to be in her place. If they only knew that it wasn't the ideal place to be in. If the king tossed her aside after satisfying his curiosity, no other man would take an interest in her.

Angelica wanted to respectfully tell the King that he was ruining her chances of getting married if he had no interest in marrying her. The only thing that was stopping her from doing that was her brother. She had to think about her safety because she was the only one her brother could depend on and she didn't know if her words would offend the king.

The tournament began with a battle between groups of knights. The fight started between two groups representing their villages. Both groups paraded past the spectators shouting war cries to show off their coat of arms and armor. Then each side lined up and prepared for the charge. At the sound of the bugle, both sides lowered their lances and charged. The knights that remained on their horses would go back and charge again, and this would continue until one side won.


The crowd cheered loudly for the knights from their village or town. When the new groups of knights arrived on the field to fight, the King clapped. Angelica looked closely, wondering why. One group had the Royal symbol on their armor. They were from the King's town.

Angelica noticed how easily they defeated the knights in the opposing. She could tell they had special training.

"What do you think?" the king asked her, nodding toward the field.

"They are very skilled, Your Majesty," Angelica said.

She enjoyed it a little, even though she flinched every time someone got knocked off their horse. It looked very painful.

"But not something you wish your brother to do," he added.

How did he know?

"I wouldn't want someone I care for getting hurt for people's amusement," Angelica said.

"Fair enough," he said. "But without pain there is nothing to gain."

She could see her brother nodding in agreement beside her.

"Your Majesty, is Lord Rayven participating? I can't see him." William said, watching the knights.

Angelica looked for him amongst the knights as well. They were wearing helmets that covered their faces, but none had Lord Rayven's large frame. He would have easily knocked all of them down alone.

"Lord Rayven will participate in the single fights and the sword fights." The King replied.

William became excited and waited eagerly. "Which fights do you like the most?" He then asked her brother.

"I like the sword fights, Your Majesty."

"That makes two of us." The King smirked. "Lord Rayven will give us a good show."

Angelica didn't doubt his words. Lord Rayven looked like he could kill someone with his gaze alone. Everything about him screamed danger. No wonder the King kept him close.


"Your Majesty, is it still unsafe for young women in our town?" Angelica asked.

He nodded. "I am afraid it is. I would advise you to stay at home as much as you can."

"I heard that it could be an animal that is killing the women," she said, fishing for more information.

The king narrowed his eyes as he looked out at the battlefield instead of her. "You don't think it is an animal?"

It was like he knew her doubts.

"I have my doubts," she said.

He turned to her with a glint in his eyes. "Would you care to share them with me?"

"An animal wouldn't choose their victims depending on age and gender."

He nodded, "then it must not be an animal like some say."

Angelica got a feeling that he knew more, but was only testing her.

"I hope our town can return to being safe for everyone, Your Majesty."

One corner of his mouth lifted into that predatory smile as he leaned closer. "No one is safe in this world." He whispered close to her ear, then retreated to look into her eyes.

Angelica gazed into his blue eyes. It looked like they gleamed silver for a brief moment, or were her eyes playing tricks on her?

Suddenly the crowd cheered, shaking her out of her trance. Angelica's head turned to the battlefield, and she saw Lord Rayven entering with a sword in his hand. He wore no armor. He was dressed regularly. People would think that he came to watch the fight and not to fight. That was until they noticed the murderous look in his eyes and the scars that covered one side of his face.

Whoever was going to fight him would be terrified unless they were bigger and stronger.

William shifted in his seat and stretched his back and neck to see better. He was most excited about this fight. Angelica, on the other hand, felt like this would be unpleasant to watch.

The crowd chanted for blood as Lord Rayven walked to stand in the middle of the field. Angelica thought this fight would be an easy win for Lord Rayven until his opponent walked in.

Her eyes widened in shock.

Was the king trying to kill his man, or did Lord Rayven have a death wish?

This man was massive. He was even taller than Lord Rayven, and his arms were thicker than her waist. He walked in, his steps looking like they would break the ground beneath his feet. His big, bald head glistened under the sun and when he growled, she felt the vibration of his voice in her chest.

Leaning back in her seat Angelica watched, dreading the horror this fight would bring, but the crowd was excited and couldn't wait for blood to be spilled.

Lord Rayven didn't seem fazed at all. He looked almost bored while waiting for the big man to finish his act of appearing frightening.

"Are you sure you want to see this?" Angelica asked her brother.

"Yes," he said without hesitance.

Angelica took a deep breath and prepared herself to see more blood this time.

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