Heart Of Darkness Chapter 9


Angelica sat in her bed and watched the fire on the hearth while her thoughts drifted away. She kept repeating Lord Rayven's voice in her head, wondering why it sounded familiar.

Why did it feel like she had heard his voice before when she was sure she had never seen him speak?

She wouldn't forget such a voice so easily. It was deep and husky and pleasant to the ears. But the underlying threat and danger in his tone made her shiver.

She had watched him ride away on his horse into the darkness of the night. Something about him evoked many questions in her head. Who was he really? But most importantly, why did she care?

Putting aside the book that she hadn't been reading, she lay down to sleep. She had already waited long enough for her father to come home, and now her eyes refused to stay open. Soon after, she fell into slumber.

A loud voice woke her up early in the morning. Angelica felt relieved when she heard that it was her father who came home. He was loud, yelling and cursing, maybe even breaking things. The sounds of things crashing made her concerned.

Quickly, she slipped on her robe and rushed downstairs. Her father was now shouting louder at the maids and they were surprised to see him in this state. Her father never came home intoxicated, but now he was completely out of control and reeked of alcohol. He could barely keep his balance and stumbled left and right.

"Father." She hurried to his side and grabbed his arm to help him stand, but he pushed her away.

"He is coming." He said in a low voice.

His eyes searched the room in panic.

"Who is coming?" Angelica asked.

He shook his head. "No, he is already here. He is watching us all the time. He is ruling our kingdom."

Angelica was confused.

Her father turned to the maids, "he is in disguise. You won't even know when he walks past you."

Angelica didn't understand what he was talking about.

"I wasn't supposed to see him," he croaked, wrapping his arms around himself while shaking. "But I did. I looked into his eyes. I saw Him."


"Who is he?" Angelica asked.

Did he see the killer? Her heart skipped a beat.

Her father turned to her, the fear in his eyes evident.

"He… he is...he is the…" he started losing his balance and before Angelica could grab him, he fell unconscious to the ground.

Their butler, Thomas, helped move her father to his room where he could sleep. Anglica was surprised by everything that had happened and by what her father had said.

"Do you know who he might be talking about?" Angelica asked Thomas.

He shook his head. "No, my Lady."

"Could it be the killer?"

"Your father has been in the army for too long. I don't think he would be afraid of someone who kills women, but…" Thomas paused, looking thoughtful.

"But what?" Angelica almost demanded an answer.

"They say it is not a human who is killing the women. They believe it might be an animal."

An animal?

Suddenly she remembered the Kings words when he ordered Lord Rayven to escort her. He had said that Thomas wouldn't be able to protect them from "whatever" that was killing the women. Not whomever.

But this was still suspicious. If it was an animal, it should attack anyone and not just young women. Maybe someone was killing the women and making it look like an animal attack.

"What animal?" she asked.

"Maybe a bear or a wolf." He shrugged.

"Why do they believe it is an animal?"

"I am not sure, my Lady." He said.

"Let me know if you find any new information." She told him.

He nodded.

When she left her father's room, she was met by her brother, who woke up from the loud noise. "What is happening?" He asked.

"Father had a little to drink. He will be fine," she told him.

She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and led him away from the room. "Why don't you get ready and we'll have breakfast," she suggested.

"Alright," he said and went upstairs.

After getting ready for the day, they met at the dining table and had breakfast without her father.


"Can we go see the tournament today?" William asked.

Angelica didn't feel alright with leaving her father without knowing what had happened to him, but she also didn't want to make her brother sad. She knew how much he looked forward to watching the tournament.

"Of course," Angelica replied.

Seeing a smile on her brother's face brought her joy. William had no one but her. Angelica became sad thinking about it sometimes. He never got to meet their mother and their father was too busy being other things than a parent. She didn't want to blame him. He gave them a secure life, after all, and he cared in his own way.

After having breakfast, Thomas prepared the carriage and waited for them outside. Just when they were about to leave, a Royal carriage followed by two soldiers on their horses arrived outside the gates.

A soldier stepped down and walked up to her. "Are you Lady Davis?" He asked.

"Yes," Angelica replied.

"His Majesty, the King has invited you to accompany him at the tournament. We are sent to escort you." He motioned toward the carriage.

So the king was still curious about her it seemed.

"Well, I was about to take my brother to the tournament. I hope he can accompany me," Angelica said.

"If that is what you wish," the soldier spoke.

Angelica and her brother got into the Royal carriage and then they rode away to the tournament field.

When they arrived Angelica stepped outside and was surprised by how many people came to watch the fight. Many carriages stood outside and others just arrived. A green carriage caught her attention. She knew who it belonged to.

A well dressed Hilde stepped outside and looked around. Their eyes met, and Angelica felt the tension between them. That was before Hilde recognized the Royal carriage she came with. Then a slight frown settled between her eyebrows and animosity shaded her eyes.

Shortly after, Veronica stepped out of Hilde's carriage. To see them arrive together just confirmed that her friends were indeed meeting each other. She was the only one that no one came to meet.

For a moment, the guilt she had been feeling disappeared. Why should she feel bad when they had been treating her like a stranger? But still deep down, she dreamed of the friendship she had with them before things turned sour.

At first, Veronica smiled at her when she saw her but when she took notice of the Royal carriage behind, her genuine smile slowly turned into a pretentious one.

"My Lady, this way," the guard said motioning for her to follow him.

Angelica tore her gaze away from her friends and followed the guard. The tournament field was filled with people who came to watch the fight. The noble families sat separately from the peasants. The King, his men and the highest nobles sat separately from the rest.

The guard escorted her and William to where the King sat, surrounded by his men. He was talking to a few in a low voice when they neared.

"Your Majesty, Lady Davis is here."

The King stopped talking and turned her way. His eyes lit up and his lips curved into a smile.

"Your Majesty," Angelica curtsied.

"Angelica, I am glad you could come," he said.

He then looked at her brother. "William, I see you are doing your job as the protector. Did your father come home?"

"Yes, your Majesty." Her brother.

"Good. Please come and sit."

There were two empty seats, as if he knew she would bring William with her. Maybe Lord Rayven had told him.

Angelica went to sit next to the King and William sat next to her. Two of his men sat on each side of them. Angelica realized all of them were there except for Lord Rayven. She wondered if he would take part in the tournament.

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